Woodberry Down NEWS

Friday 23rd February 2024

A Message From Mr Hewie

I hope that you each enjoyed the halfterm break and that you were able to spend time with the children doing exciting things.  There are always plenty of fun, free or cheap things to do around London that will enhance the childrens' learning and support them in their new topics.  Shortly before the halfterm break, we shared lots of information about new topics and homework projects.  These can always be located on the school website.  We ask that you spend time talking to the children about the science, history, computing and RE learning this term.  We were delighted by the number of homework projects we received last halfterm and look forward to everything that the children will bring in before Easter.

Our Year 6 children will sit mock SATs tests during the week beginning 26th February.  Our Year 6 staff are working very hard to make sure that the children are well prepared for the tests and were delighted to see so many of them at school during the halfterm break as we opened our classrooms to a number of pupils each morning.  Thank you to those who encouraged their children to join the groups and for bringing them along each day.  We are also delighted to be taking the Year 6 children to Osmington Bay in Dorset for a week of fun and adventure on Monday 4th March.

I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of the importance of road safety and of respecting the rules of our School Street.  It is dangerous and illegal to drive on Woodberry Grove between 8.30am - 9.30am and again between 3.00pm - 4.00pm each school day.  Parking close to the school endangers the lives of everyone within our community and I urge you to respect this.  Please do not drive or park on Woodberry Grove at drop-off and pick-up times to ensure that everyone within our community stays safe.

In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you at all of the events we have planned over the coming weeks.

Upcoming diary dates at Woodberry down

Monday 26th February - Year 6 Mock SATS Week

Wednesday 28th February - Year 1 Families Come Dine with Me 11.30am

Wednesday 28th February - Woodberry Wetlands SEND Trip

Thursday 29th February - 5B & 5D Ice Skating Lee Valley

Friday 1st March - World Book Day

Monday 4th March - Year 6 PGL Trip to Osmington Bay, Dorset

Tuesday 5th March - Years 3 & 4 Times Tables Parents Coffee Morning

Wednesday 6th March - Reception Charity Event: Lemonade Stand

Wednesday 6th March - Year 2 Families Come Dine with Me 11.30am

Thursday 7th March - 5W & 5D Ice Skating Lee Valley

Friday 8th March - Year 4 Year Group Assembly 9.15am

School Attendance

During the week ending 9th February, the classes with the best attendance were:

EYFS - Blue Class -  93.9%

KS1 - Class 2W - 96.1%

KS2 - Class 6W - 96.7%

As always, we wish to be clear that we know that those children who attend school regularly achieve better results at the end of Year 6 and therefore enter secondary school at a better advantage.  Children with lower attendance are less likely to leave our school prepared for secondary school. 

We ask that you are reminded that, if you submit an application for holidays during the term time, you will be notified that this has not been approved unless circumstances are extraordinary.  We also ask that you support us with absence and provide us with evidence when your child has a medical appointment on a school day.

If your child is unwell, you must contact the school as soon as possible to inform us that they will not attend school on that day.  We appreciate you support and with this matter.  Otherwise, contact us on 0208 800 5758.

Year 3 News from Miss Boon

It has been a joy to see Year 3 skipping into school with their infectious smiles and positive attitudes to learning.  The children have started their new maths topic, 'Time'.  Developing a conceptual understanding of time and ability to read the time to the nearest minute has been our focus this week.  The children have worked collaboratively with their partners and they have enjoyed supporting each other as learners.  You can continue to support your child at home by asking them to read the time at different times of the day (brushing their teeth, leaving the house for school, eating dinner).

This week Year 3 have continued developing their fitness and health with a second Personal Best workshop led by Young Hackney.  We took part in a workshop and then completed fitness activities to see how fit and healthy we are!  Over the next few weeks, Year 3 will continue to work on developing their fitness before Young Hackney returns.  The children who have made the most progress will be invited to a Hackney event with the chance to win an award.  We are sure our commitment and determination will see us into the final. 

Woodberry Down Music News from Mr Nice

We are thrilled to share some delightful news about the incredible progress our young musicians have made in their musical journeys. From strumming guitars to creating rhythmic beats on drums and harmonizing in choir, our talented pupils have been making waves in the world of music.

Guitar Glory: Our budding guitarists have been mastering chords, scales, and even tackling some of their favorite tunes. It's heartwarming to witness their dedication and passion for creating beautiful melodies. From acoustic classics to electric riffs, their versatility and enthusiasm shine through in every strum.

Drumming Dynamos: The rhythmic energy is palpable as our young drummers take center stage. Their drumming skills have reached new heights, showcasing not only precision and technique but also a remarkable sense of timing and flair. The beats they create are nothing short of mesmerizing, leaving audiences tapping their feet and craving more.

Choir Champions: Our choir has transformed into a harmonious ensemble, where the voices of our young singers blend seamlessly. Their dedication to mastering intricate harmonies and expressing emotions through song is truly commendable. The joy and unity they bring to each performance are a testament to their hard work and the guidance of our talented choir instructors.

