School Counselor
Trask Middle School
Jessica Schubbe
School Counselor, Trask Middle School
910-350-2142 Ext. 76160
8th Grade
NHCS Special Programs Information
NHCS Specialty High Schools and Programs website
12/13/2024 Video Prompts are now available!
2/7/2025 Initial decision letters emailed - confirmation from students/families due by 2/13
2/14/2025 Second round letters emailed - confirmation from students/families due by 2/20
3/1/2025 - 3/21/2025 - Open Choice Window
10/28/2024 Parent letter sent home with information about Parent Information nights
11/4/2024 Students will watch the Signature Program Video in homeroom
11/6/2024 Representative will visit during lunch/recess to answer student questions about Programs
11/7/2024 Parent Presentation at Roland Grise 6-7:30 pm
11/12/2024 Parent Presentation at Minnie Evans Center 6-7:30 pm
Individual School Presentation Nights (all start at 6pm)
12/2/2024 Southeast Area Technical High School (SEA-Tech) (auditorium)
12/3/2024 Wilmington Early College High School (BB&T Auditorium - North Campus)
12/4/2024 Laney STEM (media center)
12/5/2024 Isaac Bear Early College High School (UNCW - Morton Auditorium) Park at Randall Library
12/9/2024 Career Readiness Academy at Mosley (media center)
12/10/2024 New Hanover Lyceum (cafeteria)
12/11/2024 Hoggard International Baccalaureate (cafeteria)
12/12/2024 Ashley Marine Science Academy (MSA classroom)
12/7/2024 Program Fair at BOE Bldg.
Trask Counseling Program Mission & Belief Statements
When you talk to the counselor, our conversations will be kept confidential with the following exceptions:
You are talking about hurting yourself
You are talking about hurting someone else
Someone is hurting you
You give me permission to share
Counseling Program Mission and Belief Statements
Mission Statement
The mission of the Trask Middle School's school counseling program is to deliver a systematic, comprehensive counseling program that encourages all students to maximize their potential in the areas of academic, career, and personal/social development.
Belief Statements
In light of the Trask Middle School Counselors’ commitment to helping students enjoy school and feel safe and in an effort to help them succeed, they set forth the following beliefs:
Trask Middle School’s Professional School Counselors believe:
· In developmental, preventative, and proactive education
· In applying knowledge of the latest research-based interventions fitting individual students’ needs
· In abiding by ethical and moral standards as outlined by the American School Counselor Association
· In providing all students access to a comprehensive school counseling program based on developmental needs and as data analyzed to determine appropriate interventions
· In providing a program that emphasizes academic, personal/social, and career development as outlined by the American School Counselors Association and North Carolina Department of Public Instruction Standard Course of Study
· In maintaining an awareness of their own social and cultural backgrounds and how their experiences influence their attitudes, values, and biases about psychological processes
· In the importance of how race, culture, physical and mental constitution and other areas of diversity affect personality formation and choices. The counselors understand that each can be indicators of strengths and difficulties in academic, career, and personal/social development.
Trask Middle School’s Professional School Counselors believe students:
· Deserve to feel safe and welcomed at Trask Middle School
· Should benefit from various support services provided by Trask Middle School’s Counselors
Trask Middle School’s Professional School Counselors believe staff members:
· Are their partners in facilitating guidance lessons
· Should provide flexibility in hosting Trask Middle School’s counselors when students would benefit from counseling, vocational, and academic support services
References Bowers, J. and Hatch, T. (2005). The ASCA national model: A framework for school counseling programs (2nd ed.). Alexandria, VA: American School Counselor Association North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (2009). Guidance Curriculum: Standard Course of Study Retrieved September 14, 2016 from