Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

Monday 14th March 2022

Message from Mrs Beecroft

Dear Grazebrook families

It has been a very busy fortnight at Grazebrook with lots of fantastic learning and events happening across the school. Thank you for your generous donations to support both our World Book Day fundraising event which raised £446 and the Save the Children Ukrainian Humanitarian Appeal bake sale which raised £555.

We have been continuing our focus on kindness by encouraging children to ensure they are being respectful and responsible in the classrooms and around the school. You may have noticed your child coming home with a 'Caught in the Act' certificate. These celebrate excellent behaviour and attitudes. We are very proud of the children who have received these so far.

We are very excited to begin our 'Come Dine With Me' events again this Thursday when we welcome our Reception families to eat lunch with us. As these events are proving to be very popular, further dates for additional events will be shared later this week to ensure that families on the waiting list will be able to participate next term. A reminder to Nursery families to join us in the Main Hall at 8.30am this Friday for their Reading Breakfast. Next term will see the return of sharing assemblies, 'Come Learn With Me' events and Family Workout Wednesdays. Please see the key dates section for more information. Flyers will also be sent out this week with further information.

A reminder that Parent Consultations will be held on Thursday 31st March. The booking system will go live this Thursday, 17th March at 5pm. A pre-meeting survey link was shared in today's letter which you may wish to complete if you have any specific areas that you would like to discuss with your child's class teacher.

As many year groups are studying plants for their science topic either this half term or during the summer term, I would like to make a request that if you have any indoor plants that you have 'outgrown', please consider donating them to the school for children to look after in their classrooms and around the school. Any donations can be left at the front office. THANK YOU!

Key Dates

Spring Term 2

Week beginning 14th March

17/03/22 - Reception Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

17/03/22 - Year 6 Young Hackney Workshop

17/03/22 - 2G Trip to the Florence Nightingale Museum

18/03/22 - 2B Trip to the Florence Nightingale Museum

18/03/22 - Nursery Reading Breakfast - 8.30am in the Main Hall

Week beginning 21st March

Assessment Week - Y1-Y5 PiRA and PUMA tests

22/03/22 - Year 4 Apollo Music Trip to Hackney Empire

24/03/22 - Year 6 Hamlet Trip to the National Theatre

24/03/22 - Year 1 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

25/03/22 - Reception Come Learn With Me

25/03/22 - Year 5 & 6 Inter Federation Basketball Tournament

Week beginning 28th March

Assessment Week for Year 6

31/03/22 - Year 2 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

31/03/22 - Parent Consultation Meetings

01/04/22 - End of Spring Term 2 - 2.00pm finish (No Our Space)

Summer Term 1

Week beginning 18th April

18/04/22 - Easter Monday Bank Holiday - School is Closed

19/04/22 - Start of Summer Term 1 at 8.55am

20/04/22 - Family Workout Wednesday (9.00am - 9.45am in the Main Hall)

21/04/22 - Year 3 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

22/04/22 - Year 1 Come Learn With Me

Week beginning 25th April

27/04/22 - Family Workout Wednesday (9.00am - 9.45am in the Main Hall)

28/04/22 - Year 4 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

29/04/22 - Year 2 Come Learn With Me

29/04/22 - Year 3 Music Trip to Hackney Town Hall

Week beginning 2nd May

02/05/22 - Early May Bank Holiday - School is Closed

04/05/22 - Family Workout Wednesday (9.00am - 9.45am in the Main Hall)

05/05/22 - Mayoral Elections - Nursery Closed

05/05/22 - Year 5 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

06/05/22 - Year 3 Come Learn With Me

06/05/22 - Year 5 & 6 Inter Federation Football Tournament

Week beginning 9th May

09/05/22 - Year 6 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling SATS test

10/05/22 - Year 6 Reading SATS test

11/05/22 - Year 6 Mathematics Arithmetic and Reasoning Paper 1 SATS test

12/05/22 - Year 6 Mathematics Reasoning Paper 2 SATS test

13/05/22 - Class Photos

Week beginning 16th May

18/05/22 - Family Workout Wednesday (9.00am - 9.45am in the Main Hall)

