
Link Crew Leader Application

  1. Fill out the online application form
  2. Using your school Gmail account, please create the free version of WeVideo ( in the Library section of NHS website) or another video resource to answering the appropriate questions.
  3. Using your school Gmail account, please email your video to both and


USING YOUR SCHOOL EMAIL ACCOUNT, please create a WeVideo of yourself answering the following questions. If you’ve never been a Link Crew Leader before, answer “New Link Leaders” questions. If you’ve served as a Link Crew Leader for 2019-2020, answer “Returning Link Leaders” questions.

This is your chance to show us your personality!

Feel free to be creative!


1. What activities are you involved in both in and outside of school?

2. Describe your experience with Link Crew when you were a freshmen. How could you make it better?

3. We host different events throughout the year for Link Leaders to connect with freshmen. What new ideas do you have for events for next year?


1. What was your best experience you had in Link Crew as a leader? What is one thing you wish you could change or add to take Link Crew to the next level?

2. Who is one freshmen that you had in your group this year that could vouch for you as a leader?

3. What are some advisory activities that we can do to better connect with freshmen?

Submitting your Video

Use this format for submitting your WeVideo to the NHS Link Crew Advisors

If you have any technical difficulties, or need help - stop by the LMC or email Ms. Zandonella: