Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin
4th December 2023
Message from Mrs Beecroft
Dear Grazebrook Families
Thank you very much to those of you who have sent congratulatory messages regarding our recent Ofsted Inspection and Outstanding outcome. We are incredibly proud of our report, which we feel captures the ethos and heart of Grazebrook. If you did not receive the letter and report sent on Friday, these have now been uploaded to our website in the parent letters and Ofsted report section. Please do take a few moments to read the wonderful words about your children and the Grazebrook staff.
Many thanks to those of you who were able to make a donation to Children in Need. The school raised close to £350. A special shout out to Finlay in 4G who raised £100 for the charity by completing a sponsored 'London Metro Memory Game' where he had to type in the names of London train stations including all tube lines, overground lines and DLR lines. In less than an hour, Finlay got all 581 stations correct. If you would like to have a go yourself, here is the link: London Tube Memory Game ( We are also really grateful for all your donations to Hackney Foodbank. These have now been delivered to the depot to go into Christmas food parcels.
A reminder that our Autumn Term Parent Consultation Meetings will be held this Thursday, 7th December, from 3.40pm for Reception to Year 6 families. Mrs Beecroft (6B) will be splitting her appointments between Monday 4th December and Thursday 7th December. Teachers are able to accommodate virtual meetings outside of Parent/Carer consultation evening. Please contact the school office to arrange this if required. If you are a Nursery parent and have not yet booked your appointment with Ms Juarez or Ms Mulder, please get in touch with them so this can be scheduled before the end of term.
As you will be aware from our previous letter and texts, from January we will be using the My Child At School (MCAS) app for school payments, as well as for booking parent consultation meetings and to share communications from the school. If you require any support with downloading or using this app, Alberto Ferreira, our Finance Manager, will be running family sessions at 9am in the Music Room on Fridays 8th and 15th of December.
Please note: After School Clubs will not run on Wednesday 6th December or Thursday 7th December due to the pantomime trip and parent consultation meetings. Our Space and EYFS Wraparound Care will run as usual on both nights. The last day of After School Clubs this term will be Thursday 14th December. Our Space and EYFS Wraparound Care will continue until Tuesday 19th December. The final breakfast club of the term will be on Wednesday 20th December. The term ends for pupils at 2pm on Wednesday 20th December.
As a special thank you to all the Grazebrook children, we will be having an off-timetable celebration day on Tuesday 19th December. Children should come to school on that day in their own clothes ready for lots of fun activities and class parties.
Key Dates
06/12 Y1-Y6 Aladdin Pantomime Trip to Hackney Empire (children return to Grazebrook at approximately 5pm)
06/12 EYFS Travelling Pantomime: The Littlest Christmas Elf
07/12 Parent Consultation Meetings from 3.40pm
09/12 PSA Christmas Fair 12pm-3pm
11/12 at 3.45pm or 13/12 at 9am Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) Family Information Session
11/12 EYFS Winter Sounds Concert @ 9.30am in the Main Hall
11/12 KS1 Winter Sounds Concert @ 2.30pm in the Main Hall
11/12 Year 4 Roman Workshops
11/12 5G Climate Education Workshop
13/12 Christmas Lunch and Christmas Jumper Day
13/12 Year 5 Virtual Viking Workshops
13/12 Year 6 MyBnk My Future Workshops
14/12 Last Day of After School Clubs
14/12 Nasal Flu Vaccines (Catch Up)
14/12 Year 1 classes visit to Islington Museum
15/12 5B Climate Education Workshop
15/12 Nursery Family Friday @ 8.50am
15/12 Reception Family Friday @ 3.00pm
18/12 KS2 Winter Sounds Concert @ 9.30am for Year 3 and 4 Families AND 2.30pm for Year 5 and 6 Families
19/12 Celebration Day – non-uniform and off-timetable
19/12 Last Day of Our Space and EYFS Wraparound
20/12 Last Day of Autumn 2 – School Closes at 2.00pm
08/01 First Day of Term, Breakfast Club, After School Clubs, Wraparound Care and Our Space
We are historians!
This term, the children have been working as historians exploring a range of artefacts and secondary sources to help them travel back in time to learn more about life in the past. Year 2 are currently learning about some of Hackney's recent history and why people have migrated here from different countries. The children took part in a history workshop where they were visited by one of the passengers from the Empire Windrush. They learnt about why people might have left the Caribbean in 1948, the promises of a new life that were given to them, and the reality of life once they arrived in Britain.
