Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

19th June 2023

Message from Mrs Beecroft 

Dear Grazebrook families, 

It was absolutely fantastic seeing so many of you at Sports Day last week. We couldn't have asked for better weather or a more supportive crowd cheering on all the children, staff and families! We are very much looking forward to Reception's event this Friday, 23rd June and Nursery's event on the 29th of June. Both of these are taking place in the dog free zone of Clissold Park. A huge thank you to the families who have said that they are able to attend and support us with escorting children safely to and from the park as well as cheer on the children when they take part in their events. 

The Parent Staff Association: Friends of Grazebrook's Summer Fair is fast approaching! The event is taking place on Saturday 1st July from 12pm to 3pm. If you are able to give up an hour of your time to help raise money for the PSA to continue to fund trips and projects for the children of Grazebrook, please sign up using this link or the sign up sheet by Pam's desk in the school reception area. The PSA are also asking for donations of any new items for tombola prizes. Please leave these at reception along with any preloved toys and books in good condition for the jumble sale. 

Following on from my letter last week, a reminder that on Wednesday 19th of July, we will be hosting a summer festival to celebrate our wonderfully diverse and unique community. Children will enjoy a range of workshops and activities such as art, cookery, poetry, aerial hoop, drumming, street dance and Bollywood dancing. We will open up the school to families at 2.30pm for a festival of food and culture with a line-up of entertainment for everyone to enjoy. Children should come to school on this day wearing traditional dress linked to their heritage or celebration/festival clothing. There will be a Grazebrook Bake Off where children will be able to enter a cake competition with prizes for the most creative entries. We are seeking your support by asking you for home made (or shop bought!) food and drink donations to share with other families. 

As many of you are aware, we are currently in the process of updating our communication system. This will allow us to send text messages to more than one parent and eventually communicate through app notifications with links to letters and messages. Please let the school office know if you would like to update your details or change the priority contacts on our system to ensure that more than one parent always receives messages. 


This Friday, 23rd June, the Year 6 families will be holding a fundraising event for their leaving party. 

When: 9.15am in the Main School Hall

What: Dance Yourself Fit - basic moves to funky grooves

A fun and inclusive class led by our own Grazebrook parent Michelle, known from Clissold Leisure Centre. Michelle has performed with Cher, Sean Paul, Kanye West and many others. 

We are asking that you pay what you want through donations on the door.

This event is open to all Grazebook parents/carers. If you would like to take part, please sign in with Pam before 9.15am on the day. 

Key Dates 

19/06-23/06 Assessment Week - PiRA and PUMA tests

19/06 5B Trip to the New West Synagogue

21/06 5G Trip to the New West Synagogue 

22/06 Year 6 Finance Education Workshops

23/06 Eco Council Panel Discussion with Cllr Coban 

23/06 Reception Sports Day at Clissold Park 

27/06 Year 6 Finance Workshop

27/06 Year 3 and 4 London Careers Festival Virtual Workshops

28/06 Reception Family Workshop - Year 1 Transition 

29/06 Nursery Sports Day at Clissold Park 

29/06 Year 2 London Careers Festival Virtual Workshop

29/06 Year 6 Finance Workshop

30/06 New to Reception Gruffalo Picnic 

30/06 Year 1 Symphony Orchestra Concert at Hackney Empire

30/06 Prospective Families Nursery Stay and Play 

01/07 Friends of Grazebrook Summer Fair

03/07 Year 5 London Careers Festival at Guildhall 

05/07 Possible NEU Strike Action and School Closure 

05/07 Year 5 Bike Around The Borough - to be rescheduled if strike action takes place

06/07 Year 6 Transition Day 

07/07 Possible NEU Strike Action and School Closure 

07/07 Prospective Families Nursery Stay and Play - to be postponed if strike action takes place

12/07 Year 6 Finance Education Workshops

12/07 Year 5 Mock Trial Workshop

12/07 Year 3 Personal Best Finals (moved from 05/07)

12/07 End of Year Reports Sent Home

17/07 End of Year Reports Parent Consultations 

18/07 Moving Up Morning 

19/07 Grazebrook Summer Festival 

21/07 End of Summer Term. School Closes at 2pm 

06/09 Children Return to School - Autumn Term 1 

Sports Day 

Years 1 to 6 had a glorious Sports Day in the sunshine where they took part in a range of running and throwing events at the Finsbury Park Athletics Track. The children were excellent role models of our school values of focus, responsibility, kindness and collaboration and we are very proud of them all! It was a closely fought competition. Our green team, Clissold, scored a huge 2, 289 points; Abney, our blue team, finished with a score of 2, 378; Yoakley, our yellow team, came a close second with 2, 420 points but it was our red team, Lordship, who took the trophy with a final score of 2, 477 points. Congratulations Lordship!

Earlier this month, our Year 5 and 6 Girls' and Boys' football teams represented Grazebrook at the Young Hackney Summer Tournament. 

