ENL at Lenape
with Ms. Chapman
Work will be posted by each teacher in
Google Classroom
Check all of your Google classrooms daily!
Ms. Chapman's office hours: 11:30-12:30, Monday through Friday.
Resources for English Learners
While your children are not at school it is important that they continue to practice their English. Here are some ideas and resources that can help -- and keep it fun!
It is also important to work on literacy skills in your home language. It’s always a great idea to read to your children or have them read to you!
Write the alphabet down the left side of a piece of paper. See if your child can think of a word for each letter of the alphabet.
Play guessing games such as “I Spy,” “I’m Thinking of Something that Starts with the Letter ___,” and “Twenty Questions.”
Have your child read to you (or vice versa) before they go to bed at night. If they find a book they like, have them read the same one again for extra fluency practice.
Create stories one line at a time, alternating between players.
Draw cartoons and practice English by using speech bubbles.
Play Categories: each player writes five categories across the top of a piece of paper and five letters of the alphabet down the side. Set a timer for five minutes and try to think of words in each category that begin with the letters you chose.
Online Resources
Storyworks Jr. - great resource for reading! Classroom password- ENL12345
Storyworks - great resource for reading! Classroom password- ENL12345
Scholastic Learn at Home - organized lessons to do at home
RAZ-Kids - listen to, read, and answer questions about short texts. Teacher- achapman26
International Children's Digital Library: ICDL - FREE books for children
Highlights Kids - animated stories, a poetry maker, The Hidden Pictures game can help with vocabulary building
Story Starters for Kids - generates a random story starter to get kids’ imaginations kick-started and help them to start a story of their own.
Brains on! - Podcasts for kids
Breaking News English Lessons - Activities based on news headlines and current events from around the world.
Funbrain: Games, Videos, and Books for Kids - interactive activities to help kids develop skills in English literacy.
Storyline Online - animated stories read by actors!
Audible - listen to books
Check out the Lenape library page for English and math games!