
Te Kura Tuarua Kōhine Ki Ahuriri


Empowering ākonga to achieve success and fulfilment, for themselves, whānau and community

Message from our Tumuaki

It has been fabulous to celebrate the wonderful achievements of our ākonga recently. We congratulate our Ad Lucem choir for their success at The Big Sing, our Showquest  crew for their recent performance, and our speakers who represented Napier Girls’ at the Manu Kōrero competition last Friday. Ka rawe!

Our whakataetae competition was one of the best yet - congratulations to our house leaders for all that they did in leading such mahi. Well done to Marohi for winning all of the 5 categories and overall first place - ka mau te wehi! They were closely followed by Auaha in 2nd place, Māia in 3rd, and Niwha in 4th. Every house should be proud of their efforts. 

Our combined Kapa Haka rōpu are gearing up for Nationals held in week 9. We wish them all the best for their campaign. 

Our PTA is also in full swing organising the Affordable Art Exhibition. Our PTA at Napier Girls’ High School play a crucial role in supporting and enhancing the educational experience of our ākonga. The PTA is dedicated to fostering a strong partnership between parents, teachers, and the wider school community to ensure the best outcomes for all. 

The PTA’s main fundraiser is the Affordable Art Exhibition, an event that not only brings the community together, but also showcases and sells affordable artwork. This event is essential as it raises significant funds that benefit all students. The money raised supports various school programmes, in particular around wellbeing, and provides additional resources that directly enhance student learning. 

The dedication and hard mahi of the PTA members is deeply appreciated by us. Their continuous effort and commitment makes a significant difference in the lives of our students, contributing to a positive and nurturing school environment. Ngā mihi.

Supporting the PTA and its initiatives like the Affordable Art Exhibition is not only an investment in the school, but also in the future of the students. We look forward to seeing you at this event. 

Wishing you all the best for the last three weeks of the term.

Mrs Dawn Ackroyd

Phone: 06 835 1069   Web: www.nghs.school.nz   Main Office email: nghs@nghs.school.nz   Principal's PA Email: dmcpherson@nghs.school.nz

Important Dates Coming Up


Sunday 16 - Friday 21: Year 11  Hillary Outdoors Leadership Camp

Thursday 20: PNGHS Exchange, Napier

Friday 21: Sunday 23: Affordable Art Exhibition, school hall

Sunday 23 - Friday 28: Kapa Haka Nationals

Wednesday 26: Board Meeting

Thursday 27: Young Enterprise Launch Day

Friday 28: School and Hostel closed - Matariki

Sunday 30: Hostel reopens 3pm - Supervised study on Monday


Monday 1: School closed (Hostel open) - Distance Learning Day - Senior Parent-Teacher Meetings

Wednesday 3: Music Performance Evening; Attitude Presentations for Years 9-13

Thursday 4: Loves Me Not Programme for all Year 13 ākonga; Hui-ā-whānau

Friday 5: End of Term 2

Saturday 6 - Sunday 21: School Holidays

Friday 26: Year 10 Future Focus Morning 

Friday 26 - Sunday 28: NZSS Swimming Champs, Wellington; 

Saturday 27: School Ball for Year 12 & 13

Achievements and Celebrations

Ngā Manu Kōrero

Four of our ākonga took part in Ngā Manu Kōrero regional speeches last Friday at the War Memorial. They were Rangimarie Takurua  (Year 11) in Senior Māori; Abby Morunga (Year 13) in Senior English; Keira Hetariki (Year 10) in Junior English and Perseyyus Matene-Naera (Year 10) in Junior Māori.

Rangimarie was placed second overall in the Senior Māori section, after a win in the Prepared Speech, and a second in the Impromptu Speech. Keira also came second in her section,  and Abby placed second in the Impromptu Speech.

We are so proud of all their efforts and results. Ka mau te wehi!

Thank you to the teachers, students and whānau who came to support the speakers. Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou.

International Languages Week 

From the 10th till the 14th of June, NGHS celebrated International Languages week. This was a fantastic opportunity for our diverse students to celebrate their language, heritage and culture. It was awesome to see the amount of student participation in the numerous activities we had going on including students teaching students a little of their languages. We’ve had some action-packed days with daily quizzes, making “pan con tomate” and “agua de lima”, learning to sing in Finnish with Mr, Nyberg, dressing in Japanese Yukata, origami and challenges picking up M&Ms with chopsticks. The highlight of the week though, was undoubtedly the House language quiz. There was a great atmosphere around the school and lots of enthusiasm from participants. It was great to witness so many students confidently showing off their language skills and working together in the short video and poster submission. The Language department would like to thank all the students and staff who helped organise, lead, and support International Languages week. Your enthusiasm and involvement made it a great success. 

