Welcome to 3rd Grade!

Announcements & Upcoming Events

  • 3/11-3/12 Conferences 4-8pm
  • 3/13 No School
  • 3/16-3/20 Spring Break no school

Astronomy Books and Websites

Here is the list of books and websites if you would like to look at the library or online for these. The kids are very engaged and excited about this unit and reading about it would be a great opportunity to get excited about reading as well!!

SKM_808 20012117350.pdf

Spelling List 3/2-3/6

words with /ur/ sound

  1. curl
  2. were
  3. work
  4. dirt
  5. world
  6. girl
  7. earth
  8. worm
  9. learn
  10. word
  11. first
  12. fur
  13. turn
  14. bird
  15. Thursday
  16. third

What we are currently working on

CKLA: Native Americans

Writing: Restating the question

Spelling: Week 13

Math: Fractions


Social Studies: Native Americans

Character Ed/Second Step:

Daily Schedule

7:55 -8:35 IR / Writing

8:35 - 9:10 Target Time

9:10 - 10:30 Specials

10:30 - 10:35 Snack

10:35 - 11:35 CKLA Read Aloud

11:40 - 12:05 Lunch

12:05 - 12:25 Recess

12:25 - 1:45 Math

1:45 - 2:00 Recess

2:00 - 3:10 CKLA Skills

3:10 - 3:20 Pack- up

Specials Schedule

Mrs. Neville

Mon: PE / Music

Tues: Spanish / Art

Wed: STEM / Library

Thurs: PE /Music

Fri: Spanish / Art

Ms. Rehg

Mon: Music / PE

Tues: STEM / Library

Wed: Music / PE

Thurs: Spanish / Art

Fri: Art/ Spanish

Ms. Christmas

Mon: STEM / Library

Tues: Art/ Spanish

Wed: PE / Music

Thurs: Art / Spanish

Fri: Music/PE

Scholastic Book Orders


Mrs. Neville: HDK2T

Ms. Rehg: W3YH7

Ms. Christmas: W9FTV

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions! We will do our best to return calls and emails by the next business day.

Mrs. Neville


Phone: x2208

Ms. Rehg


Phone: x2207

Ms. Christmas


Phone: x2206