
Te Kura Tuarua Kōhine Ki Ahuriri


Empowering ākonga to achieve success and fulfilment, for themselves, whānau and community

Message from our Tumuaki

Tēnā koutou katoa.

Welcome to term two.

I trust you had a good break over the holiday period and are enjoying the wonderful weather we are having. 

Welcome to new staff who join us this term:

Judy Mackie, Finance Assistant - Judy will be overseeing the Hewett House Hostel accounts.

Rachael Murphy and Lyndie Balfour are helping out with teaching English.

Esther Thornton joins our Sports Department, as we farewell and thank Nic Anderson for all that she has done for sports at NGHS - in particular for netball.

Rachael Mockford and Alan Powdrell are assisting in Social Sciences. Rachael is covering for Nigel Mannering who is on sabbatical leave, and Alan is covering for Yvette Douglas for the term. 

Caroline Johnson will be acting Deputy Principal for five weeks while Mrs Mannering is absent. 

We wish all our new staff the best as they join our kura.

What a fabulous busy start to the term we have had with the stunning production of the NGHS/NBHS musical 'Chicago'. The expertise and professionalism of our staff has been outstanding. Congratulations to Producer - Tess Tobin; Director - Amy Edwards; Musical Director - Chris Atkinson; Choreographer - Emma Dolley; and Performing Arts Co-ordinator - Jo Cullen. The students involved are to be commended for their wonderful performances reflecting their commitment. The acting, singing, dancing, music, set, lighting, and costumes were stunning. Thank you to all who supported the show, and a special mention to our PTA for their Red Carpet Gala event. The final performance of Chicago is on tonight at 7.30pm. It's not too late to purchase your tickets! Get them from Ticketek or the Napier Municipal Theatre.  

Last week staff and students represented our school at the ANZAC Day services held in Napier, Taradale, Kaiuku Marae, Mahia Peninsula, and Ngā motu, New Plymouth. This was an opportunity to respectfully remember the men and women who served our country over 100 years ago. It is also a time to think of those who strive to cease current conflicts across the globe. 

"It isn't enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn't enough to believe in it. One must work at it."  - Eleanor Roosevelt

The world's need for peacemakers does not seem to be diminishing. Examples of hostility and bloodshed, and the associated effects are never far from view. Seeking to understand difference, not condemn it, is the art of peace-making. At our kura we encourage our ākonga to seek out empathy, tolerance and understanding, and to consider how they can contribute to a more peaceful and just society. As ever, such a practice should be undertaken every day. 

As we head into term two, we are embracing the wonderful learning opportunities ahead. I encourage our ākonga to set new goals for themselves and to continue to approach their studies with the enthusiasm and positive attitudes they display. 

Ngā mihi nui

Mrs Dawn Ackroyd

Kei wareware tātou   Lest we forget

Phone: 06 835 1069   Web: www.nghs.school.nz   Main Office email: nghs@nghs.school.nz   Principal's PA Email: dmcpherson@nghs.school.nz

Important Dates Coming Up


Tuesday 7:  Cross Country Champs (an email has been sent)

Tuesday 7:  PTA Meeting, 7.00pm in the NGHS staffroom, all welcome

Thursday 9: Youth Expo for all Year 11 students (an email has been sent)

Thursday 9: Year 13 drama production 'Cage Birds' - 6.00pm, The Little Theatre

Wednesday 15: School finishes at 12.00pm for all students (due to PPTA Paid Union Meeting)

Thursday 16: Pink Shirt Day - whole school dress-up day, gold coin donation

Friday 17: Tauranga Sports Exchange

Friday 17 - Sunday 19: Duke of Edinburgh Silver Practice Tramp, Mt Holdsworth

Tuesday 21 - Wednesday 22: Literacy & Numeracy NCEA Co-requisite Assessment for all Year 10 students and some Year 11 (an email will be sent)

Thursday 23: Junior Parent-Teacher Meetings. School finishes at 12.15pm for all students.

Friday 24: Showquest, Toitoi

REMINDER: PPTA Union Meeting

On the afternoon of Wednesday 15 May the Napier Girls' High School branch of the PPTA will be attending a regional Paid Union Meeting (PUM).

Under the terms of the Collective Agreement, PPTA members are entitled to attend this meeting.

Most of our teaching staff are members of the PPTA, so our students will be released at 12.00pm that day.

Buses will depart school at 12.15pm, except the Bay View bus which will depart at 12.30pm.

Students are asked to go straight home on that day and not to go into town in their school uniform.

Supervision will be provided should you wish your daughter to remain at school that afternoon - please notify us via email: absentee@nghs.school.nz


Audrey Anna Robin

Year 11 Speech Finals

On the last Friday of term one, Year 11 students were entertained by our year group speech finals. Six students competed to be named best kaikōrero, each of them impressing with their polished performances and original and engaging ideas. 