Mr Strahan Winchester - Head of Languages

Hākinakina  -  Sports

East Coast North Island Cross Country Race

Congratulations to Paige Dobson who placed 1st, and Zita Meo who placed 2nd in the junior girls' 3km race. Paige now heads to the national cross country event in Christchurch this weekend.


The Hawke's Bay Poverty Bay senior gymnastics champs were held this weekend at Napier’s Omni Gym with gymnasts from Hawke's Bay, Gisborne, and the Lower North Island.  Many girls from NGHS competed including:

Ormlie Van Veldhuizen in Step 9; Penelope Fowler in Step 8; Lucy Bickers and Nylah Burkett in Step 7; Bella Huang and Ava Gleeson in Step 6; Ivy Uri in Step 5. 

Many of these girls placed and came away with medals and Penelope was awarded the HBPB senior vault cup. 

Fitness and Conditioning

This week we started a four week trial for fitness circuits (Wednesday lunchtime) and CrossFit

(Thursday mornings - 7am) in the upstairs gym. Ākonga can email ethornton@nghs.school.nz if they are interested.

Netball Representatives

Congratulations to the players named in our Hawke's Bay U18 Black representative team for 2024. Ka Rawe! Congratulations also to those players who have been named in our Hawke's Bay U16 White & Hawke's Bay U16 Black representative teams for 2024.

Rugby Representatives

Congratulations to our kōtiro - Briar Hales and Pippa Giddens - for being selected to play for the Tui Invitational XV squad, who played against   Manawatū  over King's Birthday weekend.

Adventure Race 

Last Sunday 9th June, we had two teams enter the HB Schools' Urban 3 hour Rogaine. Well done to our ākonga. Our senior team consisting of Isla Harrison and Anatea Caviale-Delzescaux came 2nd. Our junior team - Baylee Atkins, Ali Edwards, Isabelle Finnie - came 4th.

Congratulations to Ms. Annie Creagh who also entered the mixed teams open grade and won the  whole event.


Basketball is well under way on Monday nights. Ngā mihi nui to our community of coaches, teachers, and student coaches who have volunteered their time and effort to develop our Napier Girls' basketball programme: 

Clifton Bush Jr

Ginny Clarke-Lloyd

Mrs Petera

Jordan Pomana

Joe Hitchcock

Annabella Stewart (Year12)

Hayley Mackintosh (Year 12)

Renee Rarere (Year 13)

Mrs MJ Durkin - Head of Sport

Toi Whakaari  -  Performing Arts

Sheilah Winn

The national SGCNZ Sheilah Winn Shakespeare Festival took place over Kings’ Birthday weekend. We had six amazing students attend the festival. Their performance of Macbeth was flawless and they had an absolutely positively amazing weekend in Wellington, performing at the St James theatre.  The students also received an award for the best technical performance - it must have been the moody lamps, black cloaks, and drumming that helped secure that award. Well done to Mikyla Jelliman and her cast for producing such a stunning piece and a massive thank you to the parent help for making the trip possible.   Our own year 10 student, Eleanor Deed, placed 3rd in her art work submitted as part of the competition. Well done Eleanor, we are very proud of you! 

Eleanor Deeds' Macbeth static image whice was awarded 3rd place

Chamber Music

What a special day our young chamber musicians had at The Blyth Performing Arts Centre on Wednesday 12th June. We took 13 talented groups, 32 students in total, to compete in the competition. 

There were 31 groups from various Hawke's Bay schools and the competition was of a very high calibre. Every one of our students performed extremely well and treated the audience to a range of beautiful ensemble music. I am so proud of each and every one of them.

I want to acknowledge all the mahi and time these students have invested in bringing their pieces to performance level. I would also like to thank the support we received from our students' whānau and our itinerant music teachers.

The regional finals were held on Thursday 13th at the Blyth at 6.30pm. Congratulations must be extended to 2 of our groups:

McLeod’s Daughters: Erica Harrison (piano), Renee Seymour (flute) and Tiaki McArdle (voice), performing a selection of waiata from He Wakaahua o Maru composed by Jenny McLeod. They were awarded the New Zealand Music Award.

Perfetto Quartetto: Isobel Stubbs, Eva Aparicio Pierard, Connie Zeng and Javier Aparicio Pierard (Napier Intermediate), performing a string quartet piece Desde Espana con Amor, composed by Eva and Javier’s grandfather who resides in Spain. They were awarded the Hawke's Bay IRMT Encouragement Award.

Both groups performed extremely well and we are so proud.

