Week 7

what can grow?

Hello Everyone,

We hope you had a lovely half term break and that you are refreshed and ready for some more remote learning.

This week we are starting our new topic - What Can Grow?

There are 2Dos set on Purple Mash and new activities on Doodle Maths so remember to log in and have a go.

Enjoy your learning and remember to send us lots of pictures, via email, Twitter or Tapestry.


Timetable for SITE

Please click on the image above to see this week's suggested timetable. Click on the days of the week at the top of the page to take you to the lessons and the resources for that day.

WEEK 7 Activities

Spring 2 Week 1 Remote Learning .pdf

Here is a suggested overview of what to do each day Please click on the image above to see this week's learning activities. To support with these tasks there might be extra resources you can find in the DAILY TASKS at the top.

Action words

Week 7.MOV
Week 7.MOV

This week we have some new words for you to learn.

Practice your action words everyday by watching this video or using the words in your word wallet.

Free E-books to read

Create a free parents account and read a range of books online

Safe online search

Use this child friendly search engine to do your research this week