Safe School and District Climate

The New Milford Public School Safe Climate Committee’s purpose is to ensure a safe school environment in which all members take the necessary actions needed to achieve positive academic, social, and emotional growth. Our schools are warm, welcoming destinations for students, families, and staff who are treated with respect and dignity.


What is School Climate?

School climate is the quality and character of school life with a focus on the quality of the relationships within the school community and among students and adults. (CTSDE)

School Climate Essentials: A CALL TO ACTION

Safe Schools = Successful Students and Collaborative Adults

The New Milford Public Schools District-Wide Safe School Climate Council aims to ensure students and faculty are provided with the safe environment needed to support teaching and learning. For this to occur, we must work collaboratively as a community.

The district, through its adoption of policy 5131.911(a), articulates its dedication to promoting The Board and maintaining a positive learning environment where all students are welcomed, supported, and feel safe in school, socially, emotionally, intellectually and physically. The purpose of this policy is to address the existence of bullying in schools and teen dating violence and to establish the district.

For more information about the District's Climate Plan, please click here.

Incident Reporting

Any student who believes he or she has been the victim of bullying may report the matter to any school employee. Students may anonymously report acts of bullying to school employees.

Parents or guardians of students may also file written reports of suspected bullying.

School employees who witness acts of bullying or receive reports of bullying are required to orally notify the safe school climate specialist (or another school administrator if the safe school climate specialist is unavailable), not later than one school day after such school employee witnesses or receives a report of bullying, and to file a written report not later than two school days after making such oral report.

District Wide Safe School Climate Committee Members

Holly Hollander , Assistant Superintendent

Gwen Gallagher, NES Principal

Michelli Anatolio, NES Social Worker

Stephanie Pilla, NES Grade 2 Teacher

Stacie Kabasakalian, Community Partner Youth Agency

Eric Williams, HPS Principal

Jennifer Meyers, SNIS Assistant Principal

Tara Gee, SNIS Grade 4 Teacher

Doranne Koval, HPS Grade 2 Teacher

Anna Perillo, Special Education Teacher

SMS Colleagues - Name coming

Kevin Best, NMHS Assistant Principal

Corinne Palmer, NMHS Social Studies Teacher