Class Photos

Saving sam challenge

Third graders accepted the challenge to save poor Sam and showed a growth mindset and the power of perseverance even when things are tough.

M&M concequences & 7UP WRITING

M&M consequences- every decision we make has either a positve or a negative consequence. In this activity they got to choose how many M&M's they wanted. I didn't tell them what for. Then they were told that they had to write one thing about themselves for each M & M they took.

7UP Writing- We try to make 7UP sentences which have 7 words in each sentence. Adding adjectives and adverbs when needed.

friction ice skating

What happens when you try "ice skating" with different materials under your feet?

glow day

We made learning fun by adding black lights and neon to our math!

first week of snow at recess

A benefit to mask is that they keep our faces warm at recess!

Reading book clubs even while learning remotely.

Sharing Snowy group members were still able to meet even while some members were at home.

We still get to see our friends and chat about books!

Using new tools to share our thinking

We have been learning how to use Adobe Sketch as a learning tool. This is how we use character sketches for our book club.

Thank you veterans!

Biographies and historical Gingerbread men & women

Winter Concert

Winter Projects

working hard on our parent gifts

Listening to Debate Podcasts and Getting Ideas for Opinion Writing!

Using our measuring skills to measure beanstalks with inches and centimeters.

Painting kindness quotes on rocks for Kindness Week.

Go Nighthawks!

Area & Perimeter


Noxious Weed Poster Contest Winnner!

Community Clean Up

A story from mrs. mosman

Spring Concert