Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

Monday 16th May 2022

Message from Mrs Beecroft

Dear Grazebrook families

Last week saw our Year 6 children taking their end of Key Stage 2 SATs assessments. We are incredibly proud of the hard work and dedication of all the children preparing for these exams and for the support and care shown by the Year 6 staff. This week sees the start of the Year 2 SATs. We are sure all the children will do an amazing job showcasing their fantastic knowledge in their assessments.

Last week, your child brought home a letter about our Kindness Project and Summer Challenge. Kindness is one of our school values and has been a key theme for us this academic year. This term the children are taking part in a variety of activities to promote kindness focused on:

  • being kind to ourselves

  • being kind to others

  • being kind to our planet

  • being kind to our community

To develop the children's understanding of the work of local charities and the positive impact they have on our local community, over the course of this term, each year group will take part in a visit or workshop run by a local community charity. The charities we are working with are: Hackney Foodbank, Hackney Night Shelter, Growing Communities, Made in Hackney Community Kitchen, Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground and Hackney Playbus.

We will then have a whole school community fundraising event next half term where children will sell a selection of sustainable products they have made that promote kindness, including: decorated t-shirts, screen-printed slogan posters, plant pots and seeds, treasure/jewellery boxes, natural soap and candles, accessorised tote bags and garden poetry placards. Proceeds will be shared between our charity partners and a special legacy project in school.

In the second part of the summer term, we will be teaching Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) using the materials from the Jigsaw scheme of work. All families are welcome to attend a short parent information session to find out exactly what will be taught in each year group. The details of these sessions are as follows:

Years 1 and 2 - Monday 23rd May - 3.45pm in 1B and 2B

Years 3 and 4 - Tuesday 24th May - 3.45pm in 3G and 4G

Years 5 and 6 - Thursday 26th May - 3.45pm in 5B and 6B

Many of our Year 4 to 6 children have been busy running a mile after school each Friday in preparation for the Hackney Schools Challenge at Hackney Marshes this Saturday. The children will complete a mile together alongside hundreds of children from other Hackney schools. Good luck everyone!

You may remember that last year we ran a series of virtual parent information sessions as part of our wellbeing and mental health project (WAHMS). On Tuesday, clinical psychologist Celine Redfern will be running a family coffee morning at 9am in our main hall to provide you with information about the school's WAMHS project and answer any questions you may have about emotional wellbeing.

Key Dates

Summer Term 1

Week beginning 16th May

16/05/22 - Key Stage 1 SATs begin

17/05/22 - WAMHS Family Coffee Morning (9am in the Main Hall)

18/05/22 - Family Workout Wednesday (9am - 9.45am in the Main Hall)

18/05/22 - 3G Growing Communities Market Garden Workshop

18/05/22 - Year 1 Voces 8 Singing Workshop

19/05/22 - Year 6 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

19/05/22 - Phonics Screening Check (PSC) Family Information Session

20/05/22 - Year 4 Come Learn With Me 9am Small Hall

20/05/22 - Year 2 Sharing Assembly 10am Main Hall

20/05/22 - 3B Growing Communities Market Garden Workshop

20/05/22 - 6G Hackney Foodbank Warehouse Visit

20/05/22 - Year 3 Personal Best Sports Sessions

20/05/22 - Year 5/6 Mixed Football New Wave Federation Tournament

20/05/22 - PSA Fundraiser - Film Night

21/05/22 - Hackney Half Schools Challenge at Hackney Marshes

Week beginning 23rd May

23/05/22 - Key Stage 1 SATs continue

23/05/22 - Year 1 and 2 RSE Parent Information Sessions

24/05/22 - Year 3 and 4 RSE Parent Information Sessions

26/05/22 - Year 5 and 6 RSE Parent Information Sessions

24/05/22 - Learning Council Made in Hackney Community Kitchen Workshop

25/05/22 - 4B and 4G Hackney Night Shelter In-School Workshops

25/05/22 - Family Workout Wednesday (9.00am - 9.45am in the Main Hall)

25/05/22 - Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) Family Information Session

26/05/22 - Reception Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

26/05/22 - Last Day of the Half Term - school closes at 3.30pm.

Our Space and clubs will run as usual.

27/05/22 - School Closed (additional bank holiday)

30/05/22 - 03/06/22 - May Half Term (School Closed)

Summer Term 2

Week beginning 6th June

06/06/22 - Start of Summer Term 2 at 8.55am

06/06/22 -10/06/22 - Year 1 Phonics Screening Check

07/06/22 - Fluoride Varnish Visit

08/06/22 - Year 1 Voces 8 Singing Workshop

08/06/22 - Work Out Wednesday

09/06/22 - Year 1 Come Dine With Me (book a place through the school office)

10/06/22 - Year 5 Come Learn With Me 9am Small Hall

Week beginning 13th June

13/06/22 - 17/06/22 - Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check

15/06/22 - Year 1 to Year 6 Sports Day

16/06/22 - Year 2 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

17/06/22 - Year 1 Sharing Assembly 10am Main Hall

17/06/22 - Year 2 visit to Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground

Week beginning 20th June

20/06/22 - Year 1 trip to Shakespeare Walk Adventure Playground

22/06/22 - Work Out Wednesday

23/06/22 - Year 3 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

Week beginning 27th June

29/06/22 - Work Out Wednesday

30/06/22 - Year 4 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

Further Ahead:

01/07/22 - New to Reception Gruffalo's Picnic

01/07/22 - Year 2 and Year 5 Fire Safety Workshops

07/07/22 – Year 5 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

14/07/22 – Year 6 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

15/07/22 - EYFS & KS1 Celebration and KS2 Joss Bay Trip

Our Summer Kindness Challenge

One of the amazing things about being a pupil or member of staff at Grazebrook is being part of our New Wave Federation family.

This weekend, Hope, an amazingly determined and resilient Year 4 pupil at Thomas Fairchild, is joining the Whizzing Wheels Challenge on Sunday 22nd May. She will be taking part in a 5K race to raise money for the charity The Dream Factory, which works to realise the dreams of children and young people with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions or severe disabilities.

Please find out more about Hope, The Whizzing Wheels Challenge and The Dream Factory at her Just Giving page: — Thank you!

Our Learning

Year 4 at the Barbican attending a schools' concert from the London Symphony Orchestra.

Nursery have been reading The Colour Monster by Anna Llenas. Here are their own monsters!

Year 3 created scientific diagrams of plants with their families at their Come Learn With Me.

Year 1 used their scientific and geographical knowledge to find signs of Spring.

Reception had some exciting animal encounters. They met a snake, a meerkat and a tarantula!

Year 3 showcased their impressive geographical knowledge of rivers at their sharing assembly.

Year 4 teaching the school about the Anglo-Saxons during their sharing assembly.

Year 1 pupils developing their reading fluency by partner reading together.

Year 3 identified the properties of 3-D shapes in their maths lesson.

Key Contacts

If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting with them. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are:

Nursery, Reception and Year 1: Ms Joanna Ichim (Interim Assistant Headteacher)

Year 2: Ms Becki McCready (Lead Teacher)

Years 3 and 4: Mr Joshua Middleton (Assistant Headteacher)

Years 5 and 6: Mr Duncan Kilty (Deputy Headteacher). During his current absence, please speak to Mrs Hooper or Mrs Beecroft.

SEND: Ms Lindsey O'Shea (SENCo)

All email queries should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.