As we celebrate these musical achievements, let's also acknowledge the invaluable support of our dedicated instructors and the unwavering encouragement from parents and guardians. Together, we are nurturing a love for music that will undoubtedly last a lifetime.

Stay tuned for upcoming performances and events, where our young musicians will continue to showcase their talents and spread the joy of music. We are incredibly proud of their accomplishments and look forward to the continued growth of our musical community.

Thank you for being a part of this musical journey with us!

Exploring the Past: Why History Matters for Your Primary School Child

In History lessons at Woodberry Down, we learn about ancient civilizations, famous figures, and significant events. History is a crucial subject in their education, so let's explore why delving into the past is essential for your child's growth and development.  

We Understand the Present: History provides context for the world your child lives in today. By understanding the past, they can make sense of current events, trends, and societal structures. It helps them comprehend the reasons behind certain customs, traditions, and even conflicts.

We Gain Cultural Awareness and Empathy: History exposes your child to diverse cultures, perspectives, and experiences. They learn about different ways of life, traditions, and belief systems, fostering empathy and understanding towards people from various backgrounds. This cultural awareness is crucial in today's interconnected world.

We learn from Mistakes and Successes: History is full of lessons, both positive and negative. By studying past events, your child can learn from the successes and failures of others. This empowers them to make informed choices, avoid repeating past mistakes, and strive towards creating a better future.

We develop a Sense of Identity and Heritage: Exploring history helps your child develop a sense of identity and connection to their heritage. Learning about their country's history, as well as the history of other cultures, allows them to appreciate their roots and understand how they fit into the broader tapestry of humanity.


During the Spring term, our PSHE topic will be 'Healthy Me'.  Each year group will be focusing on a different aspect of how we can take care of our physical and mental health. 

In the Early Years, the children are learning to identify their emotions and why they are feeling this way. 

Year 1 are exploring how germs cause illness and disease as well as ways in which to avoid this. 

Year 2 are sorting foods into the correct groups and identifying which foods our bodies need every day to stay healthy.  Our Year 3 children are discussing the levels of risk involved in different situations and discussing suitable strategies to stay safe, including knowing when to seek help from an adult. 

Year 4 pupils will be investigating things like smoking and alcohol and how these impact health as well as how to resist pressure from others to do something that is not good for us.  The Year 5 classes are exploring how positive lifestyle choices can keep us happy and healthy. 

Finally, our Year 6 pupils are examining the importance of getting sufficient good quality sleep for good health as well as how the lack of sleep can affect weight, mood and ability to learn.

We encourage you to talk with your child about their PSHE learning and what they can do to stay healthy.

Safer INTERNET day news from Mr Pavela

Pupils at Woodberry Down took part in Safer Internet Day earlier this month, with celebrations and learning based around the theme ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, managing influence and navigating change online’.

Safer Internet Day is the UK’s biggest celebration of online safety. That being said, each year at Woodberry Down we cover an online issue or theme that speaks to the things young people are seeing and experiencing online. This year Safer Internet Day focused on change online, this included covering:

All of our pupils at Woodberry Down take great pride in being responsible, safe and well informed when it comes to using the World Wide Web! 

Developing Independence Skills Workshop

sensory processing and regulation workshop

Year 4 News from Ms Cocker

This week has been a great start to the new term for Year Four! The children have thoroughly enjoyed reading the first few chapters of Beowulf, and strangely, they were not put off by Grendel's gory antics. They can't wait to finish the tale so that they can create their own legends later in the term. 

In addition to our great start, each classroom has been buzzing with excitement as we started our new History topic - The Anglo-Saxons.  During our first lesson,  we discussed who the Anglo-Saxons were and why brooches were a significant aspect of their way of life.  We found out that they were decorated differently for a variety of reasons which we found fascinating.  The children were then given the opportunity to create their own Anglo- Saxon brooch using a range of different techniques which they learnt during an earlier art lesson.  Many of the designs were very unique and intricate. Our children are always enthusiastic about history and enjoy being historians.  They can not wait to dive deeper into our topic so that they can learn more about this period.

Reception news from miss dickinson

We have had another brilliant start to a brighter new term in Reception.  The children have jumped straight into our new topic "Contrasting Countries" where we will be exploring the country Burkina Faso and activist Georgie Badiel inspired by our key text "The Water Princess".  

This week, we learned about African animals, Georgie's Village and spoke about the similarities and differences.   We have heard some amazing vocabulary while playing in our new "Woodberry Down Safari", "Jungle" and "Weather Station" role play areas.  Reception will soon be hosting their own charity event to raise money for WaterAid.  Look out for special invitations!  In Maths, the children have been counting, ordering and representing numbers to 15 using a range of manipulatives.  We are so impressed with how independent and resilient the children have become with their learning.  Please continue to share stories regularly and practise reading their phonics book each week.

