To facilitate the submission process and the subsequent follow-up process, please consider the following guidelines, information, tips, terms and deadlines mentioned.

Mode of presentation : Oral presentation / Poster Presentation

Steps to follow for abstract submission

Once you prepared your abstract according to the given guidelines,

  • To Submit your abstract, please fill out the following google form.

  • Last date to submit the abstract is 5 January 2023.

Submit your abstract

Basic Format for Abstract

  • Title of the abstract: Times New Roman, Font Size - 16 pt;

  • Authors of abstract: Times New Roman, Font Size - 14 pt;

  • Authors affiliation: Times New Roman, Font Size - 12 pt. Italics;

  • Body of Abstract: Times New Roman, Font Size - 11 pt. Abstract maximum 300 Words (Strictly)

General Instructions

  • All submissions must discuss original research, not published or currently under review for another conference, workshop, or journal. Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to attend the workshop and present the paper.

  • Corresponding Author(s) must determine the originality of the contents and bear all the issues related to plagiarism in the order to maintain high standards. The author(s) should deliberately follow the scientific research methodology to uncover the truth and argument the impact of the work.