Woodberry Down NEWS

Friday 14th June 2024

A Message From Mr Hewie

Firstly, I wanted to thank all of our families who joined us at our amazing Sports Day for the incredible support.  We had a great time on the running track and were thrilled with the excellent organisation from Coach Vince, Coach Ryan and Mr Middleburg.  We are so very fortunate to have them here at the school with us.  I hope that you enjoy the photos of the day below.

We have enjoyed our first two weeks of the second half of term and look forward to all that we have in store over the final weeks of term.  We have listed the dates for you again below.  Please do join us for as many of the events as you can.

On Thursday 20th June, we are inviting you to join us for our celebration event.  We have shared communication with you about the event seperately but have also included the schedule below.

The children have worked hard to prepare performances and work to share with you.  We would be thrilled to see as many of you as possible.

We have asked that you donate food and drink for us all to share at the event, thinking about identity and taking into consideration our wide and diverse community.  Please bring all donations to the school office by midday on Thursday 20th June.

In the meantime, I hope that we see some summer weather soon and that the final weeks of the term are psoitive for all of us. 

Upcoming diary dates at Woodberry down

Wednesday 19th June - Year 2 Families Come Dine with Me (10 tickets available) 11.30am

Thursday 20th June - Reception Sports Morning Finsbury Park  9.00am

Thursday 20th June - Identity Project Showcase Afternoon 2.00pm

Friday 21st June - Nursery Sports Morning Finsbury Park  9.00am

Friday 21st June - School Nurse - Healthy Eating Workshop 9.00am

Monday 24th June - Y1 - Y5 Assessment Week

Monday 24th June - Year 5 Cycle Training Week

Tuesday 25th June - WAMHS Parent Workshop-Session 4: 9.00am

Wednesday 26th June - Year 3 & Year 4 Families Come Dine with Me (10 tickets available) 12.30pm

Wednesday 26th June - Year 6 Red Start Finance  Workshops 

Friday 28th June - Year 2 Year Group Assembly 9.10am

Monday 1st July - Year 6 Safer Travel Workshops

Wednesday 3rd July - Year 5 & Year 6 Families Come Dine with Me (10 tickets available) 12.30pm

Thursday 4th July - Year 6 Hackney Secondary School Transition Day

Thursday 4th July - New to Reception- Gruffalo’s Picnic 

Friday 5th July - Year 1 Year Group Assembly 9.10am

Friday 5th July - Summer Fair 3:30pm - 5:30pm

Friday 12th July - Family Coaches Tester Session 9.00am - 10.00am

Friday 12th July - Year 4 Year Group Assembly 9.10am

Monday 15th July - End of Year Reports Distributed (copies sent home to families)

Wednesday 17th July - Year 6 Show 2.00pm

Thursday 18th July - Parent Consultations

Friday 19th July - Year 6 Graduation Service 9.30am

Friday 19th July - Year 6 Disco 4.00pm

Monday 22nd July - Moving Up Morning (children meet new teachers)

Wednesday 24th July - School closes at 2.00pm for Summer Break

SPORTS DAY 11th June 2024

We are delighted to share the success of our recent Sports Day, a truly well-organised and smooth-running event, filled with competitive energy and joy from children in Year 1 to Year 6 from start to finish. The day was a fantastic display of athletic prowess, teamwork, and school spirit, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved. I know the support of all the adults who attended to cheer on and support the children during the day was greatly appreciated by all, a huge thank you for making the day even more special.

From the moment the opening whistle blew, the excitement was palpable. Children eagerly participated in a range of activities, each event showcasing their unique talents and enthusiasm. The sprint races were a thrilling start, with children bursting off the starting blocks and racing towards the finish line, cheered on by their peers and teachers. The distance run followed, where stamina and determination were on full display as each child pushed themselves to go the extra mile.

The balance course tested precision and concentration, as students navigated a series of obstacles with careful steps. Meanwhile, the agility test highlighted their quick reflexes and coordination, as they dashed and weaved through cones and barriers. The javelin throw brought out impressive strength and technique, with students launching their foam javelins with remarkable accuracy. Finally, the long jump event saw some incredible leaps, as the children soared through the air, striving to beat their personal bests.

Throughout the day, the spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie was evident. The cheering and encouragement from teammates and spectators created an uplifting atmosphere, fostering a sense of community and school pride. The culmination of these efforts was the final tally of points, which revealed a nail-bitingly close contest. In the end, it was the Springhill (Green Team) that emerged victorious, their collective effort and determination securing them the win.

We are incredibly proud of all the children for their participation, sportsmanship, and enthusiasm. A huge thank you to the organisers, volunteers, and parents who helped make this event such a success. Sports Day was not just about competition; it was a celebration of effort, teamwork, and the joy of physical activity. We look forward to many more such events, where we can come together as a school community to celebrate our students' achievements.

