Hello Everyone!

We have really enjoyed looking at all of your pictures you have been sending us. Don't forget that you can send them via email, Twitter or Tapestry.

We are so PROUD of how hard you are working at home.

On Friday 12th February 2021 it is Chinese New Year, a celebration we love to learn about in Nursery. Lots of our learning this week is linked to Chinese New Year. Have a great week boys and girls!



Session 1- Numberblocks

Each week we are going to focus on a different number and think about the different ways we can represent numbers. For example, you can represent numbers on your fingers, a dice, tally chart, ten frame and Numicon.

Why don't you watch episode 'Four' of Numberblocks to learn all about the number 4.

Can you find four things in your house? Take a photograph of a set of four objects to send to us at school.

Can you draw 'four'? You could draw dots, lines or use stickers to show this.

Can you represent four on your fingers?

It is Chinese New Year on Friday, a celebration that we love to learn about in Nursery. Below I have attached the symbol for number 4 in Mandarin. Can you copy it?

Session 2 - Expressive Arts and Design


Can you design your own dragon mask?

You can then use this later in the week to do some dragon dancing to music.

You can use the template provided or if you have a paper plate in your house. You could cut some eye and mouth holes out and decorate it yourself.


Session 1 - Literacy

Listen to Mrs Cole reading the story 'Oi Frog'. It is full of rhyming words. Rhyming words are words that sound the same.

Miss Moffitt and Miss Baxter have also read you a rhyming story this week. (Scroll to the bottom of our site to find them)

Using the attached cards, cut them in half, jumble them up and then match up the rhyming pairs.

I have also attached some pencil control sheets to the email, for you to practise your pencil grip and control.


Session 2- Physical Development

Can you move around your house like a Chinese dragon?

Use your mask that you made on Monday and you could drape some material around your shoulders, as you move your body pretending to be a dragon.


Session 1- Shape

Listen to the song about 2d shapes. Can you name each shape?

How many sides does it have?

How many corners does it have?

Look around your house, what shapes can you see? Take some photographs of shapes around your house to send to us at school.


Cut out the shapes and see if you can make a dragon out of them. Name each shape as you use it in your picture.

What other pictures can you make out of your cut up shapes?

E.g. Can you make a house or a tree?


Session 2 - Science

Can you try out this simple experiment at home?

What do you think might happen?

Do you think the empty cup will fill up?

How will the water get to the other side?

Tell your adult what you have watched happen.


You could also try adding rainbow colours to each end of the kitchen roll. You need water in each glass for this activity.

Watch to see what happens.


Session 1- Literacy


Read your favourite story with an adult.

What is your favourite story?

Why is it your favourite?

What part of the story do you like?

Who is in the story?

What happens?

Can you draw a picture of your favourite story . An adult can scribe what you say about it.

Session 2 - Health & Wellbeing

When celebrating Chinese New Year at school, we always try eating noodles with chopsticks. Here is a vegetable stir fry recipe you could try and if you have any chopsticks at home, have a go at eating your noodles using chopsticks.


Session 1 - PSED

Watch the videos below to find out all about Chinese New Year.

Can you tell your adult something you have found out?

Is this celebration similar to a special celebration within your family?

Do you know which animal is special this year?

Session 2 - Cutting skills

Can you practise your cutting skills whilst making a Chinese lantern.

Use the template and cut along the lines carefully. You can colour in your lantern and ask an adult to help put it together.

We would love to see a photograph of your lantern.


Listen for the rhyming words in each story.


Free E-Books to read at home