Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

10th July 2024

Message from Mrs Beecroft 

Dear Grazebrook families

A huge thank you to the Grazebrook PSA for putting on another amazing summer fair. And a big thank you to all our families who attended and made the event such a success. Despite the wet weather, Grazebrook brought the sunshine, creating an event full of smiles and laughter that generated over £5,000 for the school. This money will help fund our ASpace councillor, the EYFS travelling pantomime show, and our annual trip to the pantomime at Hackney Empire, as well as enable us to subsidise trips and resources to enrich our curriculum and classrooms. 

Well done to all our Nursery pupils for their huge effort at sports day last week. We were so impressed by the children's focus, kindness and collaboration and loved that so many of our families were able to join us and take part in the fun. We are so proud of all our Nursery children moving into Reception in September and can't wait to celebrate how fantastic they are in our graduation this week. 

Last week the children in Years 1 to 6 completed the final relay events postponed from Sports Day and continued to show their incredible teamwork and collaboration. The results were shared with the children in our celebration assembly. We are pleased to announce that Abney, our blue team, achieved the winning score of 1974! Well done to all the teams.

Abney (Blue team) - 1974

Lordship (Red team) - 1960 

Clissold (Green team) - 1948

Yoakley (Yellow team) - 1899

A reminder that it is our community celebration showcase this Friday (12th July) for Years 1 to 6. During the day, the children will be taking part in a series of creative workshops including: baking, art, drama, dance and photography. If you are able to, please join us at the times listed below to celebrate the children and our community. You will be treated to a series of short performances by the children, showcasing their newfound skills and demonstrating their enthusiasm. Following the performances, you will have the opportunity to visit our gallery and food event where you can continue to enjoy the children’s creative works and savour delicious treats.

We need your help to make our celebration showcase extra special! Please consider donating food and drink for us to share. We would love traditional and customary dishes from your cultures and/or any food for sharing together. Please ensure these are sesame and nut-free. Please bring your contributions to Pam before by midday on Friday, 12th July. Thank you in advance for your support. Children are welcome to attend school in their own clothing on this special occasion. We look forward to seeing how they represent their individuality and/or culture. 

This year, Reception will have their own celebration event on the Tuesday 23rd July from 3pm including a performance, gallery and food event for families. 

On Monday 15th July, the children's end of year reports will be ready to collect either from your child's class teacher at 3.30pm or from the school office at the end of After School Clubs, Wraparound Care or Our Space. Reports will then be available to collect from the school office until Friday 19th July; after this time, they will be posted to you. If your child lives between two households and you require additional copies of their report, please let the office know. The results for the Phonics Screening Check (PSC), Multiplication Tables Check (MTC) and Key Stage 2 SATs for Years 1, 4 and 6 can be found on the reports. If you would like to discuss your child's report with their class teacher after you have read it, please contact the school office to book an appointment. 

On Monday 22nd July, the children from Reception to Year 5 will be taking part in Moving Up Day where they will meet their new class teacher and spend part of the morning with their new class. Letters informing you of your child's new class name and teacher will be given out on Friday 19th July. 

Key Dates

10/07 Nursery Graduation at 10am in the Main Hall 

10/07 Year 6 Come Dine With Me at 12.30pm 

12/07 Summer Project Workshops and Showcase 

15/07 End of Year Reports to go home

15/07 Splash Pad Visits am: Reception and Year 3

15/07 Last Day of Swimming Lessons for 4G

16/07 Last Day of After School Clubs 

17/07 Splash Pad Visits pm: Year 1 and Year 2

17/07 Year 5 and selected Y3/4 Sparks Film School

18/07 Last Day of Swimming Lessons for 4B 

19/07 Year 6 Graduation at 2pm 

22/07 Moving Up Morning

23/07 Reception Super-Duper Me Family Celebration at 3pm 

23/07 Last Day of Our Space and Wraparound

24/07 Last Day of Breakfast Club 

24/07 Last Day of Term - School Closes at 2pm

03/09 First Day of the Summer Term Y1-Y6

Early Years News  

Ms Mulder says, "What an amazing time Nursery had at Sports Day in Clissold Park! Grateful to the skies that the few drops of rain that fell stopped quickly; the children had an amazing time and showed such perseverance and enthusiasm, even with that very tricky egg-and-spoon race. How fantastic it was to have some of our parents join in, and utterly hilarious! What a great day! A big thank-you to the parents for all your support!"

Ms O'Callaghan and Mr McGivern would also like to say a big thank you all their families for their support at Sports Day and across the year. They have shared some sports day photographs too and look forward to celebrating with you all on Tuesday 23rd of July. 

KS1 News

Key Stage 1 have been very busy in their science, history and Spanish lessons. Here is 2B on their trip to the Ragged School where they experienced what a Victorian school was like. They were very relieved to discover that the teacher wasn't as strict as they thought she might be! In science, the year 2 children have been learning about how to look after other living things. They were visited by Ms Conlon and her dog Teddy and took part in a Q and A. The children drafted some excellent questions, which they were able to ask to Ms Conlon. The children were also able to showcase their fantastic growing Spanish vocabulary yesterday when they participated in a storytelling workshop in Spanish and sang their favourite Spanish numbers and colours songs. 

KS2 News 

We have been very proud of our eco ambassadors this year for demonstrating responsibility for looking after our planet. Recently they held an assembly for Years 1 to 6 to support all the children to understand how we can reduce our use of single-use plastic and prevent plastic pollution. 

We have also been so impressed by the children's engagement with their instrument lessons this year. Whether they have learnt guitar, djembe, violin or flute, their focus and determination to succeed alongside their support for each other has been a joy to see – and hear! – each week. 

Congratulations to our team of ten-pin bowlers who took part in a competition against other Hackney schools at Rowans. The children did amazingly well and had a fantastic morning together being role models of collaboration. Pupils in Year 6 also demonstrated excellent teamwork on their recent visits to State Street Global Advisors in Canary Wharf where they got a taster of some of the careers they might choose if they are passionate about maths. 

Key Contacts 

If you have any queries regarding your child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are: 

Nursery and Reception: Ms Kelly O'Callaghan (EYFS Leader) 

Year 1, Year 2, Year 3: Ms Caireann Conlon or Ms Joanna Ichim (Assistant Headteachers)

Year 4, Year 5, Year 6: Ms Simone Bunbury (Assistant Headteacher) 

SEND: Ms Caireann Conlon (Assistant Headteacher) 

All email queries, including those for the attention of a class teacher or school leader, should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.          020 8802 4051