Woodberry Down NEWS

Friday 26th April 2024

A Message From Mr Hewie

With two weeks of the summer term already behind us, so much has happened at Woodberry Down.  I am sure that the children have been coming home to tell you about their new Science and Geography topics and about the books they are sharing with their teachers in class.  I would like to remind our families that we have listed the books your child will read in their class this year on our website.  It is always helpful for the children to read or share these stories with you before they read them in class.  The names of these books can be found in the classes pages on the school website.  Just choose your child's year group and click on curriculum.

We have recently written to our Year 5 families to inform them of our upcoming residential trip to Ashford in October.  The children will start Year 6 with a four-night residential trip to Kingswood House in Ashford Kent on 21st October.  We are always keen to ensure that our children are able to experience a residential visit and that they can continue to take part in this.

In the meantime, I wanted to thank you for continuing to support the school, for attending parent workshops and recommending the school to friends and family.  We are incredibly fortunate to have such an incredible and supportive community.  Please continue to avoid driving and parking on our street to ensure the safety of all of our children at the beginning and end of the school day.

Best regards, Mr Hewie

Upcoming diary dates at Woodberry down

Tuesday 30th April - WAMHS Parent Well-Being Group begins with Dr Joseph Vacher 9.00am - 10.00am 

Tuesday 30th April - Reception Scooter Training 

Wednesday 1st May - Reception Scooter Training 

Wednesday 1st May - Year 1 Families Come Dine with Me (10 tickets available) 11.30am 

Friday 3rd May - Year 3 Year Group Assembly 

Monday 6th May - School Closed Bank Holiday Monday 

Tuesday 7th May - Class 5W Geography Fieldwork- Haringey Green Lanes and Arena Shopping Centre 

Wednesday 8th May - Class 5B Geography Fieldwork- Haringey Green Lanes and Arena Shopping Centre 

Thursday 9th May - Class 5D Geography Fieldwork- Haringey Green Lanes and Arena Shopping Centre 

Wednesday 8th May - Year 2 Families Come Dine with Me (10 tickets available) 11.30am 

Friday 10th May - Year 2 Year Group Assembly 

School Attendance

During the week ending 19th April, the classes with the best attendance were:

EYFS - Gold Class 92.1%  

KS1 - 2W 98.7%

KS2 - 3B 99.1%

During the week ending 26th April, the classes with the best attendance were:

EYFS - Gold Class 97.1%

KS1 - 1W 95.6%

KS2 - 4W 98.5%

As always, we wish to be clear that we know that those children who attend school regularly achieve better results before leaving primary school and therefore enter secondary school at a better advantage.  Children with lower attendance are less likely to leave our school prepared for the next stage of their education. 

If your child is unwell, you must contact the school as soon as possible to inform us that they will not attend school on that day.  We appreciate you support and with this matter.  You can reach the school by using your MyChildAtSchool app.

Summer term geography

We're excited to share with you what our students will be exploring in geography this half term at Woodberry Down. Here's a glimpse into the captivating topics each year group will be delving into:

👧👦 Year 1 - The United Kingdom:

Our young explorers will embark on a journey across the beautiful landscapes of the United Kingdom. From the rolling hills of the countryside to the bustling streets of iconic cities, they'll discover the wonders of our home country.

🌦️ Year 2 - The Weather:

Year 2 will be immersing themselves in the world of weather, learning about different weather patterns, climate variations, and how these elements shape our environment and daily lives.

🏞️ Year 3 - Rivers:

Join Year 3 as they follow the meandering paths of rivers! From the source to the mouth, students will explore the significance of rivers and their role in shaping landscapes. 

🌎 Year 4 - North and South America:

Year 4 will be crossing the Atlantic to explore the diverse continents of North and South America. Our students will uncover the geographical wonders and cultural richness of these vibrant regions.

💼 Year 5 - Trade:

Prepare for a global exchange! Year 5 will be diving into the world of trade, examining the intricate networks that connect nations and the impact of trade on economies, societies, and the environment.

🤝 Year 6 - Sharing Our World:

Following SATs, Year 6 will be exploring the theme 'Sharing Our World. Students will reflect on how we share our world with others and the responsibilities that come with being global citizens.

We're excited to embark on these geographical adventures with our students, fostering curiosity, understanding, and appreciation for the world around us. Please talk with your children about their learning and encourage them to conduct research at home and complete home learning projects!

YEAR 6 news from Miss Nazu

As we are approaching SATs, I thought the following would be great to share with parents/carers.