We really enjoyed visiting the Museum Of Home before half term.   Thank you to all our parent volunteers for your support.   

Maths News from Mr Middleburg

As we begin another half term, the children have already started their new maths topics with great curiosity and collaboration.  It is a joy to see the children applying their new knowledge to problem solving scenarios and thinking mathematically in order to answer mathematical questions in a range of contexts.  As well as the continued careful planning and use of physical resources to support the children with their learning, teachers are using the classroom environments effectively to support the understanding of topics within lessons.  For each unit, every class has a maths learning wall that is updated to reflect the learning and new knowledge the children will be using and gaining.  The teachers are then able to refer to them during lessons to consolidate the key teaching points live in the lesson.  Another great tool in the arsenal of our wonderful Woodberry Down teachers!  

Exciting News from Year One: Beebots Bring Coding to Life!

Since the start of 2024, year one children have been having a blast learning how to make robots move!  They have been using special robots called Beebots to explore the world of coding.  It's been a hands-on adventure that has made learning about technology super fun.

These Beebots are little coding companions that our students can control.  The kids have been giving them commands to go forward, backward, turn, and more.  It's like they're the directors of their very own robot show in the classroom!

The best part is that our little programmers are not doing this alone.  They're teaming up with their classmates, working together to figure out the best way to guide their Beebots through challenges. This teamwork not only helps them learn coding but also how to communicate and solve problems together.

We're thrilled to provide such interactive and enjoyable learning experiences for our Year One students.  The journey into coding is just starting, and we can't wait to see our little coders continue to learn, grow, and have tons of fun with Beebots and other types of robots as they move up through the school.

This term in computing we are embarking on the exciting topic of data and information.  The skills children are learning in these computing lessons is setting them up for success in our increasingly technological world.

Year 2 news from miss ermak

Year 2 have had a great start to the new term this week.  The children have settled well back into routines and are enthused about the new topics we will be unearthing.  We began the week with our new Writing Week text, 'The Last Tree'.  A story which has taught pupils how adults can exploit natural resources and how children can be the inspiration to improve the environment and plant more trees.  The children will be transforming the genre of their Writing Week text into a comic.  Watch this space!

In History, we have begun our new topic, 'Marvellous Medics'.  We will be discovering how far healthcare has come since the beginning of the 1800s.  We will study how important innovations by significant pioneers such as Mary Seacole have left a legacy on the way we treat patients today.  This Friday we have a visit from our ‘Mystery Medic’.  Year 2 have become detectives through looking at evidence to generate ideas about who this person might be!

In Maths, we have begun our new topic on fractions and have been exploring halves, quarters, and thirds.  Our children know that a fraction occurs when a whole is split into equal parts and will move on to calculate fractions of an amount and make links with division.

You can support your child at home with their current learning by:

Year 5 news from miss onyeanusi

In Year 5 we are thrilled to share an exciting endeavor that our children embarked on recently.  The creation of their very own Greek myths!  In small groups, they delved into the depths of imagination, weaving tales filled with adventure, heroism, and mythical creatures.  The energy and enthusiasm they poured into this project were truly inspiring, and we couldn't be prouder of their accomplishments.

One of the most remarkable aspects of this project was the incorporation of various literary devices, such as similes, relative clauses, and adventurous vocabulary.  These elements not only enhanced the richness of their narratives but also challenged our young writers to think critically about language and its impact on storytelling.  Through experimentation and exploration, they discovered the power of words to evoke emotion, create imagery, and captivate an audience.

Our children also embarked on a PE session at Skinners Academy.  It was a fantastic opportunity for our young learners to explore a new environment, challenge themselves physically, and to develop a range of important skills.

During their visit, our students had the chance to engage in various activities that emphasized fitness, collaboration, focus, and motor skills.  From navigating obstacle courses to playing team sports, they were fully immersed in an environment designed to encourage movement, cooperation, and personal growth.

One of the highlights of the session was the extensive equipment available for our students to use.  From using balance beams, basketball hoops, gymnastics mats and hockey sticks the array of equipment provided endless opportunities for exploration and experimentation.  Our children embraced the challenge with enthusiasm, pushing themselves to try new activities and hone their physical abilities.

Year 6 Update from Ms Nazu

The Year 6 children are thrilled to be back to school after a well deserved break.  Some of our children were invited to attend Maths and Reading Boosters for four mornings during the half term break - they have expressed how useful these mornings were and how grateful they are to have had this opportunity.  This term we are continuing to focus on preparing for the upcoming SATs in May with practice tests taking place next week.  We would like to take this opportunity to remind all families how important it is that children attend school on time in order to demonstrate their true potential.  Year 6 are also looking forward to their residential trip to Osmington Bay.  The children have selected who they would like to share rooms with, what activities they cannot wait to take part in and their excitement at being away from home for the first time!