
Weekly Homework Schedule


-Read for twenty minutes and fill in your reading log.

-Write your spelling words. Circle all the vowels and underline all the consonants.

-Go onto XtraMath and practice your facts. Make sure to fill in the log.


-Read for twenty minutes and fill in your reading log.

-Go onto Spelling City, type in your spelling words and play a spelling game.

-Complete the “Tuesday” math sheet.


-Read for twenty minutes and fill in your reading log.

-Write your spelling words with rainbow spelling. Change colors for each letter.

-Go onto XtraMath and practice your facts. Make sure to fill in the log.


-Read for twenty minutes and fill in your reading log.

-Go onto Spelling City, type in your spelling words and play a spelling game.

-Complete the “Thursday” math sheet.

*Study for your spelling quiz tomorrow!

*All homework is due the next morning.*