Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

Monday 13th June 2022

Message from Mrs Beecroft

Dear Grazebrook families

It's been a very busy few weeks at school with a range of assessments, trips, workshops and art projects taking place. Well done to our Year 2 children for completing their Key Stage 1 SATs assessments and to our Year 1 children for taking their Phonic Screening Checks. The Key Stage 1 teachers are very proud of the hard work and dedication of all the children preparing for these assessments.

This week sees Year 4 complete their Multiplication Times Tables Checks. All pupils in Years 1 to 5 will sit end-of-year PiRA and PUMA tests next week. The results of these, as well as Key Stage 2 SATs, will be reported to families in the end-of-year reports that will be sent home on Wednesday 13th July. There will be an opportunity for you to meet with your child's class teacher to discuss the report if you wish on Tuesday 19th July.

The children have been practising hard in their PE lessons to be ready for Sports Day, which is this Wednesday (15th June) for Years 1 to 6. As outlined in previous letters, children should come to school at the normal time wearing a t-shirt in their house colour with their usual school PE shorts or tracksuit bottoms. Houses and house colours were shared in a letter before half term. Class teachers have a list of colours if children are unsure. Don't worry if you don't have a house colour top – your child can come to school in their school PE t-shirt and they will be given a house colour sticker to ensure the points they earn go towards the correct house. It looks like it's going to be very sunny so please ensure your child wears sunblock and has a sun hat or cap as well as plenty of water and a packed lunch (unless they are entitled to free school meals). If you are able to, please join us at Finsbury Park Athletics Track from 10am. You will be able to watch your child competing from the stands, then join them for lunch on the field before the afternoon relays.

Reception's Sports Day will be held the following Wednesday (22nd June) in Clissold Park. Orange Class will go over to the park in the morning at approximately 9.10am. Purple Class will walk to the park at 1.25pm. Reception parents who are able to join us should please wait in Reception Playground at 9am for Orange Class and at 1.15pm for Purple Class. Thank you!

Nursery's Sports Day and Graduation will also be held at Clissold Park and will take place on the morning of Tuesday 5th July for all pupils. Please complete the reply slip of the letter sent home by Friday if you are able to attend and walk the children to and from the park.

Our final Sharing Assembly of the term for Year 1 will take place this Friday, 17th June. If you are able to attend, please come to the KS1 playground at 10am to sign in. Year 6 will be ending their journey at Grazebrook with a graduation show on the morning of Wednesday 20th June. Full details will be shared soon – Year 6 families, please hold the date.

Very excitingly, we are once again able to take the children in Years 3 to 6 to Joss Bay in Kent and to provide all the children in Early Years and Key Stage 1 with a summer celebration at Grazebrook, which will include an outdoor cinema, circus skills workshops, bouncy assault course and soft play. A letter will be sent home later this week with further details.

The PSA have again committed a generous donation to ensure these end-of-year celebrations can continue to happen and provide children with a fantastic end to the school year. Please come and support them and help raise funds for the school at the Grazebrook Summer Fair on Saturday 2nd July from 12 to 3pm. If your child would like to submit an entry to the poster competition for the fair, details can be found in the flyer at the end of the bulletin. The deadline is Friday 17th June. The entries so far are brilliant - thank you!

Key Dates

Summer Term 2

Week beginning 13th June

13/06/22 - Year 4 LSO workshops at Grazebrook

14/06/22 and 16/06/22 - Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

14/06/22 - Year 6 Hackney Road Safety Workshops

15/06/22 - Year 1 to Year 6 Sports Day at Finsbury Park

16/06/22 - Year 2 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

17/06/22 - Year 1 Sharing Assembly 10am in the Main Hall

17/06/22 - Year 2 trips to Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground

17/06/22 - Year 6 Party Fundraising Bake Sale - 3.30pm in the Key Stage 2 Playground

Week beginning 20th June

PiRA and PUMA Assessments for Years 1 to 5

20/06/22 - Year 1 trips to Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground

22/06/22 - Work Out Wednesday

22/06/22 - Reception Sports Day at Clissold Park (Orange am, Purple pm)

