Hello! My name is Mrs. Owings and I am so happy to be in my second year at Laney High School.  Prior to Laney, I worked as middle school art teacher.  I love being a Buc!

I am passionate about art and the importance of art in the classroom.  During my time in college at East Carolina University, I earned two degrees in both Fine Arts with a concentration in painting and drawing and with a second degree in Art History.  I have been trained in various forms of visual expression, including painting, drawing, photography, ceramics, and sculpture.  My dual degree in art history also provides me with the necessary background to inspire students and share the historical and cultural aspects of art.   

As a teen myself, I had the benefit of an education where the arts were an important part of the curriculum.  I strongly believe that art in the classroom is necessary to create well-rounded students.  Art is a great way to develop motor skills, as well as encourage inventiveness and critical thinking.

Some activities I enjoy outside of the artworld include going to the beach, playing with my two rescue black labs(Winston and Nova), fishing, playing USTA and cooking.  I am also the Head Coach of the Women's Tennis Team here at Laney. 

I look forward to meeting you!