Important Notices


We wanted to address some queries that have been shared with us with regards to school uniform, when standard uniform needs to be worn, when PHE kit can be worn and additional considerations that need to be taken into account.

Firstly we want to reassure you that we have heard your concerns with regards to the light colour of the shorts and the difficulty this can cause for some learners. These concerns have been raised by staff and leadership before and it now feels like the time to start to enact change.

To respond effectively we have started the process of reviewing the uniform, however any changes decided on cannot be immediate and will take time.

As we work through the review please be aware of the following:

  • Our current uniform with khaki shorts remains our standard uniform

  • We recognise there may be occasions where learners cannot wear their regular uniform - black PHE shorts may be worn at these times.

  • Secondary learners are always expected to change for PHE

  • Primary learners may come to school in their PHE kit on days they have PHE

  • Primary N-Y2 learners may come to school in PHE kit if they have an after school sport CCA

  • Primary Y3 - Y6 learners are expected to bring their PHE kit into school to change, for after school sport CCAs or ACSIS (this will be facilitated at the start of the session)

We hope this helps to clarify the queries you’ve had and lessen any anxiety. We look forward to working with you as we consider the best future uniform for our learners.

Snacks & Lunches

Nexus International School (Singapore) aims to be a healthy eating school and we ask that parents help us to achieve this.

During morning snack time and prior to registration we allow fruit and cut vegetables, yoghurts or cereal bars with water or fruit juice for a healthy and nutritious snack. This snack should be brought in from home. Alternatively, children in Years 3 to 6 can purchase healthy snacks from the Level 5 Cafeteria. Please ensure that snacks are kept in a different container to the packed lunch boxes.

Children are required to have a water bottle in school at all times. Water is available all the time and learners can fill up their water bottles from our filtered fountains. Children have easy access to the water fountains in all our learning hubs.

Learners are monitored in the cafeterias and are expected to sit whilst they are eating and remember their table manners. They are also expected to tidy up after themselves. Parents will be advised if their child is not eating well at snack or lunchtime. Please speak directly to your child’s class teacher if you have any concerns around their eating.

A number of children and staff have severe nut allergies. For this reason, our cafeterias do not sell any products containing nuts. We would also like to request families not to provide their children with nuts or products containing nuts in their snack or lunch boxes. This is particularly true for our younger learners who are always interested in what other children are eating.

To encourage children to become more independent in their eating habits we have in place the following developmental approach:

  • Nursery, Kindergarten, Years 1 and 2 learners use their own dedicated cafeteria on Level 1. All children are asked to bring their own morning snacks and for lunch children will either have a packed lunch or a pre-paid school meal.

  • Children in Years 3 to 6 have the option of bringing their own morning snacks and packed lunch. Alternatively, they can have a pre-paid school meal or purchase snacks and lunches from the cafeteria on Level 5. We will help them make healthy choices.

Friday morning break time is ‘treat time’ and children in Years 3 to 6 may purchase snacks from the full range available in our cafeteria (at morning break only). This includes pastries, crisps, doughnuts and cookies. Children are not allowed to bring chewing gum, sweets, candy, chocolates, bubble gum and fizzy drinks to school.

The cafeteria operator has a dedicated email ( to order the pre-paid meals and answer any queries you have. The pre-paid meal is available on a monthly basis and must be ordered before the start of each month. The cafeteria menus are all available on our website.

Phone & Smart Watch Reminder

Primary learners are not encouraged to bring mobile phones, smart watches or electronic devices to school.

Some children bring these devices in order to communicate with parents on their journeys to and from school.

All devices must be given to homeroom teachers at the start of the day. They will be kept in a locked cupboard and returned at the end of the day. If a child needs to contact a parent/guardian during the school day they will be asked to go to Learner Services, where a member of staff will make the call on their behalf.