Extra Credit

Extra Credit is offered exclusively after mid-term, and is NOT an option in the third term.

Assignments are DUE at least a week before a term ends.

You are eligible to earn extra credit, if you have met the basic requirements for homework and classwork.

If you are interested in doing extra credit please stop by to see me about your eligibility to do so if it is not clear to you on Schoology.

Mid-term begins October 18, 2019 - Term 1 ends - December 6, 2019

Mid-term begins January 24, 2020 - Term 2 ends - March 13, 2020

Your choices are as follows:

1) Independent Reading - a novel (length average 200 pages) or literature genre of your own choice:

  • 5 entry journal is required in order to earn maximum credit.

Directions: You may choose to reflect on any or all prompts on the Reader’s Writer's Entries sheet. Please stop by and see me if you have any questions.

Need a good read? Check out these sites:

2) A (Literary/Writing) Contest:

You do not have to win the contest, but you must submit your proof of entry and a copy of your writing.

Take advantage of contests our school librarian , Ms. Summa, posts on the Library link on Bigelow's website throughout the school year.


See me about further details.

3) Showcase Your Talent:

Please stop by and share your ideas (write a song, create an art piece - painting/sculpture, make a movie, etc.)

Let me know what you are thinking, and we can develop a plan that will demonstrate your love of learning.