This Week's Newsletter
A hard copy of the weekly newsletter will go home on Mondays, but I will also post it here.
Mrs. Korwatch’s 1st Grade - March 3-7, 2025
I have added dates to the sign-up genius through the rest of March if you’re interested in helping in the classroom. There is a second sign-up genius link regarding our St. Patrick’s Day party.
We have started prepping for March Math Facts Madness. I recently sent home an informational sheet about it, but let me know if you need the info again. I have pre-cut copies of flash cards. Just let me know if you’d like a set and I’ll send it home with your child.
Spring Pictures will occur on Tuesday, March 11. This will include our class photo together and individual pictures. Individual student photos will be of the whole body, so keep that in mind when planning your outfit.
This is Read Across the Waves week (our way of celebrating Read Across America). Mrs. Boos has several fun things planned this week, including the spirit days below:
Monday - Wear clothes with animals or animal print.
Tuesday - Wear your favorite color.
Wednesday - Wear workout or team clothes.
Thursday - Wear your favorite CBES gear or favorite school outfit.
Friday - Dress as a book character for our school parade at 8:45.
This Week’s Optional Challenges:
Students: March is the final month for Book It and those sheets are going home today. Return your February sheet by 3/12/25. Practice writing your trick words. Practice your math facts 0-20 addition and subtraction.
Family Members: Instead of asking your child, “How was your day?” here are a few different questions that may generate more in depth conversations about the school day.
What is something that you saw or heard that made you stop and think?
Teach me something that you’ve learned this school year.
What is something in your life that you feel lucky to have?
Important Dates:
3/3-3/7 - Read Across the Waves Week - Book Character Parade on Friday at 8:45
3/11 - Spring Picture Day
3/17 - St. Patrick’s Day party 12:30-2:00
3/21 - End of 3rd quarter and SeaStar Shuffle Fundraiser Fun Run
3/24 - Teacher Workday
3/27 - Report Cards go home
3/28 - March Math Facts Madness during recess
3/31-4/4 - Spring Book Fair
What will instruction look like in March?
Phonics will focus on units 9-10 of our Fundations program. Unit 9 will focus on words with closed and open syllables. We will also introduce vowel teams: ai, ay, ee, ea, ey, oa, oi. In unit 10, we will work on segmenting and blending words with up to 5 sounds, adding suffixes (-s, -ed, -ing), and vowel teams.
For reading and writing, we will continue with module 3 of Wit and Wisdom where we will focus on powerful forces. Students will discover the capacity of wind and the emotions it evokes. The familiar yet intriguing topic of wind introduces students to the key scientific concepts of weather and forces. Students learn sensory words to describe the invisible force of wind and explore how wind moves objects and generates power. As students study characters’ reactions to varying intensities of wind, they explore another invisible power: emotions. Students learn vocabulary to describe emotions and interpret stories. The module is an investigation of scientific and social-emotional topics.
In math this month, we’ll continue with Module 4 of our Eureka program. During module 4, students explore units within the context of measurement. After comparing lengths indirectly, students iterate length units, such as centimeter cubes and 10-centimeter sticks, to describe and compare lengths.
Our main focus in science will allow students to understand basic needs of a variety of plants and animals in different ecosystems . Students will also be able to analyze and interpret data to compare how the needs of plants and animals can be met in different environments.
In social studies, we’ll learn a little bit about the history of St. Patrick and do some cross curricular activities with literacy. We will also celebrate Women’s History Month by reading about women that have impacted our world!