The Gruffalo

Hello Everyone , one more week to go until half term after this week. We have nearly made it to half term and we have not seen any of your lovely faces yet ! We are really looking forward to you being able to be back in nursery again. This week is all about the Gruffalo , you have all heard this story before but it is quite a long one ,enjoy listening !

Story of The Week

the gruffalo.MOV

Song of The Week

The Gruffalo He has terrible tusks and terrible claws and terrible teeth in his terrible jaws. He’s the Gruffalo, Gruffalo, Gruffalo. He’s the Gruffalo. He has knobbly knees and turned-out toes and a poisonous wart at the end of his nose. He’s the Gruffalo, Gruffalo, Gruffalo. He’s the Gruffalo. His eyes are orange. His tongue is black. He has purple prickles all over his back. He’s the Gruffalo, Gruffalo, Gruffalo. He’s the Gruffalo, Gruffalo, Gruffalo. He’s the Grr...rr...rr...rr...ruffalo

Physical development

If you have some playdough , press it down onto the table and put in some dried spaghetti , try threading cheerio's or pasta onto the spaghetti.

Practise those fine motor skills!!


Can you stamp your big Gruffalo feet and count as you stomp? stomp around the house, stomp outside or stomp up the stairs. Keep practicing your counting to ten! You should all be amazing at counting to 10 by the time you come back to nursery. Me and Miss Tully can not wait to hear you counting .

Out and About

Go out on a winter walk , what can you see , what can you find. Look for a spiders wed, can you find and ice or icicles, talk to your parent/carer about what you can see and hear .

Find a stick while you are out , turn it into a magic wand. Collect leaves, flowers and natural objects to stick onto your wand. You could even add some ribbon, wrapping paper or craft materials to your stick.

Lets get Messy

Try making your own playdough at home with your adult. after you have made it you can try making the animals from the The Gruffalo story . Send me some pictures of you making the playdough and what you have made .

Health and Wellbeing

Whit Toowhoo Sandwiches

Take two slices of bread and fill with your favourite filling, Cut the two bottom corners off to create a triangular base. At the top of the sandwich, remove the crusts and round off the edges so that you have a rounded top. Place two slices of cucumbers, topped with carrot slices and blueberries as the eyes. Using carrot slices and a sharp knife cut out a triangle for the owl's nose and the feet. To create the wing effect simply pull the bottom triangles out as in the picture.

Music and Movement