Use a journal to write down your thoughts, reactions, feelings, questions, or reflections regarding the resources you interact with.

Here are some suggestions/questions to help you write a response:

    • Use the "Levels of Thinking" document with sentence starters to respond to a resource

    • What do you notice?

    • What do you still wonder?

    • What are your reactions or feelings?

    • What in this article, video, etc. relates to your personal experiences the most?

Create a Scavenger Hunt to explore restaurants and businesses in predominantly black neighborhoods.

  • Create a list

  • Draw a map

Create a visual to process and reflect on what you read, listen to, discuss, or view.

These could be made digitally or by hand. You could make:

  • Drawing

  • Poster

  • Collage

  • Word Cloud

  • Symbol

  • Photograph

Write a letter to:

    • An influential person or figure (They could be someone from the past or present)

    • A politician

    • A friend

    • A family member

    • School leadership (a teacher, principal or superintendent)

    • Yourself

The letter could be about your reactions to specific events or resources, about changes you want to see in the world, about what gives you hope, or addressing differences in perspectives.

You can choose to mail the letter to the person you wrote to, or just write it as an exercise without sending it.

Read a Book!

Click the links for the resources below to find a book about race, equality, anti-racism, & social justice:

Join the Bigelow World Issues & Politics Club! This club will continue over the summer!

  • Join to discuss World Issues and Politics.

  • This is a student-led club, that aims to educate youth on important current and past events in this nation and around the world.

  • Engage in discussions with your peers!

Information About How to Join this Club:

  • Click on this Zoom Link to join meetings

  • When it meets: Every Wednesday from 3-4 pm