Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

3rd May 2024

Message from Mrs Beecroft 

Dear Grazebrook Families

As you may have seen from the message shared by the PSA earlier this week, we would like to say a huge thank you to all our families who helped raise funds for the school by putting on a non-uniform day last Friday as well as to all the families who were able to make donations. A whopping £1000 was raised which will go towards new graphic novels for the classroom libraries and giant board games for playtime. Next Friday, our second wellbeing garden bake and plant sale will be taking place in the Key Stage 2 playground. If you are able to, please drop off baked goods donations with Pam during the day and/or pop along to buy a tasty treat. Details of other fundraisers and family events including bakes sales and the summer fair will be shared over the coming weeks. 

At Grazebrook, we work in collaboration with a wide range of professionals from our local community. This term, we are pleased to welcome Ms Amy Hegedus to our Wellbeing & Mental Health Team. Ms Hegedus is an Education Mental Health Practitioner and will support our children every Monday afternoon.  She joins Ms Conlon (SENCo/Designated Mental Health Lead), Emma Fitzgerald (Wellbeing and Mental Health Practitioner) and Ms Marta Alonso (A Space Therapist) in supporting the school to improve the wellbeing and mental health of our children. This half term Ms Hegedus will work alongside some of our children in Year 2 and 5. If you or your child feel you would benefit from support in this area, please continue to speak with their class teacher or make an appointment with Ms Conlon who will be happy to discuss your concerns. You can contact her via the school office team or at

A reminder that every Thursday morning,  we are joined by a colleague from Citizens Advice Bureau Hackney (CAB) who can provide families with free, confidential face-to-face or telephone advice and support. Our advisor can offer advice on: debt; benefits and credits; money management and budgets; housing; immigration; healthcare; housing; employment; energy and cost of living. To make an appointment, please speak to a member of the school office team on 0208 802 4051 to book a session or leave your name and contact details and CAB will be in touch. Alternatively, you can contact our CAB colleagues directly on 0203 880 2266. Further information can be found here: Information leaflet

Key Dates

06/05 Bank Holiday - school closed to pupils 

08/05 Year 1 Come Dine With Me @ 12.00pm 

10/05 Year 3 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am 

10/05 Year 5 Learning Celebration Assembly at 10am 

10/05 Year 3 Buddhist Temple trip 

10/05 Wellbeing Garden bake and plant sale at 3.30pm 

13/05-16/05 Year 6 SATs Week and Year 6 Breakfast Club

17/05 EYFS and Year 1 Family Friday: 8.50am Nursery, 3.00pm Reception and Year 1 

18/05 Hackney Schools Challenge 

22/05 Year 3 Come Dine With Me at 12.30pm

23/05 Year 6 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am

23/05 End of Summer Term 1 at 3.30pm 

24/05 Inset Day - school closed to pupils 

27/05-31/05 Half Term - school closed to pupils

03/06-07/06 Year 5 Cycling Training 

03/06 Year 4 Multiplication Times Table Check opens 

05/06 Year 5 Come Dine With Me at 12.30pm

07/06 Year 4 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am 

07/06 Year 6 Learning Celebration Assembly at 10am 

10/06 Year 1 Phonics Screening Check Week 

12/06 Year 2 Come Dine With Me at 12.00pm 

14/06 Year 1 to Year 6 Sports Day at Finsbury Park 

18/06 Reception Sports Day at Clissold Park from 9am 

21/06 Year 2 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am 

26/06 Reception Come Dine With Me at 11.45am 

28/06 Year 5 Reading Breakfast at 8.30am 

03/07 Nursery Sports Day in Clissold Park from 9am (please note the park has asked us to change the date from 02/07 which was previously shared

05/07 Gruffalo Picnic - new to Reception families 

06/07 Summer Fair

10/07 Year 6 Come Dine With Me at 12.30pm 

Summer Term Geography

This half term the children will be exploring geography in their humanities lessons. Here is a summary of the curriculum and some ideas for research, learning and trips that will support with learning beyond the classroom. 

👧👦 Year 1 - The United Kingdom: Our Year 1 explorers will embark on a journey across the beautiful landscapes of the United Kingdom. From the rolling hills of the countryside to the bustling streets of iconic cities, they'll discover the wonders of our home country. Why not visit the London Canal Museum to learn about the history of London's canals and/or take a ride on a canal boat? 

🌦️ Year 2 - The Weather: Year 2 will be immersing themselves in the world of weather, learning about different weather patterns, climate variations, and how these elements shape our environment and daily lives. You can learn more about the different between weather and climate on the BBC Bitesize website

🏞️ Year 3 - Rivers: Join Year 3 as they follow the meandering paths of rivers! From the source to the mouth,  the children will explore the significance of rivers and their role in shaping landscapes. As the days are becoming sunnier, why not visit the River Lee Country Park to learn more about one of our local rivers? 

