Gary Francisco

Hey folks! Glad you could drop by!

I am Gary Francisco and I have been a school counselor at Roland-Grise Middle School for 25 years!!

This year I am the 8th grade counselor. All things 8th grade come to me!

This is a good school and I am proud to be a part of the RG family.

When I am not in school, I love spending time with my family, listening to music, and just being outside. There is nothing better than relaxing by the fire. And...we live at the beach! So, getting some sand between your toes is pretty cool as well.

8th Grade Knights > are you ready to come back to school?!? I hope you had a great summer break, but now that we are back, please be disciplined to attend school every day and do your work as you prepare for high school! It is also important to "unplug" and have some fun. Here are some suggestions on how to spend your free time:

> Rest...your brain and your body

> Read a book (or three) & listen to music

> Puzzles and games...a great way to get in some family time

> Play...outside! Ride bikes & skateboards, climb trees, chase squirrels, get dirty! It's good for you!!

> Unplug...limit your free time/screen time to 1 hour a day > you can do it!

Parents, I will be in my office and I will be online nearly every day and you may reach out to me via email at or call me at (910) 350-2136, ext. 75508.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, "You must do the things you think you cannot do."

Our world is going through some crazy times with the war in Ukraine, the pandemic still lingering, and unpredictable weather all over. Your world may be turned upside down too - maybe your parents are getting a divorce, or you lost a family member or a lovable pet, or you're anxiety about school is wearing you out. You may be thinking "how in the world am I going to get through all this?"

The good news are not alone! All of us go through difficult times. All of us are wondering what is going to happen next. The best part is...all of us are in this together! We must be strong. We must have hope. And sometimes...we must do the things we think we cannot do. YOU can do this! I am here for you! Come see me if you need to!