10/4/23 Start the Day on the Right TRACK (Teachers,
Relatives, and Castle Kids)
7:20-7 :40 - Parents arrive with their children
Children go to breakfast/classroom
Parents will report to the gym/cafeteria
7:40-7:45 - Announcements
7:45-8:15 - Title I Presentation for Parents
8:15-9:00 - Parents will report to classrooms
9:00 - AIG Parent Meeting
10/30/23 CHES Parent Conferences 3:00-7:00
10/31/23 NO SCHOOL - Teacher Workday -
CHES Parent Conferences
BOY Benchmark
mCLASS Benchmark Window ends 9/25
Aimsweb Benchmark Window ends 10/2
LETRS Updates
Pacing Guides