Greensboro Academy Athletics
BEFORE THE SEASON STARTS...Want to play? Follow these steps (click the links for forms).
You MUST have the below forms on file with the school before you may tryout/play for a school team:
1 - Click here to fill out the Concussion Form (not an online form - paper copy must be turned in)
2 - Click here Doctor & Parent Fill out the Sports Physical Form (not an online form - paper copy must be turned in)
3 - Sign-up to show intent to play/try out (Spring 2025)
4 - Turn in forms from step 1 & 2 to the front office or Mr. Kinlaw
Girls Basketball-Coach Pizarro
Tryouts will be held October 23rd and 24th from 3:30 to 5:00 pm. Students should bring a change of clothes, and basketball shoes to school. Students must have a completed concussion form and physical on file to tryout.
Girls Basketball Athletics Fee Payment Link
Boys Basketball-Coach Jones
Tryouts will be held October 28th and 29th at 5:15 pm in the gym. Students must have a completed concussion form and physical on file to tryout.
Cheerleading-Coach Marx
Tryouts will be held October 22nd from 3:00 to 5:00 pm and October 24th from 3:00 to 5:00pm. Students should bring a change of clothes, and athletic shoes to school. Students must have a completed concussion form and physical on file to tryout.
Cheerleading Athletics Fee Payment Link
Volleyball-Coach Shaw and Coach Clougherty
August 24th-Tournament at Phoenix
Volleyball Registration Fee Payment Link
Boys' Soccer - Coach Lacz
Tryouts will be held on Thursday, 8/22 from 3:30 to 4:45 at GA on the back field. Students should bring a change of clothes, shin guards and cleats/soccer shoes to school. They will be able to stay after school, change clothes and will be taken to tryouts at 3:30.
Cross-Country-Coach Henz
Practice begins after school on Monday, 8/26 - 3:45 - 4:45. Students will stay after school and should bring a change of clothes - wear a good pair of running shoes.
Cross Country Registration Fee Payment Link
Schedule below (Subject to Change):