Coach Murphy 

P.E./Health class 


 Body Conditioning



Health/Physical Education / Body Conditioning / Cardio & Core  all teaches our students that quality health and safety principles can guide them to a lifetime of healthy practices, resulting in more productive, active, and successful lives. Hopefully this course can spark your interest or inspire you to live a healthier lifestyle so that you can encourage others as well. Come in with a positive outlook, an open mind, and a desire to be better. 


 About me

Hello everyone. My name is Mallarie Murphy. I am originally from Fayetteville, North Carolina. This will be my third year as a Laney Buccaneer.  I am entering my 10th year as an educator and former head coach of my previous school(s) girls basketball varsity and volleyball(JV and V) programs. I have an undergrad degree from Campbell University and a master's degree from Liberty University. My background is in Exercise and Sports Science.  I am excited to continue this journey of expanding your knowledge on everything related to health and fitness! I expect you to do your very best and I am available if you should need any help or assistance.

Go be great. Don't be average!

-Coach Murph