Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

6th February 2024

Message from Mrs Beecroft 

Dear Grazebrook Families

It has been a very busy fortnight of exciting learning, trips, visitors and family events.  As ever, it has been a delight to see so many of you here at school and we thank you for taking the time to join us.  After half term, Years 1 to 6 will be holding their Spring Come Learn With Me events, which will be a celebration of science as part of British Science Week. In addition to these events, we are very keen for those of you who are scientists or passionate about any field of STEM to come and talk to your child's class about your career or interest, and/or run a workshop with the children. If you are interested in taking part at any point during the next half term, please talk to your child's class teacher or contact Ms Bunbury via

Another key date on our Spring 2 calendar is World Book Day. As our Year 6 children will be on their residential on Thursday 7th March, we will be marking the event on Friday 1st March instead. We will be spending the day celebrating our favourite poets and sharing lots of poetry. As usual, we will be inviting all staff and children to come to school dressed as a favourite character from a book or poem. Some ideas for homemade costumes and accessories can be found here and here.  

We would like to wish all our families who are celebrating this weekend and next week a very happy Lunar New Year! A reminder that school reopens to pupils after half term on Tuesday 20th February. 

Key Dates

05/02 - 11/02 Children's Mental Health Week 

06/02 Safer Internet Day 

06/02 2B Trip to Hackney City Farm 

07/02 Reception Trip to the Museum of the Home 

07/02 Year 3 Come Dine With Me

08/02 2G Trip to Hackney City Farm

09/02 Year 5 Reading Breakfast 

12/02-16/02 Half Term - School Closed to Pupils 

19/02 INSET day School - Closed to Pupils 

21/02 Nursery and Reception Scooter Training 

21/02 4B Trip to the Natural History Museum 

21/02 Year 5 Come Dine With Me

22/02 Understanding Neurodiversity Family Workshop at 9.00am 

23/02 EYFS Family Friday 

23/02 Year 3 Reading Breakfast 

28/02 Year 2 Come Dine With Me

29/02 Year 1 Maths Parent/Carer Workshop at 3.30pm

01/03 Grazebrook World Book Day 

01/03 Year 2 Reading Breakfast 

01/03 Year 4 Learning Celebration Assembly 

04/03-08/03 Year 6 Residential at Osmington Bay PGL

07/03 Year 1 Science Come Learn With Me 

07/03 Year 2 Maths Parent/Carer Workshop at 3.30pm

13/03 Year 2 Science Come Learn With Me 

13/03 Reception Come Dine With Me 

14/03 Year 3 Come Learn With Me 

14/03 Nursery Physical Development Parent/Carer Workshop at 9.00am in the Nursery 

14/03 Reception Physical Development Parent/Carer Workshop at 3.30pm in Reception 

15/03 Year 6 Come Learn With Me 

20/03 Year 4 Come Learn With Me 

20/03 Year 6 Come Dine With Me

21/03 Year 5 Come Learn With Me 

22/03 Nursery Family Friday

22/03 Year 3 Learning Celebration Assembly 

22/03 Reception Family Friday 

28/03 Spring Term Finishes at 2.00pm

We are Computer Scientists

We were recently visited by a group of teachers and school leaders from the Netherlands who were interested in finding out more about how the children at Grazebrook use technology across the wider curriculum. The digital leaders ran a workshop to teach our visitors how to create a program on their iPad app and transfer the code to a micro:bit to produce digital nametags. Our visitors were very impressed by the children's confidence and teaching skills! A shout out to Ella in Year 6 who also demonstrated how to use micro:bit to code games and music. 

Across the classrooms visited, the children demonstrated using Keynote to create and narrate animations of results from science investigations; Tinkercad to bring 2D artwork to life as augmented reality 3D sculptures; ChatterPix to bring characters to life, and Chromebooks and Crumble to code traffic lights. 

Mental Health Week 

Our PSHE ambassadors led an assembly with Ms Pratt, our RE and PSHE leader, to prepare for Children's Mental Health Week, which runs from the 5th to the 11th of February. 

This year's theme is 'My Voice Matters' with a focus on empowering children and young people by providing them with the tools they need to express themselves. 

The PSHE ambassadors reminded us of the UN Convention of the Rights of a Child and that children have the right to express their views, thoughts and feelings as well as have the right to have their views considered. 

The ambassadors read Nathan Bryon and Dapo Adeola's book Speak Up!, which shares the message that everyone can make positive differences to their lives and the lives of others. 

You may find the family resources on the Children's Mental Health Week website a useful tool to support with discussions at home. 