Ms Tess Tobin - HoLA Performing Arts

Umanga  -  Careers


A lucky group of Year 12 students attended the Graeme Dingle Foundation event, Futureopoly, at the Hastings Showgrounds on the 5th June. This is a highly engaging careers event that uses gamification to connect students in a fun and interactive way with local employers who are keen to share their insights and experiences from the world of work. The students really enjoyed it, and learnt a lot about a variety of careers. It is based on the game of monopoly, and students earnt houses, hotels and trains for interacting and asking questions. They then got to cash in their stickers for food and other prizes which they really loved!


University of Canterbury Information Evening

UC is hosting an information evening for students and parents at the Napier War Memorial & Conference Centre on Tuesday 25 June at 6.00pm. If you are interested in heading along, more information and the link to register can be found here

Waikato University Information Evening

Waikato University is hosting their information evening for students and whānau on Wednesday 26 June from 6.00pm - 7.30pm at the Napier War Memorial & Conference Centre. If you are interested in attending to learn more about their campus, facilities and courses, follow the link here

Auckland University Information Evening

Auckland University is hosting their information evening for students and whānau on Thursday 27 June from 6.00pm - 8.00pm at the Napier War Memorial & Conference Centre. If you are interested in attending please follow the link here

Tertiary Open Days

Tertiary Open Days give students and parents the opportunity to explore the campus and experience first-hand what the tertiary environment is like. You are invited to visit special displays and presentations and explore the various facilities students use. We recommend that the students go to the tertiary open days as it is an important part of the decision-making process. 

Below are the Tertiary Open Days for 2024:

19 July:  Lincoln University

7 August:  Massey University - Manawatu Campus

16 August:  Massey University - Auckland Campus 

23 August: Victoria University

23 August: Massey University - Wellington Campus

24 August: Auckland University

24 August: AUT

30 August: Canterbury University

EIT Poster to add to back of 31 May edition.pdf

University Scholarships for Year 13 Students

MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2025. The comprehensive list includes scholarships offered by every university as well as those specifically available to local students.  A list of privately-funded, Māori, Pacific and International university scholarships completes the list.

Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available. MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success. 

For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit the MoneyHub Scholarship page

Mrs Caroline Johnson & Mrs Debra Verhoeven - Careers Advisors

Tremains Affordable Art Exhibition

AAE comms P1.pdf
AAE comms P2.pdf

Parent/Teacher Interviews

A reminder that Senior Parent/Teacher Interviews are on Monday 1 July. It is also a distance learning day for all students.

10am - 2pm  Online interviews

3pm - 6.30pm  Face to face interviews at school

Booking via the SchoolBridge platform will go live shortly.

Student Absences

As we head into the winter months and there is a resurgence of COVID-19, here are a few reminders about reporting absences and the implications for students completing NCEA assessments: 

When a student is absent, the parent/caregiver is requested to contact the Student Liaison Officer with the reason for absence on that day: 

phone (06) 835 4199, text 021 477 550 or email absentee@nghs.school.nz

An easy way to do this is via the Schoolbridge App, pushing Report Absence and then selecting from the options. 

If the absence is due to medical reasons and/or COVID-19 please state that clearly. 

For students who are missing NCEA assessments or are requesting an extension we do usually ask for a medical certificate to support the application. We appreciate that this is sometimes not possible in which case students need to communicate in the first instance with our Principal’s Nominee Rachel Roberts 

For students who are absent due to COVID-19 we would expect this positive result to be logged on your My Health Record and for the absence notification to us to clearly state COVID. 

Student health and wellbeing is a priority and if your daughter is symptomatic and unwell please keep her at home. 

Planned Absence from School (Leave Request) and NZQA Assessments

If parents know in advance that their daughter is to be absent from school, for example for sporting or cultural participation not organised by the school, or a family event or holiday, an email should be sent to the Student Liaison Officer (absentee@nghs.school.nz) or a Planned Leave Request filled out via the Schoolbridge App. This needs to be applied for at least one week in advance of the absence. This enables the Principal to ensure that the absence will not unduly affect the student’s education. 

Each case is dealt with on its individual merits. The request will be deemed as either “approved leave” or "explained" as per Ministry of Education regulations. It is the student's responsibility to liaise with their teachers regarding any missed school work. Please note that a holiday taken during term time is  an “explained" absence.

If the student will be missing an assessment due to "explained" leave it is likely to result in a 'not achieved' grade. Please note that "explained" leave is not an acceptable reason to have an extension or a new assessment date for any NZQA assessments. 

Uniform Shop Update

Uniform Price Increases

Due to uniform suppliers price increases, as from 5 June 2024 there will be some changes to existing selling prices.

Please click here for the new prices.

Celebrating 140 Years

Phone: 06 835 1069   Web: www.nghs.school.nz   Main Office email: nghs@nghs.school.nz   Principal's PA Email: dmcpherson@nghs.school.nz