Based on the film they had studied this year, the speakers were required to respond to a decision made in the film. The speeches examined how the decision was made, the film techniques used by the director to present it, the ramifications of the decision, and the way the decision affected the student personally. 

Zara Taylor thoughtfully explored the effects of guilt in ‘The Truman Show’, while Rangimarie Takurua looked at Mary Jackson’s courage in ‘Hidden Figures.’ Jade Black-West bravely chose to present her character Katherine Johnson’s decision in the form of a powerful first person monologue. 

The place getters, however, were Naomi Gould in third place. She used her discussion of ‘The Truman Show’ to highlight the need for all of us to be up-standers in our lives. Second place winner, Lucy Simpson, was able to bring her unique experiences growing up in Australia to comment on the impact of the Stolen Generations on Aboriginal Australians in ‘Rabbit Proof Fence.’ 

The victor, however, was recent Race Unity speech winner, Audrey Anna Robin. Audrey Anna won the competition with an accomplished performance, combining masterful presentational skills with sophisticated ideas. Inspired by Jim Carrey’s character in ‘The Truman Show’, she exhorted her audience to rebel against injustice in all its forms. 

A special thanks to our six contestants, our judges Mrs O’Sullivan and Mrs Douglas, and all of the Year 11 students who supported their peers in the competition. 

2nd Place

Lucy Simpson

3rd Place

Naomi Gould

Mr Andre Prichard - Assistant HoLA English

Toi Whakaari  -  Performing Arts


Chicago's Opening Night certainly Razzle Dazzled the audience.

The night opened with the Red Carpet Gala event, which was fantastically put together by our incredible PTA. A huge thank you to all of you for your mahi towards the success of this. The lead roles graced the foyer and mingled with our sponsors and guests before delighting the audience with their vivacious acting, dancing, and singing skills on stage.

This is an apt time to thank our awesome sponsors. Without your support, many aspects of the show would be more challenging to achieve. We appreciate this immensely.

What a show. What a story! The cast and crew did not leave any stone unturned when it came to delivering this musical. So much energy pulsated on the stage and in the wings. The audience were delighted with the delivery of the iconic songs and dances. The feedback was remarkably sanguine and certainly well-deserved by all involved. Audience members were left with so many memorable moments.

Hats must be tipped to the amazing production team. Amy Edwards certainly inspires the students with her creative directing, managing to bring so much life to the stage. What is in this amazing woman’s head is dazzling. Chris Atkinson, as Musical Director, steers the melodies and harmonies into delightful sounds which fill the auditorium, and Emma Dolley choreographs the cast to move like professionals and the timing and actions were so on point!

Everyone involved has every reason to be proud of their accomplishment. The support from staff and whānau was overwhelming, and there are many personnel to thank. Please note we acknowledge the mahi you volunteered.

With one final show to present, the excitement continues to climb. What a delight to see the cast and crew of 80 members grow so close and create so many memories.

Until next time...

Ms Tess Tobin - HoLA Performing Arts

Hākinakina  -  Sports

Hockey Pre-Season

1st XI Hockey had a 2-2 draw against Fielding High for our first game of the season in the last week of term one.

In the first week of the school holidays, many of our top hockey players headed to Auckland to take part in the St Cuthbert’s ANZAC Hockey Festival. This was a valuable pre-season opportunity to play some of the strongest school teams in New Zealand and we were delighted to win 4 out of 6 games. 

On Tuesday afternoon, two of our players, Taryn Hayes and Wikitoria Tamati, played in a special match against Festival Old Girls' which included several current Black Sticks. 

In the evening, there was a dinner and quiz where our players could socialise with members of the other teams. 

Ngā mihi nui to our coaches Dom Cresswell and Raechel Hayes, and Mrs Roberts, the team manager, for their time, energy and support. 


Congratulations to former NGHS futsal players Jamie Evans and Milla Green, who have both been named in the NZ Uni Futsal team.


During the second week of the holidays, our sailing team competed in the 2024 NZSS Team Sailing National Championships in New Plymouth, finishing 6th in the bronze fleet, and 4th school women’s team nationally. Ka rawe!

It was a fabulous event with 260 sailors from Wanaka to Kerikeri. At times it was very physically demanding in winds of up to 35 knots, (races should have a maximum wind strength of 20 knots) causing dozens of boats to capsize. However, we capsized only once all week and our sailors remained in great spirits.

Thanks again to coach Mr Otto.

thanks to the NAPIER RSA who covered 

our entry fees for this event

Canoe Racing

NZ Nationals event held 19 – 21 April

NGHS had three students representing Hawke’s Bay; Abby Gold, Kaia Hohaia-Hall and Greer Hambleton.

