Newton LPDC

Important Links for the Newton Local Professional Development Committee and the Newton Certified Staff

If you have a 5-year License and work at Newton School, you have a Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) which oversees your professional development which is required for the eventual renewal of your license. This web page has several links to Google Docs and other websites to help you in your license renewal. You will need to be logged into your Newton Google account to access the Google Docs.

The Newton LPDC FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions; Google Docs)

Creating an IPDP Using the Kiosk Website (Google Docs)

Creating an Activity Using the Kiosk Website (Google Docs)

Renewing you License with the ODE Tutorial (Google Docs)

LPDC By-Laws (Google Docs)

Kiosk Website (External Link)

OH ID Website (for Renewing your License - visit the CORE, Educator Licensure site) (External Link)

Schedule of Meetings for 2024-2025

The LPDC is now meeting virtually, so the itinerary is sent out to the LPDC on the Monday of the following weeks and the committee has till Thursday to complete their review. If you want to be approved in a certain month, be sure to have your work done before the Monday of those weeks.

Decisions will be made by the Friday of the weeks listed above.