23/06/22 - Year 3 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

24/06/22 - Kindness Project Community Fundraiser

Week beginning 27th June

29/06/22 - Work Out Wednesday

30/06/22 - Year 4 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

01/07/22 - New to Reception Gruffalo's Picnic

01/07/22 - Year 2 and Year 5 Fire Safety Workshops

02/07/22 - Grazebrook PSA Summer Fair

Week beginning 4th July

05/07/22 - Nursery Sports Day and Graduation

05/07/22 - Year 6 TfL Independent Travel Workshops

06/07/22 - Year 1 Voces 8 Singing Workshop

06/07/22 - Year 3 Personal Best Celebration Event

07/07/22 – Year 5 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

07/07/22 - Hackney Year 6 to 7 Transition Day

08/07/22 - Playground Friends Celebration Trip

Week beginning 11th July

13/07/22 - End of Year Reports shared with families

14/07/22 - Year 6 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

14/07/22 - Last Day of Summer Term After School Clubs

15/07/22 - EYFS & KS1 Summer Celebration and KS2 Joss Bay Trip

Week beginning 18th July

18/07/22 - Moving Up Day (children in years R to 5 will meet their new teacher)

19/07/22 - End of Year Parent Consultations

20/07/22 - Year 6 Graduation Show and Celebration

20/07/22 - Last day of Our Space this term

21/07/22 - Last Day of Term (school finishes at 2pm)

22/07/22 - INSET DAY (no school for children)

Kindness Extravaganza

Our Kindness Project is continuing this half term with Year 2's trip to their charity, SWAPA (Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground), this Friday and Year 1's visit next Monday.

To mark the end of the project, on Friday 24th June we will be hosting a fundraiser event at school where we will be raising money for a range of community charities that the children have either visited or been visited by this term. Children have been busy designing and making sustainable products that promote kindness, which we will be sharing with you on the 24th, along with some of the work the children have produced as part of the project.

In addition to this, we will be holding a kindness book raffle and collecting food items for the Hackney Foodbank. We will also be setting up a small Kindness Cafe so please make sure you stop for some refreshments on your way out of the event.

Each year group has been allocated a time slot (see below) when families can join them to visit the event. This is an opportunity to purchase your child's product. If you are unable to attend, you can reserve the product by completing this form. All products will be sent home on Monday 27th June.

Summer 2 History at Grazebrook

This half term, the children are completing their third history unit of the year. The areas of study and key learning including vocabulary can be found on the history knowledge organisers saved in the classes section of our website here. Please find below some suggestions of books, activities and trips to support your child's learning at home.

Our Learning

Year 4 Come Learn With Me. Families created rural and urban settlements as part of the children's geography learning.

Year 2 sharing their geography knowledge through songs about the continents, oceans and seas.

Year 1 taking part in their first Voces 8 vocal ensemble singing workshop.

Children from Years 4, 5 and 6 taking part in the Schools Hackney Half.

Reception enjoying Lego play at lunchtime in the sunshine.

Year 3 during their first Young Hackney Personal Best Session.

Well done Eisah for winning the Camden and Islington football league and cup.

Year 5 visiting their Kindness Project charity, Hackney Foodbank, to learn about what they do for our community.

Year 5 at their Come Learn with Me, creating a stop-motion animation inspired by their class book, The Iron Man.

Year 3 visiting their Kindness Project charity, Growing Communities, learning about how to grow food.

The Learning Council at one of our Kindness Project charities, 'Made in Hackney', learning how to cook healthy plant-based food

Reception children practising hard for their Sports Day.

Year 3 at the Museum of London in the Docklands.

Key Contacts

If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting with them. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are:

Nursery, Reception and Year 1: Ms Joanna Ichim (Interim Assistant Headteacher)

Year 2: Ms Becki McCready (Lead Teacher)

Years 3 and 4: Mr Joshua Middleton (Assistant Headteacher)

Years 5 and 6: Mr Duncan Kilty (Deputy Headteacher)

SEND: Ms Lindsey O'Shea (SENCo)

All email queries should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.