Hello everyone, we hope you are all okay and have enjoyed last weeks home learning. I have seen some lovely things being posted on Tapestry and Twitter from some of you. Its nice to see you at home enjoying the activities. This week is all about Dear Zoo written by Rod Campbell , you all already know this book so maybe you can teach your grown ups at home all about it . Have another great week of learning.

Miss Swan

Story and Song of The Week

Story of The Week


Song of The Week

Sing to the tune of '1,2,3,4,5 , Once I Caught A Fish Alive')

1,2,3,4,5 , wait for my pet to arrive,

6,7,8,9,10, will I send it back again?

Why did you send it back?

I was scared it could attack.

So, will you keep this one ?

No, it is grumpy and no fun.



This week is all about positional language (prepositions)

Find and animal in your house from the story Dear Zoo (if you have one) if you do not have one just use any object.

for example, I'm going to use the puppy in my questions. Ask your child to follow you instructions as follows :

  1. Put the Puppy in the bath

  2. Put the Puppy on the stairs

  3. Put the Puppy under the chair

  4. Put the Puppy next to the Television

  5. Put the the Puppy on the table

You can use any object for this and change the places I have asked them to put the object its just the prepositions that should stay the same e.g in , on, under, next to, in between etc. You could ask the questions first and then your child could tell you what to do next. Do not worry if your child does not understand this, keep practising each day and the will begin to pick his is and become familiar with the preposition language.

Language and Communication

Can you add your own animal to the story?

Draw the picture and think of a sentence to go with it, I asked for a ……… but it was too ……… Parents you can write this for them if they can think of something to fill in the blanks with.

Continue to share your favourite nursery rhymes with your family. How many nursery rhymes can you recite on your own? I’d love to hear some on tapestry!

Lets Get Messy

Handprint art

What animals can you make out of your handprint?

Post your marvellous creations to Tapestry or twitter or email

Health and Wellbeing

#Covid-19 and Lockdown is a very strange time for us all. It is really important we look after ourselves and those we love. Think about all those happy memories you have shared with your family in the past 8 weeks and write each one down on a separate piece of paper. Place each one in a jar and keep it somewhere safe. Add to it as the weeks go on. Once this is all over, you can have a look back at all of those memories you made.

Finding Things Out

When you are in the bath can you test out some different objects/toys from around your home to see if they float or sink?

Out and About

Explore your garden looking for different minibeasts.

Draw what you find !

Expressive Art and Design

Can you create a simple bug hotel.

Have a hunt through your recycling and see what you could use to make a hotel for the bugs in your garden.

Fill it with any nature you find in your garden; grass, moss, bark, twigs, leaves, pine cones etc.

Music and Movement

listen to the different music videos , how do they make you feel ? does it make you happy, sad, relaxed etc . have a little dance , you could even put on your favourite song and have a boogie!

Kims Game

Watch the video recording , have a good look at all of the animals, can you guess which ones are being taken away?

how good is your memory?