19/05/22 - Year 6 Come Dine With Me (book through the school office)

20/05/22 - Year 4 Come Learn With Me

Week beginning 23rd May

25/05/22 - Family Workout Wednesday (9.00am - 9.45am in the Main Hall)

27/05/22 - School Closed (additional bank holiday)

30/05/22 - 03/06/22 - May Half Term

06/06/22 - Start of Summer Term 2 at 8.55am

10/06/22 - Year 5 Come Learn With Me

Our Learning

The Nursery children have loved reading the book Handa's Surprise. They tasted a range of delicious fruit just like Handa! Reception read the Water Princess by Susan Verde to learn about the importance of water and how to save water in school and at home. Year 1 were transported back to Pudding Lane circa 1666 to learn about the Great Fire of London through an interactive history workshop last week. They learnt where the fire started and why it spread so quickly. Year 2 have been solving 2-digit by 2-digit addition equations by regrouping. They have learnt to make the numbers in dienes or represent them using jottings, group the tens, groups the ones, then regroup if necessary.

Year 4 were very excited by their visit from an Anglo-Saxon last week. They took part in a range of workshops to explore maps, clothing and other artefacts to learn more about what life was like during the Anglo-Saxon era.

Congratulations to the Year 3 and 4 children who took part in and won the first New Wave inter-federation sports competition. They competed in a futsal (small-sided indoor football) tournament. The teams from all four schools played brilliantly making it a tough competition! We can't wait to participate in future federation events which include basketball, football and dodgeball.

Congratulations also goes to our Year 3/4 and 5/6 gymnastic squads who both came back to Grazebrook with silver medals from the Young Hackney Key Steps competition held earlier this month. Coach Hassan was proud of the children's team spirit and professional attitude.

Mr Cryan and Mr Fleming have been very impressed by Year 5's continued focus and engagement during their weekly guitar lessons. The children have also shown increasing confidence in the pool during their swimming lessons. They will be receiving certificates at the end of the term when their swimming courses finish.

The National Theatre came to Grazebrook last week with our Year 6's taking part in workshops which introduced them to the main characters and plot of Hamlet. They will be watching a young people's version of the play at the Dorfman Theatre later this month.

Further Learning Opportunities

If your child is in Year 1, why not visit the Museum of London to learn more about the Great Fire of London? At the museum, you can watch a simulation of the fire and how it spread. The museum's online resources can be found here.

This week Year 2 will visit the Florence Nightingale Museum as part of their Marvellous Medics history topic. Why don't you visit the statue of Mary Seacole outside St Thomas' Hospital? You can find more information about Mary here.

Year 3 have been finding out about Ancient Egypt in their history lessons. There are many impressive Egyptian artefacts at the British Museum. You might also enjoy a visit to the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archeology where you can see Egyptian clothes, works of art and a range of everyday objects from the Nile Valley.

Year 4 are studying the Anglo-Saxons. Find out more by exploring the impressive artefacts found at the Sutton Hoo ship burial in Gallery 41 at the British Museum. More information about the gallery and the treasures you will find there can be found here here.

Year 5 are learning about life in Ancient Greece. Why not book a free ticket to visit the Science Museum's 'Ancient Greeks: Science and Wisdom exhibition'? More information can be found here. You could also use a trail guide to take you on an Ancient Greek journey of discovery around the British Museum.

Year 6 are learning about the lives of Victorian children. Why don't you visit The Charles Dickens Museum to learn more about this famous Victorian writer? Alternatively, take a tour of 1840s 'Sailortown' at the Museum of London, Docklands or take a virtual tour around the streets of 19th-century London with the Museum of London here.

Key Contacts

If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting with them. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are:

Nursery, Reception and Year 1: Ms Joanna Ichim (Interim Assistant Headteacher)

Year 2: Ms Becki McCready

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6: Mr Duncan Kilty (Deputy Headteacher)

SEND: Ms Lindsey O'Shea (SENCo)

All email queries should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.