All contributed to the success of the region with Hawke's Bay sending their largest team ever to the nationals. 


Greer Hambleton:

Gold - U14 K1 2.5km

Silver - U14 K1 500m, U14 K2 200m (teaming up with Kaia), U14 K2 500m (teaming up with Kaia), U16 K4 200m (teaming up with Kaia and two other HB athletes)

Bronze - U14 K1 200m, U16 K4 500m (teaming up with Kaia and two other HB athletes)

Member of the Club Relay team that placed 6th

Kaia Hohaia-Hall:

Silver - U14 K2 200m (teaming up with Greer), U14 K2 500m (teaming up with Greer), U16 K4 200m (teaming up with Greer and two other HB athletes)

Bronze - U16 K4 500m (teaming up with Greer and two other HB athletes)

5th – U14 K1 200m

7th – U14 K1 500m

Abby Gold:

7th – U18 K2 200m, U18 K2 500m

4th – U18 K4 200m, U18 K4 500m


Tuesday 7 May - NGHS Cross Country Champs 

at Park Island

Friday 17 May - Tauranga Sports Exchange in Taupō 

Thursday 20 June - PNGHS Sports Exchange in Napier


Congratulations to Anika Barham and Graecyn Parahi who completed the 2024 National Development Camp on 26-27 April.


Congratulations to our ākonga who have been selected for the HB U18 women's team:

Year 13 - Willow Barker, Taryn Hayes, Wikitoria Tamati

Year 12 - Lucy Angland, Anania Tamati-Herrick, Grace Livingstone, Julia Schottek

Student Coach Support

On Tuesday, we had 22 netball and hockey students coaches attend a Sport Hawke's Bay, Hawke's Bay Netball and Hawke's Bay Hockey collaboration (and first ever) Hawke's Bay Student Coach Day.

This opportunity was designed to provide development and support for students coaching in a secondary school environment.  During this session student coaches had the opportunity to coach and receive examples of skills/drills as well as a coaching diary to support them with their coaching journeys for 2024 and beyond! 


Congratulations to former NGHS hockey player Ruby Roberts (pictured on right), who recently played in the NZ U21 North v South series. Ruby was part of the South team taking the series win. Both Ruby and Hannah Cotter have been named in the NZ U21 squad for this year.                                           


A heartfelt farewell to our wonderful sport co-ordinator, Nic Anderson, who is leaving after 3 years with the sports department. The staff and students have much appreciation for the time and energy Nic has given to NGHS. This includes leading and developing the netball programme, new initiatives such as the Year 9 'give it a go' sessions, and growing NGHS volleyball to impressive participation levels! 

Nic, you will be sorely missed but exciting new endeavours lie ahead.


Welcome to Mrs Esther Thornton (pictured right), who will be the administration lead of the netball programme with the assistance of Tracey Bedford, who will be the face of NGHS netball on Saturday mornings, supporting our junior coaches.

Mrs MJ Durkin - Head of Sport

Umanga  -  Careers

Tertiary Open Days

Tertiary Open Days give students and parents the opportunity to explore the campus and experience first-hand what the tertiary environment is like. You are invited to visit special displays and presentations and explore the various facilities students use. We recommend that the students go to the tertiary open days as it is an important part of the decision-making process. 

Below are the dates of the Tertiary Open Days for this year:

24 May:  Waikato University (Hamilton Campus)

26 - 27 May:  Otago University and Otago Polytechnic 

19 July:  Lincoln University

7 August:  Massey University - Manawatu Campus

16 August:  Massey University - Auckland Campus 

23 August: Victoria University

23 August: Massey University - Wellington Campus

24 August: Auckland University

24 August: AUT

30 August: Canterbury University

University Scholarships for Year 13 Students

MoneyHub, a consumer finance website, has published a guide to hundreds of scholarships for any student planning to start university in 2024. The comprehensive list includes scholarships offered by every university as well as those specifically available to local students.  A list of privately-funded, Māori, Pacific and International university scholarships completes the list.

Applications close throughout the year, with tens of millions of dollars available. MoneyHub has also published a list of tips for scholarship success. 

For more details and to find suitable scholarships, visit the MoneyHub Scholarship page

Mrs Caroline Johnson & Mrs Debra Verhoeven - Careers Advisors

Parent Teacher Association (PTA)


We would love to be able to put some Affordable Arts Exhibition billboards up around Hawke's Bay. 

If you would be willing to lend us some fence space, please contact:

Kirsty or Lennard McLaughlin  

phone/text 027 213 0478 or 027 289 7127

email lennard.mclaughlin@icloud.com

Celebrating 140 Years

Phone: 06 835 1069   Web: www.nghs.school.nz   Main Office email: nghs@nghs.school.nz   Principal's PA Email: dmcpherson@nghs.school.nz