The Year 6 Team were excited to welcome back our pupils this week. It was refreshing to see how well rested and ready they are for the summer term. As we approach the SATs exams for our Year 6 pupils, we wanted to share some helpful tips to assist your child in preparing for these assessments. SATs are an important milestone in our pupil's educational journey, and your support can make a big difference in their confidence and performance. Here are some top tips to help your child succeed:

We believe that with your support and guidance, our Year 6 pupils will approach the SATs with confidence and perform to the best of their abilities. 

Computing information from Mr Pavela

We're diving into a world of creativity and innovation with a range of exciting topics for our pupils to explore.

Year 1 - Digital Writing:

Writing has gone digital! In our digital writing sessions, our pupils will begin to familiarise themselves with a keyboard, keypad and making changes to text.

Year 2 - Digital Music:

Get ready to compose and create with digital music! Students will explore the magic of music production, learning how to craft beats, melodies, and even entire songs. Who knows, we might have some future music producers among us!

Year 3 - Desktop Publishing:

Ever wondered how books, magazines, and posters are made? Our desktop publishing sessions will uncover the secrets! Students will learn to design eye-catching layouts, add images and text, and create their own digital publications.

Year 4 - Photo Editing:

Let's bring out the photographers in our students! In photo editing, they'll learn how to enhance and transform photos using software tools. From adjusting colors to adding fun effects, the possibilities are endless!

Year 5 - Vector Drawing:

Art meets technology in our vector drawing sessions! Students will discover the world of scalable graphics, creating everything from simple shapes to intricate designs. It's a fantastic way to unleash their artistic talents digitally.

Year 6 - 3D Modelling:

Prepare for a journey into the world of 3D! In our 3D modelling sessions, students will learn to sculpt, shape, and build in three dimensions.

Summer 1 Mathematics

The summer term has started with many new and exciting topics in maths.  Maths does not Only happen in classrooms at Woodberry Down, the return of the 'Solve It' competition has brought a huge smile to all the children's faces of KS2.  Children have the opportunity to answer maths based questions during playtime, entries are then posted into their year group 'Solve It' box, where winners are drawn from at the end of term for a very special prize... 

This past week year 2 have been learning about money! They have been comparing the value of coins and working out amounts of change given.

This week in year 5 the children were excited to learn about conversions.  This included converting units of time from seconds into minutes and hours, as well as converting units of distance from centimetres and metres into kilometres and units of mass.  The children really enjoyed engaging in this experience and answered problem solving questions based on real life situations.  The fun activities really solidified their learning and enabled them to develop this crucial skill for their mathematical development.

Year 3 news from miss boon

It has been a wonderful return to school after the Easter break and a joy to speak to the children about their break and the books they have read.  The children have returned with their growing love for reading blossoming.  We have settled into our reading lessons, immersing ourselves into our new reading texts.  With some of our youngest learners eagerly applying their sound knowledge to decode during their RWI lessons to our oldest readers enjoying Windrush Child by Benjamin Zephaniah and what a pleasure it has been to be part of this.  The children continue to enjoy being read to, independently reading and being given opportunities to role play their favourite characters in stories.  This continues to help children build their understanding and develop empathy. This has all been possible by their positive attitudes and love for reading.

Outside of the classroom, I have spotted many children reading around the school which is amazing to see.  As always, children have been actively using our school library to read with their peers, reading in the playground at break times, on the bus on the way to school trips and even on the climbing frame!  As we all know, we can read almost anywhere and we are all readers.  To embrace this, there is a little challenge to read in unusual places.  If you spot your child reading in an unusual place, please take a photo and share this with me, Miss Boon. I would love to see the unusual places children find to read.  To start the challenge, I found a Year 3 child reading upside down on the climbing frame!  I am eagerly looking forward to discussing the books children are currently reading and their unusual reading spots!

Year 2 news from Mr Waldon

Year 2 has had a very busy start to Summer 1.  We have continued our exploration of plant growth, and have been particularly impressed with how tall our runner beans have grown.  For Writing Week, we wrote stories based on the novel 'After The Fall', written by Dan Santat. Children were excited to join their new Read Write Inc groups and have started the term reading fluently and with expression.  In mathematics, the focus shifted to shape and symmetry, where students looked at the properties of both 2D and 3D shapes. They also had the opportunity to explore whether real life shapes have lines of symmetry.

SEND Questionnaire 

We are still seeking further feedback on how we support children's mental health and wellbeing at Woodberry Down.  If you can take the time to complete a parent questionnaire, we would be very grateful, as your views are so important as we plan forwards. Please scan the QR code below. 

