

Continue to learn your 9 times tables with this activity sheet. Why not have a game of Hit the Button to see how great your skills are?!

9 Times Table Investigation.pdf


Look, cover, write, check

Spelling Week 2.docx


Letters from the lighthouse.pdf

Watch the video of Mrs Marshall reading Chapter 9 – Attack on all fronts of 'Letters from the Lighthouse' by Emma Carroll that has been emailed to you. Complete the writing activity.

English Tasks.pdf


This week, make sure you have submitted your competition entry!

Labcoat Design.pdf
Labcoat Design.pdf

Competition Time!

We are entering the Baylab Science Competition with a chance to win science resources for our school!

Your task is to design a science lab coat of your own with the theme 'What Science means to you'.

Be as creative and colourful as you like! The more eye-catching, the better!

Your design needs to be returned to your teacher by Friday 12th March at the latest. Good luck!