🌎 Year 4 - North and South America: Year 4 will be crossing the Atlantic to explore the diverse continents of North and South America. The children will uncover the geographical wonders and cultural richness of these vibrant regions. Why not visit the BBC Bitesize website to learn more about the geography of North America and the geography of South America

💼 Year 5 - Trade: Prepare for a global exchange! Year 5 will be diving into the world of trade, examining the intricate networks that connect nations and the impact of trade on economies, societies, and the environment. Why not visit the Trade Expansion gallery in the Museum of London, Docklands to learn more about the history of trade to and from London since 1600? 

🤝 Year 6 - Sharing Our World: Following SATs, Year 6 will be exploring the theme 'Sharing Our World. The children will reflect on how we share our world with others and the responsibilities that come with being global citizens. Why not explore Oxfam's home learning activities about global citizenship and share your learning with your class? 

Please continue to use the knowledge organisers found in the Key Stages 1 and 2 section of the website to talk with your child about their learning and encourage them to carry out research and complete and share their home learning projects! If you have any questions about our geography curriculum, please contact Mr Zanier, our geography leader. 

Year 1 are Geographers and Historians! 

Year 1 had an amazing geography trip led by the Canal River Trust! They went to the Olympic Park to spot many features of the River Lea - and they even got to see a canal lock live in action! They learnt that depending on where you are on the river, it has a different spelling - Lee or Lea.

Year 1 also put on a fantastic Learning Celebration Assembly sharing their knowledge of the Great Fire of London from the history lessons last half term. Once again they showcased their focus and confidence - great work Year 1!

Gardening in Key Stage 1

To support with their science learning, children in Years 1 and 2 have been gardening. Their worked hard to clear all the weeds from the beds in our wellbeing garden to prepare them for planting. They are looking forward to seeing their plants grow and hopefully being able to taste some of the edible plants later this term. 


5G completed their edible garden project with a Wild City trip to Salter's Hall. They celebrated their class design, explored the importance of pollinators and made their own seed bombs. They were also awarded their runner's up prize of a cheque for £300 which they have donated to the wellbeing garden project. Thank you 5G! 

Congratulations to the children who took part in the Young Hackney Orienteering Event on Hackney Marshes this week. 

The children expertly combined their geography knowledge with their PE skills, coming back with gold medals and a winning time of 37 minutes, 37 seconds! They were very proud of their win and will have their team photo displayed on the PE Wall of Fame. 

RE in Year 5

Through our RE curriculum, the children learn about a range of religions and beliefs. As part of their Morals and Values topic, Year 5 were visited by a Humanist speaker who taught them about the values of humanists, how they live their lives and gave the children the opportunity to ask lots of questions. We were really impressed by the children's focus and curiosity during the sessions. 

Guitar Lessons in Year 3 and 4

This term, our Year 3 and 4 pupils are having weekly guitar lessons with their tutors Mr Lowson and Mr Defoe. Our Year 4 children were able to build on their knowledge from last year and really impressed the teachers with their passion and confidence. The Year 3 children loved being able to apply their ukulele skills from Key Stage 1 to learning how to hold and strum a guitar. The children are really looking forward to being able to play to their families at the end of term. 

Maths in Year 3

Year 3 have been exploring the properties of 2-D and 3-D shapes. The children had fun identifying acute, obtuse and right angles as well as finding perpendicular and parallel lines. They also challenged each other to identify 3D shapes based on a description of their properties. 

Summer After School Clubs 

Last week saw the launch of our Summer After School Clubs. This term we are running 21 clubs which have been collated by our Extended School Leader, Nina Correa, to support children's wellbeing and develop their life and social skills. 

We would like to say a huge thank you to our families for your patience whilst we have transferred the club booking system over to our MCAS (My Child At School) platform. For most families, this was a successful transition, however, we are aware that some families have had some technical difficulties. We thank you for your feedback around the challenges you have encountered. This has helped us to identify how to make the process smoother moving forward. If you have any further problems with MCAS or require assistance setting up or using the system, please contact Ms Correa: or speak to a member of our office team on 020 8802 4051. Ms Correa is also currently updating the Extended Schools section of our website so you will be able to refer to this for help when making bookings and payments in the future. A guide to booking wraparound care (Breakfast Club and Our Space) can be found below. 

Art Club

This term, we will be celebrating ourselves as part of our summer project. Some of the children have started their projects by creating portraits using different media. The art club's work will be on display as part of our showcases and celebration in late June and July. Miss Penny was really impressed by all the children's creativity this week. 

Key Contacts 

If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are: 

Nursery and Reception: Ms Kelly O'Callaghan (EYFS Leader) 

Year 1, Year 2, Year 3: Ms Caireann Conlon or Ms Joanna Ichim (Assistant Headteachers)

Year 4, Year 5, Year 6: Ms Simone Bunbury (Assistant Headteacher) 

SEND: Ms Caireann Conlon (Assistant Headteacher) 

All email queries, including those for the attention of a class teacher or school leader, should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.          020 8802 4051