
Selected Peer-Review Articles (*denotes student authorship)

Ebhrahimi, C.T.*, Polanco-Roman, L., Saraiya, T.C., Bauer, A.G., & Hien, D. (2024). Historical Trauma and Polysubstance Use in Black Young Adults: The Role of Contemporary Racism. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.

Polanco-Roman, L., Ebrahimi, C.T.*, Satinsky, E.N., Benau, E.M., Lanes, A.M.*, Iyer, M., & Galán, C.A. (2024). Racism-Related Experiences and Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Ethnoracially Minoritized Youth: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology. DOI:


Gomez, J, Reid, L. Polanco-Roman, L., Peyton, C*, Barney, A*., & Olugbemiga, O.* (2023). Self and collective care as radical acts: A mixed method study on racism-based traumatic stress among emerging adults. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, Online ahead of print.

Polanco-Roman, L., Ebrahimi, C.T.,* Mafnas, K.S.W.,* Hausmann-Stabile, C., Meca, A., Mazzula, S.L., Duarte, C.S., & Lewis-Fernandez, R. (2023). Acculturation and suicide-related risk in ethnoracially minoritized youth in the U.S.: A scoping review and content analysis of the empirical evidence. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, Online ahead of print.

Molock, S., Boyd, R., Alvarez, K., Cha, C., Denton, E., Hughes, J., Katz, C., Meca, A., Meza, J., Miranda, R., Mueller, A., Ortin-Peralta, A., Polanco-Roman, L., Singer, J., Zullo, L., & Miller, A.B. (2023). Culturally responsive assessment of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in youth of color. American Psychologist, Online ahead of print.

Polanco-Roman, L., DeLapp, R. C., Dackis, M. N., Ebrahimi, C. T.*, Mafnas, K. S.*, Gabbay, V., & Pimentel, S. S. (2022). Racial/ethnic discrimination and suicide-related risk in a treatment-seeking group of ethnoracially minoritized adolescents. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 13591045221132682.

Polanco-Roman, L., Hollingsworth, D. W., Liang, C.*, Oduro, N.*, & Anglin, D. M. (2022). Racial/ethnic discrimination, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts among ethnoracially minoritized college students. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 92(6), 720–730.

Alvarez, K., Polanco-Roman, L., Breslow, A. & Molock, S. (2022). Structural racism and youth suicide prevention: A conceptual framework and illustration across systems. American Journal of Psychiatry. (Link

Polanco-Roman, L, Miranda, R., Hien., D. & Anglin, D.M. (2021). Racial/ethnic discrimination as race-based trauma and suicide-related risk in racial/ethnic minority young adults: The explanatory role of stress sensitivity and dissociative symptoms. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy. (Link

Lugo-Candelas, C., Polanco-Roman, L., & Duarte, C. S. (2021). Intergenerational Effects of Racism: Can Psychiatry and Psychology Make a Difference for Future Generations?. JAMA Psychiatry, 78(10), 1065–1066. (Link

Polanco-Roman, L., & Miranda, R. (2021). A cycle of exclusion that impedes suicide research among racial and ethnic minority youth. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behaviors. (Link

Polanco-Roman, L., Alvarez, K., Gould, M., Corbeil. T., Wall, M. Alegria, M., Bird, H., Canino, G., & Duarte C.S. (2021). Association of childhood adversities and suicide ideation and attempts in Puerto Rican young adults. JAMA Psychiatry, Online First. (Link

Polanco-Roman, L., Ahmad, K., Tigershtrom, A., Jacobson, C., & Miranda, R. (2019). Emotion expression, suicidal ideation, and explanatory factors: Differences by Asian American subgroups compared to White emerging adults. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, Online First. (Link)

Polanco-Roman, L., Anglin, D., Miranda, R., & Jeglic, E. (2019). Racial/ethnic discrimination and suicidal ideation in emerging adults: The role of traumatic stress and depressive symptoms varies by gender not race/ethnicity. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 48, 2023-2037. (Link)

Polanco-Roman, L., Moore, A., Tsypes, A., Jacobson, C., & Miranda, R. (2017). Emotion reactivity, comfort expressing emotions, and future suicidal ideation in emerging adults. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74, 123-135. (Link)

Polanco-Roman, L., Gomez, J., Miranda, R. & Jeglic, E. (2016). Stress-related symptoms and suicidal ideation: The roles of depression and rumination vary by gender. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 40, 606-116. (Link)

Polanco-Roman, L., Danies, A., & Anglin, D.M. (2016). Racial discrimination as race-based trauma, coping strategies and dissociative symptoms among emerging adults. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice and Policy, 8, 609-17. (Link)

Polanco-Roman, L., Jurska, J., Quinones, V. & Miranda, R. (2015). Brooding, reflection, and distraction: Relation to non-suicidal self-injury versus suicide attempts. Archives of Suicide Research, 19(3), 350-365. (Link)

Polanco-Roman, L., Tsypes, A., Soffer, A. & Miranda, R. (2014). Ethnic differences in the prevalence and correlates of self-injurious behaviors in a treatment-seeking sample of emerging adults. Psychiatry Research, 220, 927-934. (Link)

Polanco-Roman, L. & Miranda, R.  (2013). Culturally-related stress, hopelessness and vulnerability to depression and suicidal ideation in emerging adulthood. Behavior Therapy, 44, 75-87.  (Link)