School Attendance

Our whole school attendance figure for the school year to date is 94.7%.  This figure remains lower than we had hoped and wish to remind families of the importance of school attendance.

During the week ending 14th June, the classes with the best attendance were:

EYFS - Crystal AM 93.3%

KS1 - 1W 97.9%

KS2 - 3W 98.0%

During the week ending 7th May, the classes with the best attendance were:

EYFS - Red 96.7%

KS1 - 1B 94.1%

KS2 - 5W 97.4%

As always, we wish to be clear that we know that those children who attend school regularly achieve better results before leaving primary school and therefore enter secondary school at a better advantage.  Children with lower attendance are less likely to leave our school prepared for the next stage of their education. 

If your child is unwell, you must contact the school as soon as possible to inform us that they will not attend school on that day.  We appreciate you support and with this matter.  You can reach the school by using your MyChildAtSchool app.

Programming at Woodberry Down

This term, our theme is all about Programming, and we have an array of exciting projects lined up for each year group. Here’s what our young programmers at Woodberry Down will be exploring:

Year 1: Programming Animations

Our Year 1 students are stepping into the world of animations! They’ll learn how to bring characters to life using simple programming tools. From making a character jump to creating short animated stories, it's all about turning their imaginations into moving magic.

Year 2: Programming Quizzes

In Year 2, students will dive into the fun of creating their own quizzes. They'll learn to program questions, create multiple-choice answers, and even design interactive feedback. It's a great way to mix learning and creativity, as they develop quizzes on their favorite topics.

Year 3: Events and Actions in Programs

Year 3 students will explore the concept of events and actions in programming. They’ll learn how to make things happen in a program, like triggering an action when a button is clicked or a key is pressed. This is an exciting step into more interactive and dynamic programming!

Year 4: Repetition in Games

Our Year 4 students will delve into repetition (loops) by creating their own games. They'll discover how to make game elements repeat, like having a character jump continuously or enemies appear at intervals. This term is all about adding fun and functionality to their game projects!

Year 5: Selection in Quizzes

Year 5 will focus on selection in programming, using it to build more sophisticated quizzes. They'll learn how to program decisions, like branching the quiz based on the player's answers. This will help them create engaging and responsive quizzes with multiple outcomes.

Year 6: Sensing Movement

In Year 6, students will venture into the fascinating world of sensing movement. They'll learn to use sensors and programming to detect and respond to movement, creating projects where the computer interacts with the physical world. It's a thrilling way to combine technology and creativity!

We’re looking forward to seeing the incredible programs our students will develop this term. If you have any questions or need more information, please feel free to reach out.

Happy programming!

Family Coaching Service

With long waiting lists for services like CAMHS, we wanted to make you aware of a relatively new service in Hackney called the Family Coach Service.  They offer a range of bespoke services for families, including running parent empowerment groups and even 1:1 family coaching. We will be holding a taster session at Woodberry Down on Friday 12th July from 9-10am, which will allow our families to see what this support looks like and meet Emily and Rachel, the very experienced lead coaches.  Families can also self-refer to this service, and their contact details are on the poster below. We hope to see you there. 

Year 3 News from Miss Boon

It has been great to see Year 3 coming back to school for their final half term of the year just as enthusiastic and focused as they always have been and what a wonderful two weeks it has been. As the year has progressed, Year 3 have been learning to play different instruments and this term the children have shown incredible resilience whilst learning to play the flute. Despite being quite a difficult instrument to play, the children have remained focused and they are beginning to play some lines of music independently. It is one of my favourite times of the week when I get to share their instrument lesson with them and see them engaging with such passion and enthusiasm! The external teachers who visit our school to deliver these lessons always comment on the incredible behaviour and focus of our Year 3 children so as always, I am extremely proud of them and I know they are very proud of themselves too! 

This half term, Year 3 began their new unit, food technology. Whilst learning all about healthy bodies in science, in food technology the children have been busy building their understanding of healthy eating in order to make their own healthy sandwich, choosing foods from every food group. The children loved their first lesson as they used their senses to try different types of bread. We looked closely at the nutritional value in different breads and the children tasted the breads to choose their favourite. As we move through the unit, the children will enjoy time in the kitchen with our school chef Luis making their very own sandwich.

Year 5 News from Miss Onyeanusi

Our Year 5 pupils have had an exciting opportunity to participate in coding lessons recently. Coding is an essential skill in today's digital world, and we believe that introducing it at a young age will provide our students with a strong foundation for their future.

The children have been using the Crumble Kits as well as the app scratch to write code and deliver instructions. Through basic programming the children will learn how to understand commands, loops, and conditional instructions. They will also be breaking down problems into manageable steps and finding solutions. The children will also be creating projects from start to finish, including games and simple applications as well as building on their skills of collaboration by working together on coding projects, fostering teamwork and communication skills.

