Mr. McNutt's Math Training
Algebra 1
On a daily basis, students in Core Connections Algebra use problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigating, analyzing critically, gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments justifying their thinking. Students learn in collaboration with others while sharing information, expertise, and ideas. The course is well balanced among procedural fluency (algorithms and basic skills), deep conceptual understanding, strategic competence (problem solving), and adaptive reasoning (extension and application).
Inspirations & Ideas
What is Inspirations & Ideas? Think of a STEM Lab with an emphasis on math. Inspirations & Ideas envisions a world where mathematics is viewed as intriguing and useful, and is appreciated by all; where powerful mathematical thinking is an essential, universal, and desirable trait; and where people are empowered by mathematical reasoning to solve the world’s problems.
Algebra Homework:
Week 19 and 20
1/3/24 Wednesday- Problem 5-22 through 5-27
1/4/23 Thursday-Problems 5-34 through 3-39
1/5/24 Friday - 5-85 through 5-90
1/8/24 Monday- Problems 5-101 through 5-106
1/9/24 Wednesday- Problems 5-117 through 5-123
1/10/24 Wednesday -Sequence QUIZ HW-Pythagorean Theorem Worksheet
1/12/24 Friday -Problems 7-7 through 7-13 {Skip 7-11}
Week 16
12/4/23 Monday- Problems 5-50 through 5-55 and Number Pals Plans
12/5/23 Tuesday- Prepare for Number Pals
12/6/23 Wednesday - Problems 5-65 through 5-70
12/8/23 Friday - Problems 5-76 through 5-81
12/11/23 Monday - This week will be used to prepare for midterm, so homework will be done in class and at home
Week 14
11/13/23 Monday- Problems 4-98 through 4-101 and 4-104
11/14/23 Tuesday-Study Guide
11/15/23 Wednesday -None because of Chapter 4 Assessment
11/17/23 Friday - Problems 4-107 through 4-112
Week 13
11/6/23 Monday- Problems 4-49 through 4-54
11/7/23 Tuesday-Problem 4-60 and Bring Materials for Number Pals
11/8/23 Wednesday - Problems 4-71 through 4-76
11/10/23 Friday - Problems 4-81 through 4-86
I&I Homework:
Week 3
8/28/23 Monday - Problem Solving Tools
8/29/23 Tuesday - DESMOs Graphing
Week 2:
8/21/23 Monday - Finish Tower
8/22/23 Tuesday - Working as a team
8/23/23 Wednesday- Discovering Patterns
8/24/23- Desmos
8/25/23 Friday- Problem Solving Strategies
8/16/23 Wednesday - Sign Math Syllabus
8/17/23 Thursday - None
8/18/23 Friday - None
Mr. McNutt
Has been teaching at New Vision since 2011 and learned to wear many hats. I teach middle school math, but also I am the 5-8th interventionist as well as Athletics and Activities director. I love to be in the classroom, but also love being with my family, exploring new places, and challenging myself to try something new.