
My name is Ernesto Hernandez. I grew up in the Jamaica Plain section of Boston and now live in Watertown. I graduated from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst with a business degree, but never found my place in that world. I mastered the day to day duties of an account manager position, but found working for the company extremely unfulfilling. Many of my friends had become teachers, and they all enjoyed what they were doing and recommended the profession as one which I would succeed at and enjoy. I spent some time substituting at the Neighborhood House Charter School’s after school program in Dorchester and I found that I enjoyed a work environment where I was surrounded by young children. I come from a big family, and being one of the oldest, I got used to caring for my younger cousins. I always treasured this time with my family as kids have the ability to put a smile on your face like nothing else. I decided I wanted to be a teacher, and began working as an inclusion aide in a third grade classroom at Burr Elementary in Newton, MA. In January, 2011, I enrolled in the MAT program at Northeastern to study elementary education. After graduating, I excitedly joined Underwood as a full time teacher in 2012!

In my spare time I like to play music, exercise and watch our great home sports teams! I also love to sample Boston’s great restaurant scene whenever I can. I am very excited to teach here at Underwood Elementary!