Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year

Welcome to the 2019-2020 School Year!

Dear 2B Families,

Welcome to second grade! This is going to be a very busy and exciting year—one in which I am very much looking forward to. I can't wait to get to know your children and help them grow with the many fantastic academic and social opportunities they will engage in throughout our time together.

With this letter, I wanted to reach out to you with a few notices.

· Your child will be issued a KIT Book. Please check it each night. The first pocket is labeled “Behavior Calendar” (which will be issued next week) so you can keep track of your child’s behavior in school. The next page is labeled “Take Home” where you will find any communication from NFCS or myself for you to review. The other side is labeled “Give to Mr. Neswick,” which is for anything you are returning to me (notes, permission slips, forms, letters to the office, dress down day money, etc).

· If you are making payments for anything related to school, please send in the payment in a sealed envelope with your child’s name, purpose, and amount. This envelope should be placed in the “Give to Mr. Neswick” part of the KIT Book.

· Class Snack: We will be having a snack break each day in the afternoon. Please understand that students are to have healthy choices during daily snack time, but these items need to be peanut free. Permissible items include fresh fruit, vegetables, crackers, yogurt, applesauce, Goldfish, pretzels, and tortilla chips. Non-permissible items include, but not limited to, cookies, potato chips and similar products, chocolate products, Rice Crispy Treats, “fruit” roll-ups and chews, etc. Students may have a drink in class, but highly sweetened beverages will not be permitted, such as soda, Hugs, iced tea, Gatorade, Powerade, etc. Additionally, because of many leaks (almost daily), water bottles will not be allowed in 2B this year.

· Your child’s physical education class is scheduled for “E” days. Students are required to wear their gym uniform on “E” days only, unless otherwise permitted to for other NFCS sanctioned activities.

· The best way to contact me is through my NFCS email account. I usually check my account once before 8:00 am, at 3:15 pm, and in the evening before 9:00 pm. I will reply to your messages as soon as I am able to. You can email me at anytime, but please do not send changes to your child’s dismissal in an email (see next point). Please use rneswick@nfcs.k12.pa.us to contact me.

· Dismissal: If you need to change your child’s dismissal after the school day has started, CONTACT THE MAIN OFFICE AND THEY WILL NOTIFY ME OF THE CHANGE. DO NOT SEND AN EMAIL BECAUSE I MIGHT NOT READ IT BEFORE DISMISSAL, AND DO NOT LEAVE A VOICE MESSAGE BECAUSE I MIGHT NOT HEAR IT BEFORE DISMISSAL. If your child has a change to their dismissal routine that you know of in advance, send in a note with your child. Finally, I cannot accept a verbal message from a child that he/she has a change to their dismissal routine.

· Birthdays: We celebrate birthdays in class. On these occasions, we do allow sweet treats like cupcakes and munchkins. We have 27 kids enrolled in class, so plan accordingly.

There may be a few things I’ve overlooked, so I will update you with notifications. Until then, I would again like to welcome you to what I know will be a great year working together.


Mr. Neswick