The Greeks

The Greek civilization was an ancient and remarkable society that existed in the past. It started around 800 BCE and lasted until around 146 BCE. The Greeks lived in a place called Greece, which is located in southern Europe. They had their own language, known as Greek, and their stories and myths were filled with brave heroes like Hercules and exciting events like the Trojan War. The Greeks were famous for their love of learning and thinking about important ideas such as democracy and philosophy. They also built magnificent structures like the Parthenon in Athens, which still stands today as a symbol of their incredible achievements.

The influence of the ancient Greeks extends far beyond their time. They made significant contributions to art, literature, science, and philosophy, which continue to shape societies around the world. Their advancements in technology, such as the invention of the water mill and the development of the first analog computer known as the Antikythera mechanism, paved the way for future innovations. The Greeks' fame and achievements have made them a symbol of classical civilization, and their legacy can be seen in fields such as mathematics, medicine, and the Olympic Games, which were originally established in ancient Greece.

The Parthenon at Night in the Present Day

Government & Social Structure
