Week 4

Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Hello Everyone!

We have really enjoyed looking at all of your pictures you have been sending us. Don't forget that you can send them via email, Twitter or Tapestry.

We are so PROUD of how hard you are working at home.

Enjoy your week 4 learning and we look forward to see what you get up to.



Session 1- Numberblocks

Each week we are going to focus on a different number and think about the different ways we can represent numbers. For example, you can represent numbers on your fingers, a dice, tally chart, ten frame and Numicon.

Why don't you watch episodes 'Two' of Numberblocks to learn all about the number 2.

Can you find two things in your house?

Can you draw 'two'? You could draw dots, lines or use stickers to show this.

Can you represent two on your fingers? What do you have 'two' of on your body? (2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 hands)

Join in with one of our favourite number rhymes below and represent how many frogs there are.

Session 2 - Expressive Arts and Design

Can you use some boxes, tubes and cartons from your recycling box and make Goldilocks her very own house?

What could you use to join the boxes together?

Is there a door for Goldilocks to get in?

Who will live in the house?


Session 1 - Literacy

Listen to your teachers reading the story 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears'. If you have a copy of the story at home, read it with your grown up.

Can you retell the main parts of the story? Who is in the story? What happens? We would love to see a video on Tapestry, Twitter or email.

Using the attached pictures, cut out the different events that happen in the story and put them in order.


Session 2- Physical Development

Follow the link and join Jonny with his music workouts.

You will find a number of free videos to watch on the homepage.

There are also many Jump Start Jonny videos on Youtube.


Session 1- Numbers

Using any loose parts such as pasta, buttons or small toys from around your house. Give your child a number 1-5 (showing them on your fingers can help recognise the number) and ask them to represent the number on the 5 frame.

E.g Can you show me 3 on your frame? (Child will then count 3 objects on to their frame) Please note that only 1 object goes in each box.

As an extension, if your child is confident to 5, extend the same activity to the 10 frame.

Another challenge, if you have a dice at home, would be to roll the dice and your child to recognise what number the dice pattern is showing, and then putting this number on their frame.

Can you put a given amount on your 5 frame.docx

Session 2 - Science

Can you make some bubbling hot pretend porridge?

Here is a little experiment to try at home. What happens? What can you see?

Tell your adult what you did and what happened next.

Extension: Can you think of your very own potion? Draw your ingredients in the pot and tell your adult what your potion does.

Make Your Own Bubbling Eruption.docx


Session 1- Literacy

Using prepositional language from last weeks learning. Can you describe where your teachers are hiding in Nursery?

Tell your adult in a full sentence. E.g: Mrs Cole is ON the table. Miss Moffitt is UNDER the sand tray. Miss Baxter is BESIDE the painting station.

Session 2 - Health & Wellbeing


Session 1 - PSED


When Goldilocks went to the house of the bears and ate the porridge, broke the chair and slept in the bed. How do you think the bears felt? Were they happy or sad?

How do you think Goldilocks feels when the bears chase her out of the house?

Can you make a poster to help the bears find Goldilocks.


Session 2 - Music and Movement

Listen to the music below, how does it make you feel? Can you dance to it? How would you dance to it?

You could use scarfs or ribbons at home if you have any.