Q: Will a game timer be required?

A: Yes.  Games must be completed within a 4 hour time limit.  This timer begins at the time the game is scheduled, so it's recommended that you try to arrive early enough to set up and be ready to play at your scheduled time.   League officials may adjust game timers at their discretion.

Q: Can Legends models be used?

A: No.

Q: Can I use Battlescribe to create my list?

A: Yes.   You can copy/paste the list or export it as a pdf and upload it.

Q: Is it okay if we go a couple of points over 2000?

A: No.  All army lists must be 2000 or less points.

Q: Is the battle time limit for the whole battle, or will each player get a total of 2 hours?

A: Players will not need to track time individually, rather the entire game should be completed in less than 4 hours.  This is more of  a scheduling concern than anything else.  If you feel that you will be unable to complete your game within the 4 hour time limit, please notify a tournament organizer or other Nexus Staff Member.

Q: Will we be using Secret Missions?

A: No.

Q: How will terrain work?

A: For ease of play and consistency across the campaign, we will be treating any terrain taller AND wider than 2" as "Ruins".  Any terrain that is 2" or less in height and/or width will be treated as standard terrain for its type.  If there are any questions regarding terrain, ask a Campaign Manager or discuss it with our opponent and come to an agreement BEFORE that game begins.

Q: How does Sportsmanship work

A: After each battle, both players should submit a sportsmanship score for their opponent.  This is done by scanning the QR code at the bottom of the battle report.  Sportsmanship scores will be added to each players Campaign Total at the end of the campaign!

Q: How do Battle Reports work?

A: Prior to starting your game, you will need to locate the pre-printed battle report form for your specific game.  Ask a staff member if you cannot find your report form.   Each turn, notate the number of primary and secondary victory points achieved by each player.  This should be discussed and agreed upon by both players before the start of the next turn!  Each player will earn a bonus of 10 VP if their entire army is painted and table ready.  Additionally, Primary and Secondary VP will be divided in half for the first turn of the campaign to offset the potential advantages (or disadvantages) of the random draw.

Q: How is victory determined and does sportsmanship play a part in that?

A: Victory is determined by adding up Primary VP, Secondary VP, and the Battle Ready bonus.  (Note that primary and secondary VP are cut in half during week 1).    Sportsmanship points are not added to this total when determining victory of any particular game, but are added to a players overall total when determining overall League Placement.

Q: What happens if my opponent concedes?

A: If the game has already started and one player concedes before it is over, the conceding player will keep any Primary or Secondary victory points they have earned prior to conceding and will record the battle as a "Loss".  The other player will play out the remainder of the game earning whatever Primary or Secondary victory points they can earn with the units and time they have remaining.

If a player concedes prior to a match or fails to show for a scheduled game, that player will record that game as a 0 point loss.   The remaining player will record the battle as a win, however the number of Victory Points they record for the game will be tabulated later as an average of the points they earn in the rest of the campaign.

Q: What happens if all of a player's units are destroyed before the end of the game.

A: If all of the units on one side are destroyed, the player with units remaining should continue to play, trying to score as many Primary and Secondary victory points as possible with the time and units they have remaining.