The pupils have also immersed themselves in our current history unit which focuses on the rich and diverse Islamic civilization. This unit is designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the significant contributions and historical impact of the Islamic world. This will include learning about key events and figures in Islamic history from the 7th century onwards. Innovations in mathematics, astronomy, medicine, and technology by Muslim scholars. They will also get to understand daily life, social structures, and cultural practices in Islamic societies.

Finally the children have used their knowledge from previous art lessons to create their own fashion designs for the upcoming Summer Showcase. The unique and inspiring art lessons have focused on cultural influences in fashion design. This lesson helped the children to explore the rich diversity of global cultures and how they have shaped fashion throughout history. They really are enjoying drawing inspiration from various cultural elements to create their own unique fashion designs. Hopefully we will see you there.

Playground news from Mr Middleburg

As the weather warms into the summer term, our playground has become a hub of fun and enjoyment for the children. Each day, the sounds of laughter and excitement fill the air as students engage in a variety of activities that cater to all interests and energy levels.

The football field is always buzzing with activity, with children eagerly chasing the ball and showcasing their skills. Our basketball courts have seen some impressive matches too, as students practice their dribbling and shooting. Table tennis and tennis enthusiasts have been having a blast, honing their reflexes and coordination while enjoying friendly competitions.

For those seeking a bit of adventure, the assault course and adventure trail offer thrilling challenges. It’s a delight to watch children navigate these obstacles with determination and agility, building their physical strength and confidence. The playground equipment itself continues to be a favourite, with swings, slides, and climbing frames providing endless fun.

In addition to these high-energy activities, we’ve also created spaces for quieter pursuits. The quiet garden is a serene spot where children can relax, read a book, or simply enjoy the tranquillity of nature. The activity zone has become a popular destination as well, offering puzzles, board games, reading, and colouring. It’s wonderful to see students engaging their minds and creativity, whether they’re piecing together a challenging puzzle or losing themselves in a captivating story.

The inclusive and diverse range of activities ensures that every child finds something they love, fostering both physical and mental development. The smiles and laughter we see each day are a testament to the joy these playground experiences bring.

We encourage parents to ask their children about their favourite playground activities and share in their excitement. Thank you for your continued support in making our playground a vibrant and enjoyable space for all our students. Here's to many more sunny days filled with fun and friendship!

Reception news from Miss dickinson

Our Reception pupils have had another successful start to our final term of the year.  The children really enjoyed our "Let's Create" topic and became fantastic builders, inventors and creators.  This week we became engineers and designed and constructed our own models.  We were blown away by the children's innovation!  We have since seen lots of fantastic building in the construction area.  We have now started our new learning theme "Minibeasts" where we will be investigating different minibeasts.  We went on our own minibeast hunt around the school and were able to identify many different bugs!  We have even made our own bug hotel in the reception playground where we have snails and worms.  The children love finding different minibeasts every day in the garden!  We have also been reading "Superworm" and the children have begun to innovate and write their own "Super bug" story.

In Maths, we are consolidating and developing the children's automatic recall with number facts such as number bonds, identifying one more and one less and practising addition and subtraction. We are also encouraging independence during book tasks to prepare for Year 1.

As we embrace the final term of the year, we will be focusing on getting the children Year 1 ready.  We are continuing to encourage more fluency and independence with the children's reading and writing skills to prepare them so please do continue practising as much incidental writing and reading as possible including recapping tricky red words (high frequency words). 

We have a busy term ahead so please look out for important dates such as Reception Sports Day and the Reception Identity Project Stay and Play session.  We are so excited to share with you what the children have been practising in PE for Sports Day.  Please make sure you return all Sports Day letters and speak with the team if you have any questions. 

Steel pan lessons

This week, 12 of our Year 5 & Y6 students were lucky enough to head out on a music trip as part of their carnival arts & music program to experience the sound of Steel Pan drumming for the first time.  All of the students got the opportunity to learn more about the instruments and their culture and learn how to play together as a drum ensemble.  By the end of the session they were playing 'I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For' by U2 like true professionals!  All of the students on this music programme will be representing the school by performing in the Hackney Carnival later this year and we can't wait to see them in action. Well done to everyone involved.

Year 4 news from Miss Cocker

We've had a wonderful start to the new term in Year 4.

On Wednesday, we attended the Sport and Games Legacy Festival at Britannia Leisure Centre.  The children had an amazing time participating in a variety of sports and games.  It was a fantastic opportunity for them to try out new activities and work together as a team.

In our Science lessons, the children are eagerly learning all about the digestion system.  They've shown great curiosity and enthusiasm, and we can't wait to dive deeper into this fascinating topic.  In History, our focus will be on Leisure and Entertainment.  We will explore how people spent their free time in different eras and how leisure activities have evolved over the years.  It's going to be an exciting journey through time.