Grazebrook Primary School Bulletin

6th February 2023

Message from Mrs Beecroft 

Dear Grazebrook families 

January was a really busy and exciting month at Grazebrook. This half term, the school has been alive with music and art lessons, trips, visitors, assemblies and some fantastic hands-on learning in lessons. The staff have been really impressed by how confident the children are becoming using their knowledge organisers to check key definitions and concepts. Please continue to talk to your child about their learning across the curriculum using the knowledge organisers to support your conversations. You might ask your child to define a key word or explain a concept or link their current learning to past or future learning within a subject and across subjects. The knowledge organisers for Spring 2 will be uploaded to the classes section of the school website by the end of the week. 

This week sees our Year 6 children heading to Dorset for a week at PGL in Osmington Bay. We would like to say a huge thank you to the staff going with the children. We are sure they will all have a fantastic week of challenges and fun. For the children staying behind, there will be trips to The Castle Climbing Centre and Shakespeare's Walk Adventure Playground as well as an art project in school. 

Tuesday 7th February is Safer Internet Day. The year's theme is, 'Want to talk about it? Making space for conservations about life online.' Our assemblies this week will focus on helping children to identify and talk about how to use the internet safely. We will be asking the children to discuss online issues that may affect them, the changes they want to see and how we can work together to advocate for them. 

Thank you to all those families who donated or sold the delicious treats at the Year 4 PSA Bake Sale. £377 was raised which will go towards a trip or activity chosen by the children. The next Bake Sale will be held by our Year 1 families on Friday 24th February. If you have any school uniform or World Book Day costumes which your child has outgrown, please consider donating them to the school. They will be available for families to take at our monthly bake sales or by speaking to Pam at the school office. 

We understand that the current cost of living crisis is having an impact not only on family budgets but also on people's mental health. The NHS have produced a superb set of videos which can be used to support the whole family ranging from issues with anxiety, online safety and general wellbeing. We highly recommend you have a look have a look at them:

Key Dates 

06/02-10/02 Year 6 PGL Residential 

06/02 4G Trip to the National History Museum 

06/02 Safer Internet Day 

07/02 Year 3 Science Trip to Abney Park Cemetery 

09/02 Year 4 Come Dine With Me 

10/02 Year 1 Reading Breakfast 

10/02 End of Spring 1 School Closes at 3.30pm (Our Space as usual)

21/02 Year 5 Trip to Parliament 

22/02 This Girl Can Sports Contest (selected Y5/Y6 pupils) 

23/02 Year 3 Come Dine With Me 

24/02 Year 2 Reading Breakfast

24/02 Year 1 PSA Family Bake Sale and Uniform Swap 

01/03 Reception Parents Reading Workshop 

01/03 Young Hackney Gymnastics Contest (selected pupils) 

02/03 Year 2 Come Dine With Me 

03/03 World Book Day (rearranged from 02/03) 

07/03 Whole School Skipping Workshops 

08/03 Nursery Family Play Workshop 

09/03 Year 1 Come Dine With Me 

13/03 British Science Week 

15/03 Young Hackney Dance Competition (selected pupils) 

16/03 Reception Come Dine With Me 

17/03 Year 4 Learning Celebration Assembly 

23/03 Nursery Come Dine With Me 

24/03 Year 6 Reading Breakfast

24/03 Nursery Family Friday 

24/03 Year 2 PSA Family Bake Sale and Uniform Swap 

29/03 Young Hackney Badminton Content (selected pupils) 

31/03 End of Spring 2 School Closes at 2pm (No Our Space) 

Standards and Outcomes

At Grazebrook, we have always had high expectations of our children and consistently encourage them to do their best. Our shared school values allow the staff to talk about these expectations with the children and to link this to the work they complete in class. We encourage the children to take responsibility for their own learning and to be focused on what they have done well, their progress over time and how they can improve.

The children complete handwriting tasks at school during which they are encouraged to use a cursive script to complete patterns and practise joins. They are then expected to write in this style in their curriculum books for geography, history, writing, maths and science. This week, children in Key Stage 2 will begin to be awarded new pen licences and a rollerball pen when they consistently demonstrate excellent focus and pride in the presentation of work in their books. 

We believe that all of our children should have a pen by the time they reach Year 6. With your support and encouragement, we know that all our children will demonstrate excellence. For those children who need additional support in this area, we run handwriting interventions, provide children with pencil and pen grips and will offer handwriting practice books to children which they can take home.  If you have any questions about how to support your child with handwriting, please contact Ms Khan via the school office. 

