Cosmic Housekeeping

Poem - by Gretchen Tessmer

there’s so much cosmic dust

cluttering up

the corners of distant galaxies

and oh, how dirty are

the faces of Jupiter’s moons

the Comets™ that you sent

swirling through

the oft-bent universe

are not an efficient

cleaning tool

(I’d try to get my money back, if I were you)

and, to be honest, the stars—

those most glorious

and incandescent

light fixtures, well

they seem to be rusting out

starting a spring-yellow

darkening to a summer-gold

before the gilding flakes off

revealing a scarlet-red

of madness and mayhem

and guess what?

right after the warranty runs out…

the damn things explode!

and it’s all rust and ashes

entropy and dust bunnies

filling up black holes—

the matted fabric and pocket lint of deep space

I’m just saying

it probably wouldn’t hurt

to take a broom to the place

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