
Welcome to my webpage! This is my 14th year and Hoggard and I currently teach AP Environmental Science (Fall semester) and Earth/Environmental Science (Spring semester). In addition, I am the advisor of the Pickleball Club and the Surfrider Foundation Club. My background is in Geology - I have both my Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Geology and a Master of Arts in Teaching. 

All of my course materials will be housed in Canvas. Students will usually have the option of submitting assignments either on paper or digitally, but Canvas is where to look if kids are absent. Click here for Directions for parents to sign up as an observer in Canvas.

Contact Information:

Email: Shari.Thompson@nhcs.net

Work Phone*: (910) 350-2072 Ext. 72287

* Please note that email is the best way to reach me because I am able to check it throughout the school day!

Daily Schedule:

1st period:       Honors Earth/Environmental Science

2nd period:      Earth/Environmental Science

3rd period:         Planning

4th period:         Earth/Environmental Science

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