Services Offered

Classroom Lessons: 

I will be conducting Classroom Lessons for Second Grade, Third Grade, and Fourth Grade. I use a social-emotional teaching program called Sanford Harmony that cultivates strong classroom relationships between all students. The goal of Sanford Harmony is to implement specialized teaching strategies into classroom activities in an effort to develop children into tolerant, compassionate, and caring adults. 

Small Group Counseling:

I run small groups throughout the year. This is a good way for same-aged peers to learn a new skill that they can take back to the classroom or home. Examples of possible groups include: managing anger, building friendships/social skills, managing stress, self-esteem, etc.

Individual Counseling:

When students experience difficulties in life there is often an impact on their ability to be successful in school. I work with students to help them when they experience issues like divorce and/or family change, anxiety, grief, self-esteem, anger management, academic difficulties, friendship issues, etc. Referrals come from parents, teachers, or the student themselves. When working with students I maintain confidentiality unless allegations of abuse or neglect surface. If there is ever a time that parents need to speak with me regarding any issue, I encourage you to call or make an appointment.