Year 3 have been learning about life in the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age. Thank you to the families who collaborated to help create some fantastic Stone Age paintings using paints made of natural materials. We were really impressed by the children's knowledge. They confidently shared so many interesting facts in their learning celebration assembly. Nazeir taught us that the hammerstone was the greatest invention of the Paleolithic Period of the Stone Age because it was used not only to smash nuts, grind down seeds and crack open bones, but also to make better tools! Matilda taught us that Stone Age people were hunter gatherers and Alex taught us that they were nomads.
The Year 4 children have been learning about the Roman invasion of Britain. Tom said, "The Romans came to Britain because they wanted precious gold, tin and iron, as well as cattle. After the Romans settled, Romanisation occurred which included the building of towns and straight roads."
For their Come Learn With Me, the Year 4 children worked with their families to create mosaics like those found in wealthy Roman homes and buildings.
In their history lessons, Year 5 have been learning all about the Viking invasions of the British Isles. They created some very intricate and detailed longships in their Come Learn With Me. Lilla said, "One of the reasons the Vikings came to the British Isles in their longships was because there was a Viking law which meant that the first born son inherited all their father's wealth leaving nothing for the other sons who then had to seek their wealth from elsewhere."
Year 5 will be showcasing their learning on Friday 19th of January in their celebration assembly.
We are unique!
The children showed their commitment to anti-bullying and celebrating their uniqueness by coming to school in odd socks during anti-bullying week. Our Key Stage Two Wellbeing Ambassadors worked with the Conflux Theatre Company to create a play-in-a-day which they performed to their peers with the message #NoLaughingMatter. The children used their play to define bullying, explain when a joke is not funny, and look at how cases of bullying can be resolved through support from peers and parents, as well as how bullying can be avoided in the first instance by not being a bystander to unkind incidents.
Reception showed fantastic focus and collaboration when they shared their favourite toys with each other as part of their Toymaker topic. We especially loved Zoe's giant giraffe!
The children in EYFS and KS1 also showed their creativity and ability to collaborate when they took part in Perform workshops showcasing their acting skills earlier this half term.
Nursery & Reception Applications
If your child is currently aged 3 or 4 and born between 1st September 2019 and 31st August 2020, you will need to apply online through eAdmissions for a place in Reception to start September 2024. The deadline for applications is 15th January 2024. All families must complete their application by this date, even if your child is already a pupil in our Nursery. For more information, please visit:
If you know anyone who would like to book a tour of the school to help inform their decision of which schools to apply to, please ask them to contact the school office to book a place.
Eco-Schools Resources
Grazebrook Primary School is taking part in the Eco-School Programme and is on its way to achieving the Green Flag Award in 2024. During the months of November and December, we are taking part in the Eco-Schools Cut Your Carbon campaign. The campaign challenges young people and their families to complete nine simple actions that will reduce their carbon footprint. Cut Your Carbon is a great way to learn more about the carbon emissions connected to everyday actions and how we can reduce these emissions by making small, manageable changes.
All pupils received a challenge sheet last week. They should hand in the completed sheet by 15th December. Photos of children completing their carbon cutting tasks, e.g. making a planet-friendly meal, donating clothing or turning down the heat, should be emailed to the school office (
Here are some suggested actions and activities to help with the completion of the nine challenges.
Toy Gift Appeal – Donate your unwanted or unused toys to a good cause.
Kind Coats Appeal – Give the gift of warmth this winter. Donate or pick up pre-loved coats at any Hackney library between November and February. All clean coats are welcome and will be given to residents in need.
Eat more sustainably – Visit the eat like a Londoner website for some great tips on eating more planet-friendly foods.
Visit the Love Food Hate Waste website for great ideas and recipe suggestions to cut food waste and help save the planet.
Rent items instead of buying new from the Dalston Library of Things. Items to rent include a sewing machine, ice cream maker, waffle maker, a drill and a gaming station.
Refill to avoid plastic waste:
Use the mindful shopper guide to help you make planet-friendly shopping decisions about what to buy, who to buy it from, and whether you actually need to buy it at all.
Download and use the OLIO waste prevention app. This app allows you to give away food and other household items for free to your neighbours.
Key Contacts
If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are:
Nursery and Reception: Ms Kelly O'Callaghan (EYFS Leader) or Ms Caireann Conlon (Assistant Headteacher)
Year 1, Year 2, Year 3: Ms Niamh McLaughlin (KS1 Lead Teacher ) or Mr Josh Middleton (Assistant Headteacher)
Year 4, Year 5, Year 6: Ms Simone Bunbury (Assistant Headteacher)
SEND: Ms Caireann Conlon (Assistant Headteacher)
All email queries, including those for the attention of a class teacher or school leader, should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.