Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

22nd May 2023

Message from Mrs Beecroft 

Dear Families 

The summer term is always very exciting with lots of learning, trips and events. There are also a number of national assessments happening across May and June. We are incredibly proud of our Year 2 and 6 pupils, who over the last fortnight, have taken SATs tests. The children have shown great focus during the assessments and support for each other throughout. After half term, Year 4 will take their Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) and Year 1 will sit their Phonics Screening Check (PSC). The children have worked very hard to build their mathematics and reading knowledge this year and we are very proud of them all. If you are a Year 1 parent and would like to find out more about the PSC, please come along to our family information session on Wednesday 24th May at 9am in the Main Hall.  

After half term, the children will study the 'Changing Me' unit of their PSHE curriculum. Some of the content is focused on puberty and relationships.  As such, we are inviting families to come into school this week to speak to phase leaders and teachers to find out exactly what will be taught during these lessons. 

The SRE information sessions will take place at 3.45pm on these dates:

If required, a member of staff will be available to supervise children in a separate classroom whilst you attend the information session.

During Summer 2, the children will visit a place of worship as part of their RE and Personal Development curriculum and take part in careers workshops. The children will also have the opportunity to participate in Sports Day. The Year 1 to 6 event will take place at Finsbury Park Athletics Track on Tuesday 13th June. The Nursery Sports day is now confirmed for the 29th of June in Clissold Park. We are waiting for confirmation of our booking for the Reception Sports Day. We will let you know this date as soon as we have it. Families are welcome to attend all Sports Day events. Please look out for letters with further information regarding timings and organisation. Lists of house colours for pupils in each class will be put up in classroom windows later this week for your reference. 

Key Dates 

22/05 1B Trip to Olympic Park

23/05 1G Trip to Olympic Park 

23/05 Nursery Trip to Abney Park 

23/05 Year 1 and 2 SRE Information Session 

23/05 New Wave and Thomas Fairchild Family Consultation Q&A at 6pm 

24/05 Year 1 Family PSC Information Session 

24/05 Year 3 and 4 SRE Information Session 

25/05 Year 5 and 6 SRE Information Session 

25/05 Year 6 Finance Education Workshops 

26/05 Inset Day - School Closed to Pupils 

29/05- 02/06 Half Term 

05/06 Start of Summer 2: Gates open at 8.45am 

05/06-16/06 Year 4 Multiplication Tables Checks

05/06 Year 6 Trip to Suleymaniye Mosque

07/06 Year 1 Trip to St Mary's Church 

07/06 2B Trip to Azizye Mosque

08/06 2G Trip tp Azizye Mosque 

08/06 Year 6 Finance Education Workshops

09/06 Year 2 Learning Celebration Assembly 

09/06 Prospective Families Nursery Stay and Play 

12/06-16/06 Year 1 Phonics Screening Checks 

13/06 Year 1 - Year 6 Sports Day at Finsbury Park 

14/06 St Mary's Vicar Reception visit

16/06 Year 1 Learning Celebration Assembly 

19/06-23/06 Assessment Week - PiRA and PUMA tests

19/06 5B Trip to the New West Synagogue

21/06 5G Trip to the New West Synagogue 

22/06 Year 6 Finance Education Workshops

23/06 Eco Council Panel Discussion with Cllr Coban 

27/06 Year 6 Finance Workshop

27/06 Year 3 and 4 London Careers Festival Virtual Workshops

28/06 Reception Family Workshop - Year 1 Transition 

29/06 Nursery Sports Day at Clissold Park 

29/06 Year 2 London Careers Festival Virtual Workshop

29/06 Year 6 Finance Workshop

30/06 New to Reception Gruffalo Picnic 

30/06 Year 1 Symphony Orchestra Concert at Hackney Empire

30/06 Prospective Families Nursery Stay and Play 

01/07 Summer Fair

03/07 Year 5 London Careers Festival at Guildhall

05/07 Year 5 Bike Around The Borough

05/07 Year 3 Personal Best Finals

06/07 Year 6 Transition Day 

07/07 Prospective Families Nursery Stay and Play 

12/07 Year 6 Finance Education Workshops

12/07 Year 5 Mock Trial Workshop

12/07 End of Year Reports Sent Home

17/07 End of Year Reports Parent Consultations

18/07 Moving Up Morning 

21/07 End of Summer Term. School Closes at 2pm 

Learning across the curriculum 

This half term, Key Stage 2 have excelled sharing their new knowledge in their celebration assemblies. Year 5 taught us all about the Ancient Greeks. Year 3 took us to Ancient Egypt and Year 4 showcased their learning about animal classification and the positive and negative impact humans can have on different habitats.  We can't wait to watch Year 1 and 2's assemblies next half term. 

Our Year 2 and Year 4 Reading Ambassadors have been enjoying visiting Nursery and Reception to read books to the children. They have learnt how to use their voice to engage their audience and talk about favourite characters and events in the books they have shared. The Year 5 and 6 Ambassadors have been busy gathering recommended reads for our school website which we will share soon. 

Visiting the Reception classrooms at this time of year is always an absolute pleasure as the children have become so confident talking about their learning and recording their ideas in their books. The children were so proud to share their lemonade instructions, persuasive descriptions and drawings before they all had a go at squeezing the lemons to make fresh and juicy cold lemonade to sell to their families to raise money for charity. 

All the children had a fantastic picnic lunch to celebrate the King's coronation earlier this month. A huge thank you to the kitchen team for helping us put on a fantastic party. 

Thank you to the amazing parent volunteers who have given up so much of their time to build and fill planters for children to grow their own produce. 

Yet again, we have been so impressed by this term's home learning. A special mention to Lilla for this stunning project. 

Sporting Champions 

Year 3 and 4 proved to be cross country superstars when they took podium places in both the girls and boys race at the Young Hackney event this month. Year 3 also enjoyed a day of sports at Britannia Leisure Centre competing against teams from schools across Hackney. 

A huge well done to the 87 children across Year 4, 5 and 6 who have taken part in weekly one mile runs in preparation for the Hackney Half Schools Challenge on Hackney Marshes. Thank you to Bev, Lisa and all the families who chaperoned and ran alongside the children at the event at the weekend. 

New Wave Federation and Thomas Fairchild Partnership Consultation

This week you received the paperwork outlining the plans to formalise our partnership with Thomas Fairchild Community School so they can become part of the New Wave Federation. 

We have been working with the team at Thomas Fairchild for two years and the mutually beneficial relationship has had a very positive impact on all the schools involved. Our vision of 'Excellence for All' has always incorporated the wider community and by being able to formalise this arrangement we will be able to broaden our support for local children. The transformation at Thomas Fairchild has been astounding and we know that as a community you want all children in Hackney to be successful. If you have specific comments or questions please return the response slip to the school office or join us in person at Grazebrook this Wednesday, 24th May at 6.00pm. 

Key Contacts 

If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting with them. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are: 

Nursery and Reception: Ms Hasina Khan (Deputy Headteacher)

Year 1 and Year 2: Ms Niamh McLaughlin (Lead Teacher)

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6: Mr Joshua Middleton (Assistant Headteacher) 

SEND: Ms Hasina Khan (Deputy Headteacher) 

All email queries including those for the attention of Mrs Beecroft or Mrs Reid should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.