New Wave English Hub 

As many of you are aware, Grazebrook is the home of the New Wave English Hub. We work with other primary schools to improve the teaching of phonics, reading and early language. Being part of an English Hub also means our teachers receive excellent professional development in these areas and are provided with opportunities to share their best practice with other teachers. Last week, we showcased our approach to supporting children to develop their love of reading through story times, pupil recommended reads, our books to learn from and our books to read for pleasure. 

This term, we have welcomed Manjit Nandhra to Grazebrook as our new English Hub and English Leader. Over the course of Manjit’s career, she has taught across the primary key phases in Leicestershire and South London, leading Key Stage One. Her most recent role as Assistant Headteacher involved the strategic leadership of the English Curriculum and Early Career Framework programme. Alongside this role, she has worked as an English Improvement Lead within a large trust, raising standards in Early Reading and within the writing curriculum. She has supported many schools, improving the teaching and learning of reading and phonics as part of this role. Manjit's favourite children’s book is Roald Dahl's Matilda.

Learning Across the Curriculum

At Grazebrook, one of our values is creativity. We are curious about the world. We seek new ways to innovate. We solve problems creatively and ask thoughtful questions. We put creative energy and effort into all areas of school life. 

In our music lessons, we have been focusing on developing our knowledge of instruments, with Reception learning to identify and play a range of percussion instruments; Year 2 have learnt A, B and G on the recorder in order to play simple tunes, and Key Stage 2 are continuing to develop their knowledge of the violin and read simple musical notation in their weekly lessons with their tutors. 

Year 6 have been inspired by their class book Holes by Louis Sachar. They have written some incredible diary entries and autobiographies in role as some of the main characters, including Kate Barlow and Stanley Yelnats. We particularly loved their yellow-spotted lizards, which the children researched, designed and created, using clay, with their families. The lizards are now painted and will go home later this term.

Across the school, the children have been developing their knowledge of coding in their computing lessons. Our Year 2 pupils have learnt that algorithms are a set of steps in order. The children were set challenges to design algorithms to command Bee-bots to move to different locations on a map. Year 4 built on this knowledge by learning that algorithms can be implemented as code. The children learnt how to use Logo with a focus on repetition and loops within programming. Our Year 6 learners have developed their knowledge of variables in programming. They used variables to create and improve a game in Scratch. 

Year 3 have been learning about rocks in their science lessons this half term. They are now able to identify different rocks and describe their properties. They carried out comparative tests to determine which rocks are hard and which are impermeable. They used this knowledge to make recommendations for the best rock to use for a statue of Mary Anning, the fossil hunter. Last week, the children met Mary Anning via a virtual workshop and learnt about fossils, how they are formed and what they can tell us about the past. This week the children will visit Abney Park Cemetery to find examples of erosion and very old, but still intact, gravestones, and what this might tell us about the families who bought them. 

During their Design Technology lessons, Year 5 designed and made a moving display. In order to create their models, the children learnt about different types of cams: egg, off-centre, peg and snail. They chose the best mechanisms to create the desired movement in their model. This week, the childen will evaluate their products and make suggestions for improvements. 

Learning outside the classroom 

Year 1 had a fantastic time in central London exploring the human and physical features of our city on a site-seeing tour as part of their geography learning. They particularly loved their trip on the River Thames on a clipper boat! Their trip seems to have inspired some spectacular home-learning projects too. Thank you to all our Year 1 families for your support in making these amazing maps and models. 

The Year 2 children explored a human feature of London as part of their geography learning by visiting Hackney City Farm. They were able to plot the route from school to the farm using their knowledge of maps from the Autumn term. They learnt that farms are a human feature that can generally be found in rural locations, but also in cities. Meeting the donkeys, goats, chickens and pigs helped the children recall their knowledge of animals from Year 1 which will help them in their future science learning understanding that animals have offspring which grow into adults. The pigs and piglets at the farm were a great example of this. 

Reception children had a fantastic time at the Museum of the Home. They loved exploring the gardens and the homes from the past. They were especially fascinated by the old telephones, computers and televisions. 

Key Contacts 

If you have any queries regarding you child's learning, the first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You can speak to them at the end of the day or contact our school office to arrange a phone call or face-to-face meeting with them. At times, you may wish to contact the member of staff in charge of your child's year group. At Grazebrook, these are: 

Nursery and Reception: Ms Hasina Khan (Deputy Headteacher)

Year 1 and Year 2: Ms Niamh McLaughlin (Lead Teacher)

Year 3, Year 4, Year 5, Year 6: Mr Joshua Middleton (Assistant Headteacher) 

SEND: Ms Hasina Khan (Deputy Headteacher) 

All email queries including those for the attention of Mrs Beecroft or Mrs Reid should be sent to in the first instance with the addressee and/or topic in the subject line. These will be forwarded to the relevant member of staff.