Arts & Crafts
Paper butterflies
Folding butterflies... How cool is this, seriously?!
Someone special has been teaching us a new skill this term: we have learned how to fold a butterfly! Look at these videos: can you teach someone new how to fold their own butterfly?
As part of our science unit, we took this opportunity to learn about butterflies and how useful they are in helping plants grow.
β Head over to our science page to learn more...
Fraction artwork
We have been making birds using our knowledge of fractions. Can you try and make another animal from home? What other shapes could you use?
Henri Matisse
Room 2 went on a wonderful adventure: we went to France and met the great Henri Matisse! Well, we did not actually go, but we did learn about how he became interested in arts and why he drew busy designs and interesting shapes!
We had a look at examples of Matisse's work, read a story, and started thinking about how we could do our very own artwork. We explored the use of shapes, and practiced our cutting skills to glue our shapes onto black paper.