Well done and congratulations to the boys for reaching the quarter final and to the girls for their third place and bronze medals. 

Computing and Digital Learning at Grazebrook 

This half term, Reception went on a minibeast drama adventure using our Now Press Play headphones. The children virtually met different minibeasts: a ladybird, snail, frog, spider, worm and bee and learnt about their natural habitats (a shell, an earth hole, web, bee’s nest), how they move and behave and how to look after them. 

Year 2 have been learning how to create simple code using Scratch Junior on their iPads. They have been creating quizzes by putting sets of instructions together to create blocks. Year 5 have been learning how conditions are used to control the flow of actions in their program, creating quizzes that have a binary question and using algorithms with a branching structure to represent the answers to a quiz. In all year groups, children have been learning to think critically, spot errors and debug in order for the code to flow without error.  

Animal Visitors 

Last week, the Nursery children were lucky enough to be visited by a mini farm! They met chickens, a goat, a pig, a cow, a donkey, ducks, geese and turkeys. Thank you to the donations from families that supported us to provide the children with this amazing experience. The children have also loved being able to watch the eggs in the Nursery hatch into chicks. We can't wait to see the chicks grow into chickens before they take up residency at a local free range farm. 

The children in Reception also had some exciting visitors earlier this term. They were able to spend time with a group of caterpillars, which they learnt to look after and watched grow and develop into butterflies which they set free into their learning garden. 

Year 2 have been learning about how to look after animals including pets in their science lessons. They were visited by Mr Middleton and his dog, Winston. The children asked some excellent questions to help them understand what dogs need to be happy and healthy. 

Key Stage 1 Science Celebrations

We have been so impressed by the Key Stage 1 Learning Celebration Assemblies this half term.  Both assemblies had a science theme. Year 1 showcased their knowledge of seasonal changes and Year 2 shared their knowledge of animal life cycles. The children were all very professional and confident and entertained us brilliantly with their scientific songs. 

St Mary's Church and New West Synagogue Visits 

As part of our RE and Personal Development Pathway, the Year 1 children visited St Mary's Church. The children met Lizzie the local priest who explained about the importance of the different parts of the church and how they are used. The children asked some really interesting questions and built upon the work that they have done in school. They found out these interesting facts.

This week, Year 5 are visiting the New West Synagogue. Today, it was 5B's turn. They saw the synagogue's Torah (holy book). The children learnt that the Torah comprises scrolls made of parchment which contain the first five books of the Hebrew bible. They also learnt that the Torah is read with a special pointing stick called a Yad and that each of the Torah scrolls they saw took over a year to make! 

Child Safety Week  

As part of Child Safety week, we have been talking to the children about how to keep safe and prevent accidents. We have talked about sun safety, online safety, road safety and how to keep safe if you get lost. The children now know ways that they can be responsible for keeping healthy and away from harm. The Child Accident Prevention Trust have produced lots of free resources for 2023 around the theme of 'Safety is Simple' which offers simple changes for parents and carers that can fit into busy routines. You can find the parent pack here.

Hackney Food Bank Request for Volunteers 

As part of our kindness project last summer, many of our children visited local charities which serve our community. One of these was Hackney Foodbank. They are currently looking for volunteers and have asked the school to share this message with our families. 

Could you spare a few hours each week to volunteer with Hackney Foodbank?

The charity urgently needs more helpers to help distribute emergency food parcels – they’re looking for people to help in its warehouse and food distribution centres.

Volunteers must be strong (able to lift 24-kilos), kind and passionate about helping people.

Pat Fitzsimons, CEO of Hackney Foodbank, said: “Volunteering for us is good for the soul – it’s a great way to meet new people, while making a tremendous difference to people experiencing food poverty. Lovely friendships form amongst our volunteers. 

“We had an influx of volunteers during the pandemic but many have now returned to work and are unable to commit”

Hackney Foodbank which recently marked it’s 10th anniversary, is currently reaching around 650 people per week and is committed to creating a hunger-free Hackney. They’re based in Hoxton. 

Warehouse volunteers are needed Monday to Friday, 8.30am-11.30am or 12pm-3pm. 

Food distribution centres are open in Hoxton (Mondays 11am-1pm), Dalston (Tuesdays 11am-1pm), Clapton (Wednesdays 5pm-6.45pm), Stoke Newington (Thursdays 12pm-2.30pm) Pembury (Fridays 6pm-8pm) and Haggerston (Saturdays 10am-12pm).  

Drivers are needed Monday to Saturday -  daytime and evenings.

To volunteer, please visit and fill in the application form.

Key Contacts 

If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting with them. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are: 

Nursery and Reception: Ms Hasina Khan (Deputy Headteacher)

Year 1 and Year 2: Ms Niamh McLaughlin (Lead Teacher)

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6: Mr Joshua Middleton (Assistant Headteacher) 

SEND: Ms Hasina Khan (Deputy Headteacher) 

All email queries including those for the attention of Mrs Beecroft or Mrs Reid should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.