Safer Internet Day 

Safer Internet Day is marked across the UK on Tuesday 6th February. The theme for 2024 is ‘Inspiring change? Making a difference, Managing Influence and Navigating Change Online’. At Grazebrook this week, the children will be discussing how to keep themselves safe online and what to do if they have any concerns or worries. The class teachers will be providing the children with age appropriate guidance about using the internet safely and avoiding being a bystander to cyberbullying. CBBC has produced a range of online resources for children aged 7 to 11 to support with safer internet conversations at home. These resources can be accessed by visiting:

Learning across the school

The Nursery children have been exploring the world around them by being scientists and carrying out investigations. The children identified a range of liquids and predicted whether they would freeze or not. The children were surprised that the paint froze and that the honey did not, but went very gloopy instead! They thought it was funny that the washing-up liquid partially froze, becoming very squishy and slimy. When the children experimented with adding oil to clear and coloured water, they learnt that oil and water don't mix. They also witnessed the "fireworks effect" when adding coloured water to oil and pouring it into warm water. Over half term, why not carry out a kitchen science investigation for yourself? You could even share a photograph with your teacher to show your class! 

The Reception children have been continuing to think about how they can be responsible and help look after the world around them. They had a recycling workshop with Hackney council and practised sorting different objects according to the material they are made from. Last week the children made folding houses and drew the rooms inside to help them answer their curious question, 'What is your home like?' 

Year 1 have been geographers, carrying out fieldwork in central London to identify human and physical features. They especially enjoyed taking a clipper boat and travelling along the River Thames!

Year 2 have been working as scientists to develop their knowledge of the materials in the world around them, discovering how the properties of these materials make them suitable or not suitable for different objects. They showcased their knowledge with amazing confidence in their learning celebration assembly last Friday. 

Year 3 were inspired by their virtual visit from Mary Anning, in which they learnt all about her fossil hunting and how fossils are formed. The children also conducted tests to identify the permeability of different rocks. If you are interested in fossils, why not consider a half term trip to the Natural History Museum where you can see some of the specimens collected by Mary Anning  and her brother Joseph in the early 1800s? More information can be found here

5G continued their work with Salters' Institute and Edible Landscapes to explore ideas for expanding our school garden. The children spent time measuring up, researching plants that would be suited to the space and working together to draft designs for a future garden. 

As part of their Grazebrook Passport, Year 6 took part in a Young Hackney Junior Citizenship event at Dalston Hub

Jacob reported, "We learnt about how to be mindful of others and how to be a better citizen. We also talked about how to avoid stereotypes and not make assumptions about others, as it often leads to getting it wrong and damaging someone's self-esteem."

Sadie said, "We learnt what to do if there's a fire: use the back of your hand on a door handle and only go out if it's cold. You also need to duck down to avoid smoke, not go back into the building and call the fire brigade for help." 

Joseph learnt, "To have good mental health you need to connect and be social, be active, learn new things, help your community and take time for yourself." 

The children felt the event gave them lots of lessons to help them in the world as they are growing up and that what they learnt would be very useful when they start secondary school in September. 

We are geographers

Mr Zanier and the geography ambassadors have once again been amazed by the quality of home learning projects this year. We have been so impressed by the many examples of focus, creativity and collaboration that demonstrate the children's knowledge of the world's human and physical features. Well done to all the children and thank you families for your support with learning at home. 

Citizen's Advice at Grazebrook

We are delighted to let you know that our colleagues from Citizens Advice Bureau Hackney (CAB) are offering our families free, confidential face-to-face or telephone advice and support sessions at Grazebrook each Thursday morning (9.30am - 12.30pm). Our advisor can offer advice on: debt; benefits and credits; money management and budgets; housing; immigration; healthcare; housing; employment; energy and cost of living. 

To make an appointment, just call our school office team on 0208 802 4051, leaving your name and contact details and CAB will be in touch. You do not need to share any other details. Alternatively you can contact our CAB colleagues directly on 0203 880 2266. Further information can be found here: Information leaflet

Hackney Foodbank and English Language Fair

Hackney Foodbank is once again running its AdLent calendar. For 40 days, the staff are asking for donations of the most-needed items. Donations can be dropped to the Hackney Foodbank at The Florence Bennett Centre in Cherbury Street, open Monday to Friday 8.30am - 2pm, or a local donation point which can be found here. Alternatively, donations can be made online, via the Give Today website. 

Hackney Council, New City College and a number of third sector organisations are running an 'English Language Fair' on Monday 11th March, 10am-1pm at The Greenhouse, 244-254 Cambridge Heath Rd, E2 9DA to support local migrant communities, especially those who speak English as a second language, with accessing English classes (ESOL) and other adult education courses. 

Key Contacts 

If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are: 

Nursery and Reception: Ms Kelly O'Callaghan (EYFS Leader) 

Year 1, Year 2, Year 3: Ms Caireann Conlon or Ms Joanna Ichim (Assistant Headteachers)

Year 4, Year 5, Year 6: Ms Simone Bunbury (Assistant Headteacher) 

SEND: Ms Caireann Conlon (Assistant Headteacher) 

All email queries, including those for the attention of a class teacher or school leader, should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.          020 8802 4051