Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

Monday 7th February 2022

Message from Mrs Beecroft

Dear Grazebrook families

It seems incredible that we are already at the midpoint of this academic year. The children have shown such resilience over the last few months, working hard and enjoying lots of enrichment and the extra-curricular activities on offer to them. The staff are looking forward to the coming weeks and months, where we will once again be able to invite you into the school to learn and have fun alongside your child.

We will shortly be sharing with you the curriculum leaflets, knowledge organisers, maker mats and spellings for Spring 2. All the information will be uploaded to the classes section of the Grazebrook website for your reference across the next half term. If you ever require paper copies of any documents, please let our office staff know and they will provide them for you.

Parent Consultations will be held on Thursday 31st March. We are hopeful that these will be face-to-face, but this is dependent on the school and local COVID-19 case rate at that time. Key dates for Spring 2 can be found below and on the school website calendar. Please note that the school will be closed for the half-term break between 14th–18th February. Children will return to school on Monday 21st February at 8.55am.

Our Learning

Art and Design and Design Technology

Each half term, across the school, the children study either Art and Design or Design Technology. This half term, Year 4 have explored the work of Barbara Hepworth and have designed and made their own sculptures from clay. Year 5 have been inspired by the Mexican textile artist Victoria Villasana and have been practising their embroidery skills.


Fieldwork is an integral part of our geography curriculum. Each year, children will take part in at least one local and one further-afield study to develop their locational knowledge.

Here are 1B identifying physical and human features in central London. Later this week, 1G will have their turn exploring their capital city and Year 5 will be conducting a survey to learn more about the New River.


Year 2 have been learning how to use musical notation in order to create their own Minimalist compositions inspired by Steve Reich and Terry Riley. Year 4 have also been composing using the app GarageBand.

Hackney Youth Orchestra Trust at Stoke Newington School

If you are interested in exploring music opportunities outside of school, Hackney Youth Orchestra Trust are back at Stoke Newington School and are teaching:

Solo (1:1) in violin, viola, cello, double bass, clarinet, flute, oboe, recorder, french horn, trumpet, percussion, piano and singing.

Tutti (groups) with junior orchestra, theory and aural, and vocal ensemble.

Avanti (5-7 year olds) with recorder, singing and musicianship.

Further information can be found on their website. If you are interested, here is the link to their online booking form:


This half term, Year 5 have been developing their gymnastics skills in their PE lessons whilst Year 6 have been mastering tag rugby. Recently Year 4 took part in a Hackney Schools basketball competition, showcasing their excellent teamwork and shooting skills to win all their games.

Congratulations to Ms Bratt and Ms Wynne who have recently joined our curriculum leadership team.

Ms Bratt will lead on Design Technology and Art and Design. Ms Wynne will be focusing on developing our computing curriculum and the use of iPad and technology across the wider curriculum.

Reading Breakfasts

We were thrilled to be able to invite families back into school again last week. Thank you to all the Reception families who joined us for their reading breakfast last Friday. We loved how many siblings came along too to read with their brothers and sisters. We are looking forward to welcoming our Year 3 families this Friday. Please join us in the Main Hall from 8.30am.

Thursday 3rd March is World Book Day

Last week, we sent a letter outlining our plans for World Book Day on Thursday 3rd March. Thank you to those children who have already submitted entries for a book-themed lunch and/or designed a book token. There is still plenty of time for children to submit an entry. The deadline is Monday 21st February. Please find further information about the day and how we will be celebrating below.

Safer Internet Use

Tuesday 8th February is Safer Internet Day. This is celebrated globally each year to promote the positive and safe use of digital technology by children and young people. The theme this year is 'All Fun and Games' and is focused on supporting children to maintain positive online relationships with their friends and show respect to each other.

The key messages we are sharing with children this week are:

  • Be kind to others online

  • Keep accounts private and don't tell your friends or strangers your passwords

  • Be careful what you share and who you share it with

  • Play online games safely – only game with friends you know in real life

  • If you feel unsafe, tell a trusted adult

For further tips and guidance, please find a link to a parents and carers guide from the UK Safer Internet Centre here.

Eco-Council Update and Recycling Workshops

Earlier this term, our new Eco Councillors began an audit of the school to identify areas where the school could be more sustainable. The Eco Council will use the audit to develop an action plan which they will present to the children and staff of Grazebrook so that we can collaborate to make our school greener.

Last week all the children from Nursery to Year 6 attended recycling workshops run by one of our parents, Kelly Sullivan, who is the Environmental Education Officer for Hackney. Thank you Kelly! The children were introduced to a range of new recycling bins which are now in place across the school. These will not only allow us to recycle paper, plastic and metal, but also stationery, like pens and glue sticks. We will also now be collecting our food waste.

Spring Term Key Dates


07/02/22 - 11/02/22 Year 6 PGL Residential

09/02/22 - Year 4 Apollo Music Workshop

10/02/22 - Year 3 Science Trip to Abney Park Cemetery

11/02/22 - 1G Geography Field Trip to Central London

11/02/22 - Catch Up Flu Vaccinations (postponed from 04/02 due to NHS staff absences)

11/02/22 - Reception and Year 1 Fluoride Varnish Programme

11/02/22 - End of Spring Term 1 (3.30pm finish)

21/02/22 - Start of Spring 2 term

23/02/22 - Eco-Council Grazebrook Waste Audit

March & April

01/03/22 - Year 6 Secondary School Offers Day (by email)

03/03/22 - World Book Day: Dress Up As Your Favourite Book Character, Book Swap, Bake Sale

08/03/22 - Year 1 In School History Workshops

10/03/22 - Eco Council Action Plan Workshop

21/03/22 - Assessment Week

22/03/22 - Year 4 Apollo Music Trip

24/03/22 - Year 6 Trip to the National Theatre for Hamlet Workshops

31/03/22 - Parent Consultations

01/04/22 - End of Spring Term 2 (2.00pm finish - No Our Space)

19/04/22 - Start of Summer Term

Key Contacts

If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting with them. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are:

Nursery, Reception and Year 1: Ms Joanna Ichim (Interim Assistant Headteacher)

Year 2: Ms Becki McCready

Years 3, 4, 5 and 6: Mr Duncan Kilty (Deputy Headteacher)

SEND: Ms Lindsey O'Shea (SENCo)

All email queries should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.