We would like to invite you to a set of four parent workshops that will be held across the term, beginning this Tuesday at 9am.  This first session will be led by Dr Joseph Vacher, our WAMHS support worker, and focus on supporting your child's emotional well-being.  Please see the poster below, which details the dates of the other sessions and areas of focus. We hope to see as many parents as possible on Tuesday.

Year 5 news from Miss Onyeanusi

The children in year five have been using their knowledge about the Earth’s rotation to explore time zones.  They were fascinated to learn that when it is daytime in countries like the UK and Spain it is night time in Australia.  They also applied their geographical knowledge about lines of latitude to calculate the times in different countries.  They were able to apply real life examples of countries that were ahead of the UK in time, like China and Nigeria, and countries that are behind the UK in time, like Brazil and the USA.

The children have also had the opportunity in their DT lessons to learn about seasonal ingredients.  They were able to explore familiar ingredients like sweetcorn and cucumber, and new ingredients like oregano and spring onion.  Through hands-on cooking activities and discussions about the importance of balanced nutrition, students develop a deeper understanding of healthy eating habits and the role of seasonal ingredients in supporting overall well-being.

Finally the children have been working hard to explore characters in their new writing week book, ‘When Stars are Scattered, ‘ through dialogue, images and descriptions.  There has been lots of book talk and sharing ideas to inspire the children in their own writing.

Nursery News

This week, the Nursery children who are moving up to Reception soon have been so busy.  They've been working on their independent activities within the provision, learning to write letters from their names, and have been transitioning into the classroom calmly.  What a great start to the summer term. 

This week our children took a big step into the main playground for the first time.  As you can see, the children were very excited and very brave!  We've been going for short sessions with lots of staff support, to ensure that the children are safe and happy. We're so proud of our nursery children.

Wellbeing at Woodberry Down

During the Summer term, our PSHE topic will be ‘Relationship Me'.  Each year group will be focusing on a different aspect of how to have positive relationships with families and friends. In the Early Years, the children are learning to identify why friendships are important to us. 

Year 1 are exploring how to recognise valuable individual qualities in a person and a friend. Year 2 are identity things that cause conflict in a friendship and ways in which to solve issues that arise.  Our Year 3 children are discussing the concept of ‘stereotypes’ and how this can lead to assumptions about one another.  

Year 4 pupils will be investigating how to show appreciation and gratitude to the people in their lives.

The Year 5 classes are exploring the importance of standing up for yourself as well as reaching a compromise with those around them. Finally, our Year 6 pupils are examining the importance of taking responsibility for their own safety and wellbeing. 

We encourage you to talk with your child about their PSHE learning and what they can do to maintain positive relationships with family and friends.

Year 4 news from Miss Cocker

Our Year 4 students have settled back into the summer term with remarkable enthusiasm and creativity.  They  have been hard at work preparing for their Multiplication Timetable check, and we're incredibly proud of their dedication and progress.  Through engaging activities, personalised practice sessions, and collaborative learning experiences, they have been honing their multiplication skills and building a strong foundation in mathematics. As parents, yoursupport and encouragement have been instrumental in your child's success. We encourage you to continue reinforcing multiplication skills at home through fun and interactive activities, such as games, challenges, and TTRS. 

In Art and Design will be immersing themselves in the colourful and imaginative world of renowned artist Claes Oldenburg.  Claes Oldenburg, a pioneer of the Pop Art movement, is known for his larger-than-life sculptures inspired by everyday objects.  From oversized hamburgers to colossal clothespins, Oldenburg's playful creations never fail to captivate the imagination and spark wonder.  Throughout this term, our budding artists will have the opportunity to discover Oldenburg's fascinating body of work and gain insight into his creative process.  Through engaging activities and hands-on experiences, they will explore the concepts of scale, form, and expression, drawing inspiration from Oldenburg's whimsical approach to art.

Lunch news from Mr zuluaga

School meals at Woodberry Down continue to be very popular.  We currently serve over 510 hot meals to our children every day. We are always very proud of the food we make and bake in the school kitchen where the staff work incredibly hard to ensure that the food we serve is nutritious, healthy and tasty.  

This week, we introduced our new 'tasty morning' when we offered our children a small sample of an upcoming new and exciting dish during their morning break time.  On Tuesday, we gave our children a sample of spanakopita (Greek spinach pie) in their playtime.  The idea went down a treat and was very well received by the children.  Now that they have tasted the dish, we hope that more of the children will be encouraged to take this as their main meal when it appears on the menu next week.